45 | Stay With Me

Start from the beginning

"After Stella was gone, I didn't care much. Didn't pay my people, was sinking in debt." He took a long swing at his bourbon. "Who the fuck cares anymore." He sat down in one of the armchairs.

This wasn't the same Kai I knew six years ago. This kai was depressed, scared, lonely. It almost made me feel...sorry for him. "I gotta say you should've pursued a career in-" There was a knock at the door.

My instinct was to reach for my back pocket to pull out my gun. "Shit." I muttered, "Give me your gun." I reached my hand out. This bastard was on the bridge of making me feel bad for him until he had to turn it right around when I watched him cross his arms over his chest, leaning back in the armchair and ignoring my request.

"Boss! You in there?" There was another knock at the door, "We know where Hazel went." Oh shit. Those words immediately triggered Kai when I see him lunge himself over at me in the corner of my eye.

I step to the said, making him trip and hit the floor with a loud thud, "You fucker!" He shouts.

He runs up to me, grabbing the collar of my shirt he swings me around, making my back clash with the front door, "Where is my daughter!" He yells. I grab the knife from my pocket, about to stab him when he acts quicker than me and grabs my hand.

"Not today Smith." He twists my hand in the opposite direction, pain shoots through my hand and up my arm, "You bastard!" I drop the knife to the floor, "You're going to pay for what you did." He slams my head against the wooden floors.

Agonizing pain radiates through my skull as I feel the discomfort starting to throb in my head, "You took my daughter away from me!" He climbs on top of me, taking a big swing to the side of my face, "She was the only happiness left in my life!" He hits me on the other side.

"Who are you talking about?" I turn my head to the side to spit out the excess blood, "Boss did you hear- Holy shit! What is he doing out?" My head spins when I get lifted up and thrown into a chair, "D-daniel?" I say breathlessly.

How is he alive?

"Nice to meet you again, Roman." He punches me right in the stomach, "Fuck!" I cry out, "What do you want to do with him?" Daniel flips his jet black hair out of his face, meeting those dark blue eyes of his, "Oh...I'm not done with him." Kai wipes his bloody fist on his white shirt.

Kai rests both his hands against the armrests of the chair "Where is my daughter Roman?!" He yells in my face, his spit gets caught in my eye. I stay quiet. With my face still throbbing and my eyes all swelled that I don't see much of Kai anymore.

Did he just say...daughter again?

"You're not going to talk huh?" I look over to Daniel, "That is just fine with us." Daniel reaches for his back pocket, pulling out a pocket knife, "Will this?" He flicks it open.

I clench my jaw together, get ready for the pain Roman, it going to hurt like a bitch. "Apparently not." He jabs the knife into my leg, "Son of a bitch!" I take deep breathes, trying to distract myself from the overflowing of blood that spreads throughout my pants.

"Where is Hazel?!" Kai shouts at me again, I continue to stay quiet. "Pull it out." He orders Daniel. I squeeze my eyes shut, "Yes!" He says with a cunning laugh.

The sharp object gets pulled out of my leg, leaving me to scream out, "I think it's time Roman had his beauty rest." Kai looks to Daniel. Both of them gave one another the same devilish smile and nodded. "Good idea...Dad." What the fuck did he- "Good night."


"Rome! Wake up!" My eyes lazily opened, "Wha-what's going on?" Someone walks behind me and starts to untie the ropes from my legs and remove the zip tie from my hands.

"We don't have much time baby. We need to get going." Hazel lifts me up but I immediately fall back to the chair, "Shit." She mumbled under her breath. "He isn't stable. You guys need to buy us more time." I watch Hazel speak into her earpiece.

She came back. She came to get me... I knew she would.

"Who-who are you talking to?" She slings my arm over her shoulder, as I lean to the side of her, "Val. We're going to get you out of here Rome." She kisses my cheek, "W-what about Kai?" I say breathlessly, "Don't worry about him." We continue to walk. My legs feel like they have turned into mush.

I feel so sleepy. It feels like she is walking fast but I know she is taking her time because of my weak state.

Not being able to keep up with what was feels like her quickened paces, "Princess..." I stop, "What, what happened baby?" She stops too. "I-I can't walk so fast," I drape my body onto her, "Oh, no." My eyes start to close, my eyelids getting too heavy to keep them open for much longer.

"No! No. Stay with me Rome." I feel her trying to lift me, trying to wake me. All I needed was a few minutes, that's all. "Five minutes Princess. Five minutes rest." I feel her place me on the floor.

"He is too weak to move. I need more of you-Shit! Kai just walked in." I tried keeping my eyes open to look at my beautiful Princess but I couldn't, "Stay here Rome." She pulls out her gun from behind her and starts aiming her shots at Kai.

"I need back up! There are too many of them. Roman needs a medic, Right now!" Her loud voice echoes through the bullets being fired. I lean my hand on the floor, pushing myself up, "Let...me..help you," She glances at me for a second, allowing me to see the fire in her eyes blaring.

"No! You'll get hurt. Please just-" Before she could finish I pulled her down with me, "I'm fine." I give her a peck at the lips and take her gun from her.

"Back down Roman!" I hear Daniel shout but I continue to aim my bullets at him, "I don't know how much longer we can hold them off." I crouch back down behind the wall.

"Rome..." I look down to Hazel to see blood spreading across her shirt, "No! No! No!" I drop the gun to the floor and remove my shirt, "Hazel, baby, stay with me." A glassy sheen glossed her hazel eyes as she watched me wrap the shirt around her wound.

"Roman." She whispered. I ignored her, I knew what she was going to say and I wasn't going to allow it, "Roman." Her voice was more stern this time, "No! Hazel! I'm not going to let you die!" I continue to press the shirt against her wound to clog the bleeding.

"I love you, My Prince." She gives my lips a gentle kiss. With every movement against her lips, I start to feel the life from her drain, "No, no." I mumbled against our lips, trying to keep her alive. "Stay with me! Princess!" She stopped.

Her lips stopped pressing against mine. Her last breath was gone. She was gone.

"Princess! Please...Wake up!" I cupped her face in my hands, shaking her to walk up, "Hazel!" She didn't. Her body limped over mine as it lied dead.



Luv u guys💞💞

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