Reality or Fictional?

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Gosh i feel like everything nowadays is just a dream. Everytime I go up to read in church infront of everyone I walk up to the stand and as I'm walking I get this tingle sensation. I hate that feeling so much because in my mind and body it makes me feel as if I'm not actually walking up there, I'm not actually in church, I'm not gonna go read or anything. I feel as if it is a dream it has yet to be dreamt about. Honestly now that I think about it when I have those long walk all alone by myself or listen to music alone in my room, this world I live in feels fictional and not real. It hurts. Another example you can't relate to it whenever you're on a plane, you get lost when you look out the window. It's like almost a dream in a field of clouds and your the only one sitting in the field day dreaming into the dark skies at midnight searching for the stars yet the still haven't appeared. I feel as if we're being trapped in a mysterious world. Our mind hasn't fully grasped all these situations happening and gosh it sucks like seriously I don't like it. My mind races like the speed of light at what's going on. I'm just waiting for the days that I don't get nervous or feel like I'm still floating on cloud 9. I just want to live freely and not think that this whole world is fictional or some kind of fairy tale book cause we all know in the end it's no where near that. If you ever think of falling off of something, this a real situation? because if you think your dreaming trust me, you're not. You won't land on pillow made of feathers you'll land on concrete or something hard and that's when it hits you. This isn't a dream. This is life. This is reality and we all need to face it. This is the truth. Let the truth be set in your mind and may you grasp it because damn we've all been waiting for that moment forever and you can't just forget about it and let it go. You'll be back at square one where you started. So I recommend wake up and venture out to the real world. This world isn't a fictional my friend it's quite real and we need to wake up and create memories and live as if it's out last day, our last breath of air..breathe in the world my friend cause we're on a roller coaster that only goes up.


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