Same sky?

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As I keep hearing the rain falling down and dripping onto the ground I can't help but to think about you. A million questions run through my head: are we feeling the same atmosphere? are we experiencing the same weather? is it raining where you are? 

 I hope the blankets keep you warm and cozy on this rainy night. 

I hope someone gives you a hug tonight and just comforts you.

You probably think I don't miss you, but there isn't one day that goes by that I don't think of you. We may not have ended on good terms, but you're always going to hold that one spot in my heart. 

As the rain drops keep falling slower and slower it feels like time is going as fast as one rain drop falling from the sky. 

I miss your face. 

I miss your actually don't know how hard it is to control myself from calling you just to check up on you. It's hard because I know that if I call you, you'll know I gave into you once again. There's been many times I've wasted myself for you and you didn't even care. 

Crazy to think that you know I'm crazy about you and you love to take advantage of me. I hate it, but I could never actually hate you my love. 

I just pray that you're doing okay and still on the road in search of yourself. I know you feel as if people have doubts about you, but I don't. 

I know you're going to do big things in life, it just takes time. Love you forever my friend. 

My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें