☁️The beach ☁️

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So about a while back I wrote this poem. It had gotten published. I was trying to include parts of the beach to symbolize us. This is how it goes, hope you like it 💗

"Life is like the beach, beautiful and precious, a place I go to stop and think."
"The waves, are like humans. We form at first and crash... but we always get back up."
"The wind, it blows in my hair causing a smile to appear upon my face knowing that it comes from another place."
"The sand, it's so soft yet rough, like our life. Our life is hard sometimes, but we have our days where we laugh or smile too much it hurts!"
"The seagulls, that fly over the ocean are like us. At first, we are with our family, then we move and make a family of our own."
"My thoughts all come when I'm at the beach. I feel like I'm the only person in the world...seeking to find something, but I'm not quite there yet."
"The ocean never ends, like my thoughts. But like our life... there is always an ending." -M.A.

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