Journey // Death // Thoughts

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So I am in a current position of pouring my heart out about everything right now. As I may add onto that, it's a crazy world we live in am I right? I believe life is this journey. This journey reaches beyond what we can imagine, yet do you believe you started your journey yet? This journey of life contains experiencing growing up, leaving family, meeting new people, going through M.A.N.Y tough situations you would've never thought you'd ever be going through. But hey to me you grow stronger from what you go through, from what you experience. God I don't know how many situations I've been through that till this day leave me scars and trust me, they may hurt like hell but they numb it up and soon the pain goes away. Guess what you do after that? You live life. You live your journey, painless as I may add. You're healed and better. Always remember nothing is ever going to stop you from your journey in life because no one should ever control you or tell you, you shouldn't be doing. I boosted my self confidence in my soon to be future by influencing the people around me that I can go on my journey and actually live. I saw a movie they other night and it's exactly like what I'm explaining to you. Pigeons are entered in a contest, and go through such a large and unbearable journey just to get to home again. The weather conditions are what affected them the most and to use the terms "weather" in our life are our problems in life. They are what try to push us back, but we have to be strong like the pigeon and go through those tough conditions, wether there people or anything your going through it will always have an impact, but what you have to do is fight and stay strong. Everyone knows we're strong at one point. All of us are an individual independent person needing to go through all this just to get to the end of the journey until life actually ends because frankly this journey doesn't end! Got you there haha, the journey of life ends at death. Now death is a beautiful thing in my honest opinion. If you die happy it's even more beautiful. Death has a meaning to me it's like evil conquers the horizon and tries to kill the Angels inside of you, but can't fully go over the highest mountain in Heaven. Finally, as you're slowly dying and on your journey to Purgatory. There our souls lies until God is ready for us to reach the depths of paradise. Frankly I believe Hell is a place of darkness and you can't see. People always say the saying "I'll see you in hell" but they never actually given a thought to what it's like. To me I see it as brining fire and your trying to escape. You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night and you try to turn on your light but you can't see so it feels like you're blind? Well that what I think of whenever Hell comes about. You're going to live in darkness and try to find "the light" for the rest of you're life. The again that's my view on Hell. I just hope everyone in this universe gives a thought on their journey and make it a good one before death occurs. Life is never forever.

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