Ending of 2018

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2018 has been such a crazy journey and one hell of a ride. Christmas was amazing, I got to spend it with my family and it just felt so good having everyone together again. After Christmas I came back home and a couple days later I got to spend the whole day with my mans. When I come around him he gets me so nervous and I can't stand it, I can stand him, I just can't stand how nervous he makes me ahhh. I want to right about that day in this part just so I can reference back to this when I'm old or something, for memories lol. Okay back to the whole day part, he picked me up and my dad was following right behind me because he noticed how nervous I was and he walked me out and ended up walking me out all the way to his car and that's when they met... I got in his car and we drove off to his work place because he wanted to buy some joggers. The one thing that throws me off is that I know he likes me, it's just he never shows it by like holding my hands or you know stuff like that. He ended up buying some joggers and then ran the errands my mom told me to do since we were already going to be in town lol. We then went to the mall to drop off my mom's bracelet and then we went back to his car and we were driving for so long lol then we went to get Starbucks. We probably went all over town that day, but honestly I was not complaining, he makes me feel so alive. I've never felt that way towards anyone like that before. Later on that night we ended up going to the movies and he called me cute so that was something, then it was really cold and he took off his jacket for me and damn, I really was in awe of him. Every time I look at him I am just so mesmerised, everything about him is just so perfect. During the movie he even put his arm around me and that was just the best feeling in the world. Ugh. After the movie we ended up hanging out with one of his friends and I thought this was the cutest thing when I showed his friend a song that I thought nobody knew by the way, and he ended up freaking out because he knew that song and he loved it. After a couple minutes hanging out with his friend he drove back to my place. I didn't want to go back in some we ended sitting in his car in the parking lot of a park. We sat in his car or just kidding more like we laid in his car and watched Trailer Park Boys for a while and then time passed and we ended up parked in front of my house and then we ended up talking and then kissing and that ended our date. I miss him so much lol. Okay but now let me tell you how my New Years went. My friends and I went out for a couple hours, ate downtown, took pictures, almost got chased by some homeless people and a man coming at our car, but overall we had so much fun. After downtown we ended going to a party my friend was throwing. It felt so good being surrounded by people that have genuinely stuck by my side for years. Then what truly made my night was that my mans called me and I started freaking out and my friend noticed so she grabbed my phone and answered it and then she gave it back to me because he wanted to say Happy New Years. He's so precious then I texted him and ugh I really like him so much. He is such an angel, but yes I ended my 2018 amazing and I am so stoked for all the opportunities that 2019 has in store for me.  Thanks to anyone who actually read this whole story time of mine and I hope you all have an amazing year!

- M.

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