Feeling down? Read this ❤️

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Dear Reader aka the love of my life💕
Haii lovely! So I hear your feeling down? Why is that? What's going on? This makes me feel some type of way I can't describe, I hate when your sad. Your happiness depends on my life, I know we barely know eachother, but I really care like really okay? Okay. It's crazy how the other day my friends texted me saying their sad and their day absolutely sucked and oh gosh how bad I wanted to hug every single one of them. The thing people nowadays don't understand it that the world revolves around problems. Do you ever get that feeling when you get a present? Or meet someone your so attached to? Or the feeling of riding a plane for the first time like Augustus Waters who almost peed and couldn't breathe (like when he saw Hazel Grace's face for the first time he was breathless and admiring her every beauty part) well that's the feeling when happiness strikes you. It hardly comes often when your sad am I right? Sadness is never the answer so anything except when your crying tears of joy n' happiness. Deep down inside of your reading this I hope you know I am here to help and listen. I have yet to discover a solution to fix everyone's problems and sadness even though I know I am no rocket scientist 🚀 but one day I will and I will be forever happy because guess why? You will be happy and not sad, ever again. I also wanted to notify you that I have been through your stages of sadness and grief and let me tell you it hurts like hell and I felt like I was never going to recover and no one was there for me, to listen to my problems and give me a hug or caress my head till I fall asleep and forget everything that happened that day and dream a happi dream 💤 But everyone knows not all problems get fixed but some can. You may wonder how can the get fixed? The answer is Y.O.U. You can change everything with the words you speak and the actions you do. Don't let your problems make you depressed and sad because one time in 5th grade I believe oh god it was the hardest time in my life. This kid (my problem) was torturing me with hateful words and let me tell you that was a ginormous bump in my road. I felt as if he made me life a living hell. I became sad and lonely, but I did it to myself. I didn't tell anyone, I kept everything to myself. This one day, I gave up I couldn't do it anymore and told my parents about his. I took action to my problem. It worked.. He left me alone. That moment made me so happy, I had butterflies and I couldn't believe that I stood up for myself. Never again will I met my problems take control over me. I overcame it. And that's what you should do boo, please don't be sad because when your sad you don't smile and your smile makes me smile and brighten up MY world 💜 But if you don't want to stand up to your problems ignore them, let them be. Your a strong person, I know you can do it. If you ever ever ever need a friend I'm here you can always tweet, dm, or text me. I'll just talk to you and help you and be there for you, even though no one was ever there for me. I am there for you. I know it takes time to open up to random people and I am willing to wait..wait, for you happiness to arrive in my life and yours. I will forever be there for you even when we're both old and in wheelchairs in a retirement home! (If your feeling down today this exact day click on my title picture of this reading where the pic is haha) I love you so so so much, forever and always. -M 💗 xx

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