Untitled Part 29

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I will leave this part of my life untitled because I don't know where to begin. Life has hit me like a rollercoaster. I want to text this one person so bad, the urge is really real. I miss him so much, his smile, his laugh, his texts to me, the music he would send me, his positive happy energy, and his lips...I miss them most of all even though he didn't know how to use them haha. I miss him. I don't know what to do, I want to call him or text him but I can't bring myself to give in to him and that's the problem. What should I do? I don't know. I also want to text him because my graduation party is coming up and I want him to attend it, but I honestly don't want to risk not getting a text back. My guts say to text him and ask him how he's doing and to invite him, but the other half of me says no don't give in, he's already done a lot to you and hurt you so much. I don't want to get hurt again though. What do I do? I don't know. Overall my life is going really good, but the one thing missing is my math score in which I can't seem to pass it. I really need prayers and help! If I don't pass then I know that God doesn't want me to go to SA and that's okay. But yeah that's how my life is going at this very moment.  Thank you and goodbye.

- M.A. 

My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora