There is so much to say

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Well, just a small update on my life and what's been going on. So as I've been going through life people come and go especially when it comes to guys. I honestly thought we had a chance together, but I found out so much about him through many many sources and clearly this guy wasn't telling me anything nor was he telling me the truth about things and just overall making me the bad guy... SO in conclusion we have stopped talking, but we do have a streak but we don't even talk so I really want to cut it off but I don't want to be so harsh on him because I'm scared he's going to text me and ask a million questions as to why I am cutting him off, so I am sort of in a dilemma, or it could go well and he won't question anything at all because losing me wouldn't be much to him. Honestly I thought he was going to try and make this work, but I found out he was telling people that I am the one that doesn't hang out with him and that he doesn't know about me, but that is just an excuse to have me out of his life lol, okay now this makes me want to cut him off completely, and I just might because I need a new start to be honest. I guess next update on life I will keep ya'll informed on that. Overall, school has been so stressing, but I am now on intercession so I have to be working on scholarships because I got accepted into my dream college and now I need some money so I can go but we'll see. I wish I could just travel the world with my family and friends and not have to worry about anything and just be financially stable, but we can all dream right? Also I am super stoked to be shopping for spring break and then I am only really nervous because I am getting my other nipple pierced and like the first one hurt like hell, but now I need to get the other so they can look even better lol. Okay well I have to write an essay right now for college so see ya. OOO wait I almost forgot, so I also saw A$AP Rocky with two of my friends and let me tell you it was one of the best concerts I have ever ever been to, we moshed so hard that we got stepped on, messed up hair, almost lost my glasses, lost my friends, and got a hole in my shirt lol but it was one of the best nights of my life and of 2019 so far!!

- M

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