
Start from the beginning


When Tae and Jimin reached Daegu, Tae's hometown, Tae parked the car outside his home.

He got out as Jimin got out too. Jimin was hesitant, until Tae held his hand cheerfully.

"Let's go, I'm excited!" He said as he lead Jimin to the front door of his house. Tae rang the bell and in flick of seconds, wide doors opened and the boy was attacked in a hug.

He tightened the hug before pulling away just to see tears on his mother's cheeks.

"Mom! Stop crying" Tae said as he giggled on his mom being emotional.

"Sorry, it's just that you have returned after so long that I got emotional" His mother exclaimed.

Jimin on the side was watching the beautiful mom-son reunion, waiting to get noticed. Once Tae wiped tears away from her face, she backed off and looked around. Her eyes fell on Jimin and an automatic smile spread on her face.

Jimin bowed Mrs Kim, Tae's mom as she smiled before going towards him and engulfing him in a warm hug too. At this point, when she hugged him, Jimin felt comfortable in the warm hug as he rested his head on her shoulder.

It reminded him of his own mom. Meeting moms of other group members always reminded him of his own mom, who was unfortunately no more. He didn't want to let go off her but he had to, so he pulled away as Mrs Kim looked at Jimin.

She gently moved his bangs out of his face and looked at his beautiful angelic face.

"It's really been a while since we met Jimin. You have grown a lot and You are looking very handsome" She complimented as Jimin giggled shyly before complimenting her too. The boys then got inside and met Mr Kim too. They all talked a lot and then, the boys relaxed in their rooms after the tiring ride.

It was dinner time in Tae's house when the boys came to living room to have dinner. Well, Jimin didn't want to eat anything and Tae knew about his eating disorder but still, he insisted him to have a little food.

However, when they sat on their spots on the dinner table, they were shook to see so many dishes that Tae's mom made for them. Mrs Kim filled plates for both the boys as Jimin looked at Tae for help but it was not like Tae could help him.

Of course he couldn't eat this much food. He barely even touched food most of the times. As he looked down at food, he could see himself getting fat because of eating it.

However, he didn't want to waste food and disappoint Mrs Kim. He stuffed the food in his mouth forcefully and he could feel it filling up his stomach. He felt disgusted. Don't get it wrong. The food was tasty, very tasty indeed but Jimin was not used to it. Jimin would mostly take energy drinks all the time and would survive on that.

It was not because of his dieting only that he avoided having food. Whenever he tried to eat, the past would flash in front of him and all those bad memories would start making Jimin feel guilty. At the end, Jimin would end up feeling like throwing up.

Same today, Jimin finished the whole plate but he was feeling so much disgusted and guilty right now. A voice inside of him told him that he didn't deserve it.

He got up with Tae from the table and both the boys thanked Mrs Kim for the delicious food. As they walked back to their rooms, Jimin excused himself and went to washroom.

He felt like throwing up and that's what he did. He vomited the food in the sink and kept going on until he was satisfied. Once he was done and felt empty, he washed his face and looked up at the mirror. There were tears in his eyes which fell the moment he blinked.

He cried silently. Didn't know why but just felt like it so he cried. The past memories were flashing in front of him and it was making his heart heavy so he wanted to cry and let it all out. After some minutes of crying, he washed his face again and got out of the washroom, once again, like nothing happened.

He flinched the moment he opened the room because right beside the door was standing Tae. He didn't look angry, he looked more like sad.

"You vomited all the food, right?" He asked. He asked it, though it wasn't sounding much like a question. Jimin was caught off guard by the question as he looked at him for some seconds before looking down and slightly nodding. He heard Tae sigh.

"Sorry" He mumbled and startled Tae with a sudden apology.

"Sorry for what?" Tae asked but Jimin just looked at the floor.

"I'm just sorry for making you worried about me and being a burden." He said as tears left his eyes and glided to his cheeks.

Tae lifed his face gently and wiped the tears.

"Park Jimin!" Tae said, a little bit louder. "You are not a burden on anyone. And you shouldn't be sorry on every single small things you do. Not everything is your fault. And I'm not angry on you. I'm just sad. I wish I could help you" He said as Jimin looked up at him in the eye.

"No Tae, you are already helping a lot. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me so far" Jimin said to him as he passed him a weak smile. Tae felt an urge to hug the boy in front of him, and that's what he did. He hugged him as the boy gladly returned the hug. It was late at night.

"Let's go sleep. It's really late now" Jimin said once they pulled away. Tae smiled before nodding as both the boys went to different rooms to sleep.

Hope y'all like the chapter. Please vote and comment.

Next chapter will be published soon.

Till then, peace out. (◕‿-)

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