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"The thing is... He can't stay at my place, means he has to stay at someone else's place. And I'm sure that Tommy, Wilbur or George won't be happy about him staying with them so... I thought he could stay with you-" I cut him off.

"No... Absolutely no!" You hissed at Phil as he tried to end his sentence. Knowing Phil you knew there was already no other way. It was very embarrassing and upsetting in the same time. You felt a hand on your shoulder. The touch was a little more colder than before it felt like the hand was even a little bigger. Looking at the hand and tracing the long arm your eyes ended on Dream's face. He had the sad soft smile on his face that was trying to calm you down. Still you were angry at Phil for not telling a word. You didn't have anything prepared. And knowing that you had only one big bed didn't help. You felt your cheeks warm up.

"Y/N it's not a big deal. Techno is a good guy and he's a gentleman right Techno?" Phil looked over at him smiling. He almost nudged him in the ribs but decided not to.

"Well yes, of course!" You could see that he wasn't really listening. He was probably thinking of his own things or maybe about how it looked here. Who knows. You usually just drifted away to your daydreaming world as well. You looked over at all of them.  Still feeling a little angry but the anger turned to sadness real quick. You knew you were the one that took it too far and you shouldn't have shouted at them. None of them did anything bad. The guilt took over you and you looked at the ground, looking at everyone's shoes.

Why did I react that way...? This could be a perfect day and I have ruined it already... A soft sigh left your mouth and you looked back up at them. All of them looked a little worried because you weren't responding at all. You were kinda in your messed up head. With a soft smile you hugged Phil. He smiled back, hugged you and petted your H/C hair. He gently stroked your hair and the touch of his fingers as he was trying to calm you a little. Just like others he was like a dad to you, the nice, kind and caring dad that everyone wanted. Techno and Dream were just standing there looking at both of you. Phil looked over at them and smiled sweetly.

"If you ever be together and they will just blank out please for the love of god hug them... They need their safe place and it's usually their home so," he tried to explain the situation that was just happening to the boys and both of them just nodded. Both of them understood how you felt. Not that they had anxiety but the feeling of not having anyone around. Yeah the feeling of loneliness was very familiar to both of them. You pulled away from Phil and took a deep breath.

"Okay so first I'm very sorry how I reacted and second I... I'm sorry for this too," your sight dropped to the ground again and you were tugging on your sleeves.

"It's alright. I get it. Meeting your too childhood heroes is a tough one isn't it?" the soft and gentle voice hit you and this time you knew it belonged to Dream. You shook your head and smiled.

"It's not really that, that's bothering me. It's that I had the chance for a good impression and I ruined it. And I need constant reassurance that everything's okay especially out in public," you let out a little sad sigh and a sad smile appeared on your face. Both boys only look at you with surprise.

"You didn't do anything bad... It's alright everyone has their demons don't we?" the lower voice that you knew way too well hit your hears and all you did was smile. The sound of his voice always made you kind of hypnotized. It was cold but sweet in the same way. It was deep but not too low. It just had the exact tone to make you feel calm. But of course you're not going to tell him to talk to you just because it makes you calmer. Phil looked over at you and saw the sweet smile and soft pink blush on your face, at that point he knew.

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