The mercenaries that were chasing after Ryo had joined in the fray. 

Meanwhile, Ryo focused on his own opponent and managed to overpower him a few seconds into the fight. His opponent grunted in pain, his eyes wide in disbelief. 

What a strong bastard! 

He is injured all over yet he is still fighting as if it didn’t matter! 

Soon enough, Ryo won the battle and knocked his opponent out. 

“Don’t let them near the ship! Don’t give them the opportunity to use their elemental powers on it either!” Yun hollered out. 

One of the mercenaries wanted to cast a fireball onto the ship and someone lunged at him, preventing him from doing so. 

“Yun Yun!” Ryo panted, running to him. 

“Couldn’t you at least take care of a few of them?” Yun sighed again. “Before leading them all here?” 

“My bad! My bad!” Ryo let out a short laugh.

Yun nodded. 

They are finally coming back with news. I was getting worried. 

Yun observed Ryo who was riddled with wounds. Ryo winced in pain as he looked down at a deep gash on his arm, and this made Yun frown as well. 

“I told you before, get rid of this bad habit.” 

“Huh? What?”

“You always give it your all in fights and push your body to the limits. This is why you end up being the most exhausted among all of us, and the one that requires the most rest.” 

Ryo waved it off. “I’m fine, I’m fine!” 

“Die!” A mercenary barked out, leaping towards Ryo with an aggressive attack. 

Ryo defended himself with his halberd but alas, his other arm was in excruciating pain that he could not hold up his halberd properly anymore. Yun noticed this instantly, sending a gust blade to the mercenary. 

The mercenary was forced back and almost immediately, two crewmates surrounded him. They were already accustomed to seeing Ryo in this state and knowing this was the time he required help. 

“We won’t let you near them!” 

Ryo felt the adrenaline slowly wearing off, the pain and fatigue gradually overwhelming him. His knees buckled and he knelt on the ground with one knee. 


Yun knelt down next to him. “Stay out of the fight from here onwards.” 

“No way, Yun!” Ryo widened his eyes. “How are all of you going to fight them off and protect the ship? There are more of them than us!” 

“We’ll manage.” Yun adjusted his glasses.

Ryo tried to push himself up but he felt his legs wobbling. Yun sighed, shaking his head and he wore a troubled expression. 

“If only Cecil was here to examine you.” 

Just then, the group of mercenaries combined their attacks of different elements. They blast away the crewmates, sending them flying as they landed right beside Yun and Ryo. Some of them were instantly rendered unconscious. 

The remaining crewmates pushed themselves up as they brandished their weapons. Yun did the same and he gave Ryo a warning look. 

Ryo was still trying to gather up his strength to fight on, blood dripping down from his numerous wounds. 

Second Lead Syndrome (1-187) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now