Chapter Forty-Nine

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The anger from my eyes is perfectly visible, staring at the conniving little bitch sobbing her eyes out as she sits there holding Jaxon's hand. I continue to boil over with rage as she dares touch his skin. The hate that colours over my soul, spreading over my whole entire body as all my other emotions are put aside for this moment.
"I said what the fuck are you doing here Jess?" I hiss as she stands from the chair letting go of Jaxon's hand and backs into a corner.
"I needed to see him." She says swiping a rolling tear with her hand.
"How did you know he was here?" I ask, stalking closer to her, never taking my eyes off her.
She's at a loss for words. She realises that if she says anything it may incriminate her and makes no comment.
"Answer me!" I roar but she still couldn't will her lips to move. "How dare you come here, hold his hand and stand over him as if you've not had any part to play in this. What has he ever done to you?" I tell her as tears start heavily streaming down my face. I don't want to cry in front of her but I am deceived with my heightened emotions.
"I was telling the truth when I said I met someone. Christopher." She begins. My face scowls hearing his name. "He was nice at first. He took me to fancy restaurants, bought me expensive gifts and treated how I've always wanted to be treated by a man. Until I saw a photo of you on his phone. Loads of them actually. I couldn't quite believe it, you get around, don't you?" She says shifting away from the corner as she builds up the confidence to speak. "I felt jealous, I thought how is it that you always come between me and the men I like. So, I interrogated him over it and that's when he told me that I was nothing to him, that I was just a tool for his plans, just another woman to pass the time with. I saw your face when I showed you my bracelet, I knew that it meant something to you. Something deeper, something dark. So, I let myself into your flat and I found your bracelet, so I took it. Just like you take everything from me. Jaxon, Christopher." She falls silent twisting her bracelet around her wrist clearly missing the 'J' initial charm. "Then I heard Christopher talking on the phone the other morning, it wasn't a normal conversation. He was demanding and he sounded evil. The things he was saying were shocking to me and I wanted to run for the hills. He launched his phone on the bed still unlocked so while he was in the shower, I went to his calls list and dialled the last number he called. Do you know who Helen is?"
Jess starts to pace the room then sits herself back into the chair next to Jaxon's bed and continues. "We arranged to meet at a car park because it was the only place where she felt safe. Where there were no CCTV cameras working. There was no one around but her and me. She told me everything, from what Christopher has done to you, all the things he has done to her. All those dreadful things that you both went through and suffered because of him. The guilt and the disgust penetrated my heart but at the end of it I couldn't help but feel jealous. I know right? How could I possibly feel jealous? Do you know what she told me?" Her rhetorical questions where being fired left right centre. Why do I have a feeling there is so much more to this story then she's letting on. As always, whenever someone tells me a story there is always some deeper meaning to them. "She told me she was pregnant."
Words left me. I stared into her burning brown eyes as they changed callous as the images of Helen flashed through my mind, I remember this poor frail girl that aged before her time. Why would she jump off a building knowing she was pregnant? None of this makes any sense.
"So, you pushed her off the car park, didn't you? You hated the thought that Christo....Alex, will forget about you, like you never existed. You hated the fact that Alex will have something else to love besides you, if he ever did love you that is so, you pushed her, didn't you?"
By the look on Jess's face I unravelled the unpleasant truth. I've lived in a world where nothing is quite what it seems. Lies, deceit, brutality, love and now murder.
"What happened to innocent before proven guilty? I guess we will never know." Her smile is chilling that it sends a shiver down my spine.
"So where does Jaxon fit in all of this?" I continue. "Why do this to him?"
"Oh yes, Jaxon. We've gone off topic, haven't we? Right... so, where was I... Oh yes so after the Helen fiasco, Christopher filled me in on Richard and how he's been spying on you these past few months. Shocking isn't it? I thought it was quite genius really. I mean what are the chances that your boss and Alex have been friends before you even met them but that's a story for another time. There is so much more you don't know. What I don't get is why Christopher wants you back so badly. What is it about you that has men crawling at your feet? Before you came a long Jaxon and I were having fun. We fucked and we fucked, all day and all night sometimes. I fell in love with him, I actually thought that I could be enough for him. To make him lose his infatuation over you but you had to come a long didn't you."
As I pace the room I can feel her eyes burning into me. I'm getting tired of listening to her. I hate how close she stands next to Jaxon, just as if she is the one that owns him. "Can you get to the ending faster please." I blurt.
"Fine... Christopher wanted you for himself in exchange for Jaxon. Little did I know that he had a different plan altogether for him which I had no part in. I just thought we were breaking you both up for good. I never meant any harm to him, you must believe that. I love him."
She's bat shit crazy. She is actually bat shit crazy. Everyone has their reasons for being how they are. Jess has only ever experienced rejection. Some of us get past our troubles and demons which help you mature and find ways to cope but then you have Jess who doesn't accept truths and is stuck in her own little element of bat shit crazy. "So, what now Jess?" I ask.
"What do you mean, what now?" She innocently replies.
"What are you expecting to happen now? Once Jaxon wakes up, what are you planning to do next?" I continue.
She looks over Jaxon's lifeless body, admiring how handsome he still is even when lying lifeless on a hospital bed. "I'm not entirely sure yet. Christopher obviously failed in his mission trying to get you back. So, I guess it's back to the drawing board."
Bat shit.
As I pace the room with my hands in my jacket pockets, I pull out the scan photo and let it fall to the floor like a tree losing a leaf. I watch as her eyes fix on the falling photo. "What is that?" She says, rushing herself over to me, throwing herself to the floor to pick up the scan. I let her eyes take in the photograph while I take a seat and enjoy her reactions. Her jaw drops just as I expected.
"Your pregnant?" Her eyebrows arch and her bottom lips quiver.
"I am. Are you going to push me off a building too?" I say snapping the photo from her fingers. Her look of surprise is just what I imagined. "Get the fuck out of here Jess." I hiss. "If I ever see you anywhere near Jaxon again, it will be you that goes off the building next time. Do I make myself clear?" I concluded. I storm over to the door and open it for her. "But err... don't get too comfortable, will you? I'm sure the police will want to talk to you." I say, knowing I have Jaxon's phone in my hand recording this conversation. She turns on her heals and marches out the door, out of the hospital and out of our lives for good. I slam the door shut and grab a sandwich from the floor, ripping the packaging open out of rage pretending the plastic casing is Jess's face and I take the biggest bite, eating it as if I'm some kind cannibal. There's no embarrassment here, I simply shovel as much food in my mouth as I can until I could not fit in any more.

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