Chapter Eleven

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Resting my head on Jaxon's chest while his head reclines over the sofa, we fight to keep our breathing under control. Jaxon's chest is rising and falling under me, a smile creeps onto my face as I relive the last fifteen minutes in my head while his warm hands run up and down my body and I shiver. There are sweat drops running down the track of my spine, tickling my skin as I swipe the drips away with my hand. Just as my breathing settles, a warm liquid starts to run down the inside of my leg.
"I have to use the bathroom." I stood up and stumble to the bathroom while
Jaxon watches me leave in a hurry, reaching for his phone.
Inspecting my face in the mirror, I notice how flushed my cheeks are. They are warm to the touch which makes me smile.
Turning off the tap, I hear Jaxon with a muted voice, he is on the phone. Tiptoeing to the door, I open it slightly. I'm not spying on him, well at least I don't think I am. There is a lot of shit going on in my life right now, I'm doing what is coming natural as my insecurities, that I never knew I had, crashes into me like an avalanche.
"I'm not acting weird, I just don't fancy meeting up with you right now that's all...I've been busy, there's a lot going on at the moment...It's none of your business Jess...."
Who the fuck is Jess?
"I've been seeing someone else...I'm sure you can find someone else to fuck...No I'm not telling you who she is, not yet anyway...I gotta go."
Losing myself in thought as I think about these 'extra' women that seem to appear uninvited in my life. First Helen and now Jess.
Who is she? Does he love her?
Na. He doesn't, I can confidently say he definitely does not. He did mention seeing someone else, so what can I be angry about? Am I insulted that he never told her my name? A little, yes, he must have his reasons that aren't obvious to me, right?
He has been in love with me since he was Fourteen. I can't see him messing up our relationship before it's even started for someone called Jess, will he?
Continuing my reel of deep thoughts, that I'm suddenly brought out of by a knock at the bathroom door which I wasn't expecting at all, making me jump out of my skin.
"Ada, I know you were listening." Jaxon says pushing the door slowly, revealing me behind it.
"Are you going to just stand there looking all sexy like that?"
Oh yes, I'm naked, covering myself with the towel hanging on the back of the door.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I swear, I just wasn't sure if I should come out or not." Picking at some fraying on my bandages awkwardly.
"Shit, I'm sorry for making you feel like that in your own home. I wasn't exactly talking quietly, I have no secrets. Please don't be upset with me."
"I'm not upset with you. Should I be?" I ask.
"No not at all."
"Then I'm not upset. Is there a reason why you never gave my name?" And that's the truth, I'm not upset with him. We all come with baggage, I certainly do at the end of the day but why did he not mention me?
"She's just a friend that I would occasionally meet to fuck and nothing else I promise. She was never anything more than just a fuck... she's not the one. If I told her your name, give it an hour and everyone will know, including your brother. I don't want him finding out this way. He deserves better than hearing it from someone else."
He said 'the one' that is me, right?
"Jaxon, stop. I'm not worried and I'm not upset with you. We both come with a past. You have a Jess and I have an Alex."
He smiles at me with those mesmerising dimples.
"You are so perfect. I seriously thought you were going to kick off"
Picking up my chin with his finger, he gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. "Come on, let's go to bed." He says.
Swooping me up in his arms, swinging me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal as he taps my bum and throw's me on the bed.
He pulls me out some clean underwear and hands them to me. As I slide them over my hips, I notice my clothes I was wearing that were scattered about the living room floor are now folded up neatly on a chair in the corner.
My Jaxon.
"I have to go into work tomorrow. There's a painting I need to complete before this dirty old rich bastard demands his money back." He says, pulling back the duvet and sliding in next to me.
I watch him set the alarm on his phone for 7am.
"I love you." I tell him but as I roll over to face him, he is already asleep. Good night my perfect boyfriend.
What the fuck is that noise.
The noise engulfs me, completely capturing my brain as the sound of ducks quaking echo across the bedroom walls. Leaning up on my elbows to find where this horrendous sound is coming from, I realise Its Jaxon's alarm.
Nudging him in the side to wake him, the quaking is quickly becoming more of a draining noise as it continues. I make the next nudge count, which I do with force to ensure he wakes up. He groans, rolling over as his eye lids start to flutter open.
"Oh my god Jax, please turn off that quaking."
Pulling his long arm out from under the duvet, he reaches for his phone and swipes at the screen. Thankfully the quaking stops.
I can still hear the quaking ringing in my ears, vibrating my eardrums. Dropping my head back to the pillow in exasperation I try to close my eyes again.
"I best go get myself ready for work." He tells me rolling over and kissing me on the head. He slides out of bed and heads into the bathroom.
I never had a dream this morning. For once I feel like I've slept, stretching out my legs noticing how tender and tight my thighs feel. Laying there, I wonder about what to do today now that Jaxon won't be around. I suppose I could iron. Or I could pop into town and spend the last of my bonus money perhaps. Then I remember that I should probably call Gemma and let her in on everything that's happened over the last couple of days with Jaxon and I before going back to work tomorrow.
As I continue running the possible list of chores I could do today Jaxon pokes his head out from the bathroom with his toothbrush hanging out his mouth.
"Would you like to come to work with me today?" Most of that was inaudible but I get the gist. "You needn't be alone today. You could keep me company while I work?"
He says as the froth of the toothpaste escapes his mouth falling down on his chest.
Seeing him lose himself into his creative subconscious could be quite enjoying. I have never seen him paint before, did Jess?
"Well? Are you coming?" He calls out from the bathroom, hearing the spraying sound of deodorant.
"Of course, I'm coming." I call out to him without thinking.
Quickly making the bed and opening the curtains, I pull out some clothes to wear as I wait for Jaxon to finish up in the bathroom. As he strolls out I am greeted by his beautiful dimples. He's styled his hair in his usual messy way and I can see his bright blue eyes shining from the reflection of the morning sun. He is quite simply the most handsome man I have ever seen. The sight of him steals my breath away.
Sauntering past him he finds my hand and swoops me in for a kiss.
"How's the finger this morning?" Tucking my hair behind my ears and kissing me one more time before allowing me to get ready. I never want him to stop looking at me the way he does.
Pulling up outside what looks like an old industrial yard full of different family run businesses. There's two men sweeping up some wood shavings on the floor then on the other side there is a woman cleaning the windows to the reception of a MOT centre. There's a café and somewhere to buy tools. Jaxon drives further in, waving at them all as he drives by.
He parks by the side of what I presume is his work shop. It's a lot smaller than the other buildings but it's big enough for him.
Opening the door to his studio he punches in a code to turn off an alarm. Switching the lights which reveals all his paintings hanging from the walls and some leaning against the walls. There is a strong smell of white spirit lingering the air which I kinder like.
Wow. I can't believe he painted all of these. They are so innovative and expressive.
"Jaxon... these are amazing." I say, observing the paintings hanging from the walls. Walking around there are piles leaning up against the wall but one in particular catches my attention from across the room. Looking closely, it appears to be a woman sitting on a chair looking up towards a painted dark sky. The stars are exaggerated in metallic yellow and white colours. The moon is big and silver, creatively showing the moons craters. The painting is dry so I brush my fingertips across the bumpy textured paint. The longer I examine the painting, the more It becomes familiar.
Its me.
There's an inscription 'Ada at Christmas'. Gasping, raising my hand over my mouth.
"You looked stunning that night. I felt inspired by the natural lighting from the moon shining down on your hair. You were a picture so I painted it."
Tears fill my eyes as the sudden overwhelm showers me. Wiping my cheeks with my hand, my eyes fixed on the painting. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I am completely gobsmacked.
"When I finally have an exhibition of my paintings, I would love this to be on show if that alright with you?" Tucking my hair behind my ears again and wiping away some more of my tears.
"Jax... I don't know what to say. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. I love you more than anything. I wish I could repay you back with something as equally romantic but I just don't think there is." I say laughing through my nose.
"One day when the time is right, you will be able to make it up to me." He leans down and kisses me on the nose.
How does he do this to me. I am melting right beneath him, I am at boiling point. A kiss on the nose just isn't enough.
Putting my hands behind his neck, I pull him down to my lips. He knows what I want.
Putting both hands on either side of my face as our tongues meet for the first time today, he starts to unbutton my shirt slowly. The touch of his fingertips grazes my collar bone softly displaying my pink laced bra.
"Jump up" he whispers into my ear.
I wrap my legs around his waist. He moves over to a nearby shelf and swipes the objects away with his arm with one fell swoop and places me on top of it.
I unbutton and unzip his jeans, pushing them past his waist where they voluntarily fall down making a clinking sound as his metal buckle of his belt crashes to the floor. Jaxon hoists my wool skirt up over my waste and his hands graze the insides of my thighs. His warm touch makes my clit pulsate, tugging at either side of my hips pulling down my knickers. The last time we were in this position we were in the kitchen at my parents' house. The only difference is, there is no one stopping us this time. Wrapping his fist around my hair and pulling my head closer to his, he claims my mouth. Our tongues collide in complete passion, biting my bottom lip. He gently kisses my neck creating the hairs on my neck to stand on end, kissing in between my cleavage down towards my belly button.
Oh my.
He spreads my legs and starts licking and kissing my bud gently circling and sucking at it releasing electric shocks down my legs. Tilting my head back in pure bliss just when I thought things couldn't get any better I feel his fingers enter my body. I cry out his name. This is heady insane. He circles his fingers pumping in and out. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick the tip of my clit. My legs start to shake as I'm nearing an intense explosion. The burning is building deep within me now, as he continues circling his fingers again and again.
"Jax... I'm s... so close" I stutter. I start crumbing around him, tugging at his hair, screaming his name.
"You taste so good." he growls, pulling down his boxers.
Keeping my legs spread he guides himself into me. I am so wet which allows him to slide perfectly inside me.
"Oh my god Jax... I love feeling you inside me." I whisper as I enter the pleasure zone again but only this time it's better.
His excitement has already peaked as his rhythm picks up and he pounds into me, pushing in harder and harder. Pulling in and out, in and out.
"I could do this with you for the rest of my life. There will never be anyone else."
His eyes never moving from mine as his words, those beautiful sincere words, make my body tense. I can feel myself tightening up around his length, I think he can too.
"Please say more." I beg.
"You are and always have been the love of my life." His breathing heavier.
"More." I whimper as I'm getting closer to another perfect orgasm.
"You're the one I want to marry."
We gaze at each other with furious lust. My body unfolds with immense pressure. Closing my eyes, I smile savouring every last second, I can. Jaxon buries his head into my neck, releasing himself into me. I can feel his warm breath on my skin as he pants.
"I love you so much Jaxon. I wished this, us, happened sooner." I say.
He shakes his head disagreeing with me. "No. This is the perfect time."
He buttons up his jeans and hands me over my knickers. He wraps his arms gently around my waist, helping me down from the shelf. Buttoning up my shirt and tucking myself back in, Jaxon kisses my head then laughs through his nose.
"You are very distracting."
He gets back to work on one of his unfinished paintings while I perch myself on one of the stools at the back of the room, watching him with fascination. How effortless he makes every stroke of the brush seem, I hope that one day his ambition rewards him with every success that he deserves. Jaxon has his headphones in his ears, lost in his music and concentration, I don't think he will realise if I leave the room to make a call.
Leaving the workshop and shutting the door quietly behind me, I dial Gemma's number.
"Ello love," She answers with a whisper. "I miss you, where are you?"
"Aww I miss you too. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I am at Jaxon's work shop." "When are you coming back? Richard told me he saw you at the hospital Sunday. What the hell happened girl?"
My boss knows how close Gemma and I are. Monday morning, I bet she came over to my desk with our morning ritual coffee from Costa, I'm sure he would have mentioned it then. I should have told her but I never had enough brain space to factor her in that day. I am such a bad friend.
"I cut my finger that's all. I needed a few stitches. Richard said to take a couple of days out, so I did. It doesn't hurt as much now but I'm back in tomorrow though." Feeling guilty for not telling my best friend what fucked up shit is happening in my life right now. The truth is I'd rather talk about what's good and that is Jaxon.
"Shit, that sounds nasty! I need to give you the biggest squeeze. So how is it going with Jaxon then? I'm sensing its going good, you sound happy."
"I am happy. He is just so... perfect. He's been staying with me. His mum is out of town so it just made sense that we weren't alone." And not to mention that he is protecting me from a gigantic lunatic.
"Woot woo. You're in luuuuurve." He says.
She can't whistle to save her life but I appreciate the effort.
I was going to tell her about his painting of me when I hear the door to the shop click open. Jaxon peers out looking for me.
"Are you ok?" He mouths at me, not wanting to intrude.
"It's Gemma." I mouthed.
He nods his head at me heading back in to give me privacy.
"Oh shit, I gotta go. Dom the gom has walked in, apparently, we have a new CFO starting soon. I'll see you tomorrow." And she hangs up the phone.
Walking back into the shop and seeing Jaxon hanging up a completed painting to dry, it looks like he has painted the streets of Paris at night. The Eiffel Tower is glittering in the back ground with two silhouettes under a lamp post, one is bending down on one knee and the other with hands over their face in surprise.
"Wow Jaxon, its beautiful." I tell him.
He pulls out a photograph from a file and shows me.
"A guy paid me ten thousand pounds to recreate this photograph of his proposal to his wife, so here it is."
"Ten thousand pounds? Isn't that a lot of money for a painting?" I know nothing about art, but that just seems extreme.
"The rich will pay whatever they want to get what they want." He said.
"You can tell me to mind my own business if you want but if your clients are paying you this much money for paintings, does that make you rich also?" I quizzed.
"I have a sufficient amount saved for a rainy day, yes." He finds his wallet from his bag. "C'mon let's get something to eat."

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