Chapter Thirty-Nine

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She gently tugs at my hair, sending those relaxing tingles down my body bringing goosebumps to the surface of my skin. Every time she touches me it feels like the world has stopped, leaving us both to wander the earth together. I press my head into her tummy, enjoying the warming of her body and hands, knowing my child is safely tucked away in there which is making me fall in love her, each time harder than the last. Being in love with her is like entering a house and finally realising I'm home so I have to keep what is mine safe. Both of them.
I would never lay a finger on her, she knows I would never do such a thing. She trusts me but hearing her tell me I remind her of Alex, destroys me. I am nothing like him. Do I tell her the reason for my secrecy is because of him? Do I tell her there is someone here threatening her life, again? I don't know what is best for her any more.
Her stomach growls, she is squirming through the hunger pains under me. "I can hear you're hungry. Let's get you some food." I say standing from my knees, smoothing out my jeans. "Would you like me to get you some chips?"
I can see her salivating from the thought of a chip butty, clutching onto her tummy from the sound of her stomach digesting itself.
"Yes please. With a roll smothered in butter." She replies.
I've quickly popped over to the chippy in the pouring rain, I give in our order and shelter myself under a doorway listening to the rain pelting the floor. I pull out my phone wiping the rain from the screen, I want to finish the call with Mason that was interrupted in the result of Ada eavesdropping but I just remember that he and Gemma are probably on their way back to New York and could be in the air right now. I collect the food and run back to the flat trying to avoid getting saturated as the rain falls harder. Ada has already set the table and is waiting patiently to rip into the food.
I watch her dive into her chip butty, biting off chunk after chunk. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head enjoying the vinegar-soaked chips, mopping up the dripping butter off her plate. I force a chip into my mouth that I don't enjoy as much as she does. She is far too hungry to even notice I'm stressed. I need to find an excuse to be in the gallery tonight but I know this will raise eyebrows and our earlier issues will arise.
"I'm so full." She groans, holding her stomach.
I laugh through my nose, while pushing a chip around the plate with my fork. I breath out loudly, suddenly aware Ada is staring at me. She uses the backs of her legs to nudge back the chair and stands. She uses the tips of her fingers to brush along the table top as she walks towards me. She climbs onto my lap and strokes my dimple as I smile, tucking some loose hair behind her ear. I brush my fingers through her hair to the back of her head, leaving my thumb on her warm flushed cheek. I pull her closer bringing her head to mine then my senses heighten and the lights fade around me as my lips catch hers. It started slowly at first, enjoying the firing sensation between us build up while Eros transcends through us.
I'm hard for her, I actually ache for her.
I lift her from the chair, her legs still wrapped around my waist and I carry her to the bedroom while our kissing becomes more rapturous and passionate. Laying her gently on the bed I remove her dress easily, she lets out a little giggle as I whip the dress out from under her body. She lays there staring at me in just her underwear, I want to take her silly little panties off but all I can do is stare back. My god she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
"What's wrong?" She asks crawling over to me and sitting on her knees in front of me.
There is nothing better in life than to look into her eyes, the woman that I love and see her happy. All my sorrows and problems disappear and that makes me the happiest person on the planet, nevertheless, being in love with her hurts. I feel sick and I feel exhausted. How am I supposed to keep her and my unborn child safe from Alex? I take her hands in mine and I know now what I need to do.
I kiss her and the world simply fell away. She runs her fingers down my spine then pulls me in closer to her until there was no space left between us. She unbuttons my jeans and pushes them down to the floor along with my boxers.
She leaves a trail of gentle kisses down my stomach and licks the whole length of my cock before I enter her mouth. She sucks, she spits, she tosses me off perfectly but I have to stop her. I push her back on the bed but to my surprise she turns the tables around and has me pinned against the bed. Taking my length in her hand, not wasting any more time, she lowers herself down on me. I can feel how tight she is as her inner walls loosen around me allowing access. She's like a woman possessed watching her as he reclines her head, rocking and circling her little hips on top of me.
Her screams and her loud noises out of pleasure excite me. Her hormones are increasing making her body sensitive but also responds to my touch as I bite at her sore nipples that she enjoys so much.
I watch her in awe witnessing her beautiful pleasurable facial expression as her brows arch and her mouth opens and shuts at each and every thrust she makes. She's enjoying herself and I allow her to do whatever she feels she needs to do to explode into fireworks.
I've already come, I couldn't hold myself when she started screaming my name but seeing this beautiful woman that I am so deeply in love with fucking me with her tits bouncing up and down, soon made me hard again.
"Jaxon?" She asks shakily.
"What's wrong?" I reply, as she stops.
"I am in so much pain. I need you to really fuck me hard, like last night." She pants, pulling herself off me spilling a little on my leg, as she lays and separates her legs for me.
I enter her once more but I don't do it slowly, I do as she asks and I plough myself into her so fucking hard she yelps in pain but she likes it.
"HARDER!" She screams.
I obey. I lift her legs over my shoulders and I respond to her screams and her needs. I feel her thighs are heating up from my body repeatedly slamming onto hers but it doesn't phase her at all. She screams and she crumbles under me.
"YES!! FUCK!! JAXON!!" Her body shakes violently and her eyes roll to the back of her head, her lips curling with the relief.
I lay on her chest as we both fight for breath more so than ever before. "Wow!" I say through a heavy breath. "That was fucking epic." I claim, smiling and laughing showing all teeth.
"This pregnancy has me all freaky." She giggles. "The only thing I can think about is feeling you inside me. It's really painful, it's like I need you to fix me." She explains.
"Well I'm glad I have the tools to fix you." I quip.
"That you do." We both laugh together staring up at the ceiling, the fan hypnotising us as it spins giving us that needed gentle breeze. I guess It does have its uses.
Her arm and leg are wrapped around my body and her breathing is heavy, she's asleep.
Guilt rushes over me. I knew she would fall asleep soon after sex and with the energy she used tonight, she won't be waking any time soon. I gently slide my way out from under her and lay the duvet over her body. Grabbing my scattered clothes from off the floor, I creep out into the living room closing the door behind me.
It's almost 12.30am. I gaze out the window into the dark night watching intoxicated people staggering through the high street. I close the blind and turn off the lights in the living room then with making little noise, I creep out of the flat, locking the door behind me setting the alarm as I leave.
Entering the gallery through the front entrance, I use my phone torch light to guide me through the shop. I turn on my dim desk light and fire up my laptop, loading the CCTV. All I can do now is wait. Seconds, minutes and hours pass, feeling like a life time of waiting, watching. My back straightens in the chair and my eyes snap open wide as the familiar body that threatens my girl stands outside the gallery just inches away from where she sleeps.
He's here. The son of bitch is actually here.
My adrenaline courses through my system as a flight or fight instinct. I lean against the back door thinking It's now or never. Reaching for the door handle my fingers brush against the cold metal but the door is solid and will need some force to open and quickly. I twist at the door handle feeling the unease in my stomach, I grit my teeth and twist the handle all the way until the door bursts open and I prance at the man threatening Ada's life and knock him hard to the floor.
My presence was unexpected, he tries to push me off but I am stronger. Pinning him to the floor, I curl my hand into a fist, swinging it fast through the air connecting hard onto his covered face. Punch after punch. "Please! Stop!" The man yells. "Please!" He begs, squinting his eyes anticipating another blow to the face.
I pull off his hood and his face covering, revealing someone I have never met.
"Who are you?" I growl grabbing him by the collar of his jacket.
"Joe! My name is Joe. Please don't hit me again." He pleads, spitting blood to the floor.
"Why are you here Joe? Why are you tormenting us?" I demanded.
"I have no choice!" He shouts out. "I'm here because if I'm not, he will kill me." He confesses.
I loosen my grip on his collar and take my knee off his chest, he takes in a deep breath then starts coughing and spluttering at my feet.
"Who will kill you? It's Fucking Alex isn't it?" I ask.
He spits some more blood, rubs his chin and nods his head. I raise myself from the wet muddy floor, I must be completely mad for doing this but I offer out my hand for him to take which he graciously accepts.
"Come inside. Let's talk so you can tell me all about Alex." I say. He brushes down the wet dirt from his jacket and picks up his mask, resting saturated in a puddle.
He follows me inside and watches me as I pull out a chair for him to sit on. Finding a bottle of left-over whiskey from the engagement party, I pour two generous amounts in some left-over glasses, handing one over to him he gulps down the lot.
"So why does Alex want to kill you?" I start quickly with the interrogation. I'm not sure how much time I have left.
"He found Vanessa and I in bed together. He just let himself in and found us. We've been seeing each other for a while now in secret because of him. We knew if he found out, we would have problems. Ever since he has made mine and Vanessa's life a living misery. The problem is, I love Vanessa and I'm quite fond of her daughter too, I have no intension in ending things with her so he threatened me. He gave me a choice, he said if I was to keep seeing Vanessa and her daughter he would kill me or he would allow me to keep seeing Vanessa if I did him a favour." He's confesses, so I pour him some more whiskey and he shots it down, wincing from the throat burn then stares fixedly on the floor.
"Who is Vanessa? Does this Vanessa know about this deal you have with him?" I continue.
"Vanessa is Alex's ex-girlfriend. They have a kid together and no she doesn't." He admits shaking his head in guilt.
"Did Alex happen to tell you the reason why your here?"
Joe shook his head, "I wasn't allowed to ask any questions. He just text me over an address and I had a parcel sent to my flat with all that in it." He points to his saturated mask.
"What if I told you, you are terrifying a pregnant woman? An ex of his, a woman he abused emotionally, assaulted and almost murdering her. I brought her here to keep her safe so she can feel happy and no longer frightened of him. I've not told her any of this, I've not shown her the CCTV footage of you holding a knife to your throat. Can you imagine how much stress that would put her under?" I conclude by slamming my glass down on the desk.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't know any of this I swear. I don't even know how to get out of this. If Vanessa knew this, she would kill me herself and the disappointment, I don't even want to think about it." He pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers and shakes his head in disgust. "Vanessa mentioned a woman called Ada?" I snap my head up, taken back from the mention of her name, "Vanessa did tell me about a woman who visited her a few weeks back. She said she had a black eye and bruises on her neck. I never put two and two together until now." He tells me, placing his empty glass next to mine.
"I never knew she went to see this... Vanessa. We were broken up at the time." Wondering if she went to see her of the morning that Jess opened the door to her.
"Can I ask you another question before you go?" I ask. He clears his throat and nods. "Have you seen Alex with another girl? Quite short, brown hair. Goes by the name of Jess?"
"No. When I've seen him he's always been alone" He stands from the chair looking over the place before he walks over to the door. "I'm sure a dead man now." He laughs through his nose, straightening up his black jacket.
"Look man, I'd hate to think Alex gets to win over of this. If it helps you live, you can come back and keep up the pretence. I will delete the footage." I'm not happy about this but knowing he is also suffering from the hands of Alex makes this situation more complicated than it first seemed. Manipulating some poor twat to do his own cowardly work for him is just like him but this is far from over.
"Thanks. You don't know how much that means to me. I'm sorry again. The things we do for love, aye?" He purses his lips with half a smile before opening the door and leaves.

I stealthily tip toe through the front door, taking one step at a time avoiding the ones that creek. It's 6.15am, Ada will be waking for work soon and her morning sickness usually kicks in fifteen minutes time. I reach the top of the stairs in relief.
"Where have you been?"
Stalking the dark shadows of the room, I hear the clicking of a switch and the living room lamp illuminates. Ada stands from the sofa with her hands on her hips. "Well?" It's guess it's my turn to be interrogated.
"I... I couldn't sleep, so I went down to the gallery." I stutter feeling caught out. It isn't a lie. Not entirely the truth but it's not a lie.
"Bullshit Jaxon. Why do you have blood on your jumper?" Her eyes fixed on the splatters of blood across the neck line.
"It's paint?"
"Are you asking me if its paint?" She huffs loudly. "The funny thing is right... My morning sickness surprised me early this morning about twenty past four I think it was. When I came back into the bedroom I saw you weren't in bed with me which I thought was strange. Then I hear men shouting from the alley, so I take a look out the window and guess who I see? You kicking the shit out of some guy." She folds her arms. "Fuck sake Jaxon. You are going to tell me what the fuck is going on?" She demands.
I stand defeated.
I run my fingers through my hair thinking where I should start. "Fine. Sit." I say pointing to the sofa. Sitting myself down by the side of her but not too close, sensing her anger. "I tried protecting you but I've obviously done a shit job at that." I rub my chin in annoyance before pulling out my phone from my pocket and showing her the CCTV footage from Saturday night.
"What is this?" She quizzes looking over at me and then back down at the screen.
"Keep watching." I tell her.
Her eyes flicker over the screen. I watch her eyes frown as she tries to piece the puzzle together. "I don't understand. What's going on?" She innocently asks.
I take the phone from her hand and open the next video. "That was Saturday morning and this.... this was Sunday morning." I explain passing her the phone again.
She flickers her eyes over the screen once more. "You can't run and you can't hide." She reads aloud. She gasps into her hand and chucks the phone at me. She starts breathing heavily and quickly while tears start streaming down her face. "He's found me, hasn't he?" She doesn't need to me answer her question. She knew for herself what it all meant. "So, who was it?" She swallows hard. "Was it... him?" She asks with a sour taste in her mouth.
I shake my head. "No. Just another person he is terrorising and manipulating to get what he wants. Turns out Joe is in love with Alex's ex-girlfriend. Vanessa is it? Seems Alex is punishing him for being in love with someone who he thinks is also his property." I say, moving closer to her, taking her in my arms. "I asked you to trust me. I didn't want you finding out this way or at all if I could help it. I wanted to handle it without it worrying and stressing you out. For you and the baby's sake. I just wanted you to be happy here, your safe haven. The last thing I wanted was this to start all over again." I tuck her hair behind her ear and wipe away the cold tears from her face.
"What does this mean do you think. Am I in danger again?" She cries, appearing confused and distressed.
"I don't want know it means but he's not getting anywhere near you, I promise. He will have to go through me first."

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