Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I'm rolling about Whimpering in discomfort, tossing and turning fighting the urge to be sick in my sleep, I anticipate that moment when I'm unable to control it.
Which is now.
Shooting myself out of bed, I'm racing to the toilet in a sleepy state, there isn't even time to turn on any lights. I throw myself at the toilet slamming the seat against the system and explode. Is this really what I have to go through every single morning? Its Saturday, I was desperate for a lie in. I've had morning sickness all week at work and I'm sure it's raising a few eyebrows amongst my colleagues but there isn't anything I can do about that while there's fresh coffee percolating in every fucking kitchen in the office. My pregnancy was confirmed by doctors on Thursday so it's official, I am over six weeks pregnant. All we need to do now is wait for the scan dates and the midwife checks to follow.
Jaxon knocks on the bathroom door. "Are you okay in there?" He calls out to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie as the sickness strikes back again.
Jaxon lets himself into the bathroom and I'm suddenly become aware of him being in the room, feeling conscious that he has to see me like this. "Get out. Don't look at me." I cry out, leaning against the cold radiator.
He laughs through his nose, wetting a flannel with cold water and places it in on the back of my neck. There's a hissing fizz pop sound you get when you open a can of fizzy drink and then Jaxon passes me a cold, fresh out the fridge Diet Coke, "I've seen you sick before and yet you are still beautiful, it doesn't bother me. Drink some, the soda helps the nausea dissipate."
I gulp mouthfuls of coke and enjoy the cold fizz hitting the sides of my burning throat and I'm instantly feeling better. "How do you know this." I quiz, enjoying more gulps from the can.
"I've been doing my homework. Apparently, it's common to have morning sickness in your first trimester." He explains.
I can't help but smile even through the uncomfortable burning in my stomach. He's been reading up about pregnancies and my heart just melted. I need to do that same, I need to catch up or else I will be asking the encyclopaedia of Jaxon for answers. I know I mention it a lot but I really do love love him.
While I was freshening up, Jaxon leaves out for me my daily vitamins to take, a peppermint tea in a flask and a little note telling me he will be downstairs finishing off a painting for one of his clients.
For the next couple of hours while Jaxon is working downstairs, I relax out on the sofa painting my nails and building up some energy before the engagement party tonight. My mum has organised the lot, she hasn't asked me for a thing so I literally have no idea what to expect this evening but knowing my mum it will be sophisticated do with peach Bellini's being offered left right and centre which I'm not even allowed to have. Sad fucking face.
Which brings me to my next problem, the people that know me well know how much I love a drink so walking around with a Diet Coke in my hand all night will sure raise a few eyebrows.
I force my eyes to burst open, looking around the place realising I've fallen asleep on the sofa again. I feel regenerated, definitely something needed after being up so early this morning. It's almost 5.30pm but there is also no sign of Jaxon.
I can hear music being played loudly from outside the gallery door and all I can do is knock and knock a few more times but he still doesn't open the door, so I let myself in. Which is fine and all but the doors are so heavy for me to open by myself.
"Jaxon!?" I call out as I stalk about the place but there is no reply. I'm slowly walking into his office, finding him sitting up his desk concentrating on something from his laptop. "Jaxon?" I say.
Jaxon's reaction when he saw me standing in his office was a bit suspect as he goes a head and slams his laptop shut.
"Ada. Everything okay?" He stands from his chair in a fluster, shuffling over to me and bringing me into a tight cuddle.
"Yeah of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? I was just wondering when you were coming up to get ready. Its 5.30pm, the party starts at seven." I tell him, burying my head into his chest welcoming the warmth of his arms around my body and the smell of his aftershave.
"Sorry, time has gotten away from me this afternoon. Your mum is setting up in there, she came in earlier and told me not to set foot in the shop or else." He laughs through his nose.
"Well then we better start getting ready." I tell him.
He kisses the top of my forehead and gives my tummy a rub. "I'll be up in five. I just need to finish off a couple of things then I'll be right up." He added.
I'm scanning his face, but he doesn't give too much away, I know he is keeping something from me but what is another question. "Five minutes." I ordered

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