Chapter Fourteen

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As the train moves at a rapid speed, I hold on tight to the rails as I'm almost flung across the carriage floor. I am desperate to see Jaxon's face. He walked into my life at a significant time and now I'm wondering why the universe led him in it. The doors to the carriage burst open and I'm leaping off the train in my killer heels. I put the power into my walking passing the strollers in the narrow corridors. Scanning my contactless card, I fly through the barriers before they even open, racing up the exit stairs. As I reach the top of the stairs, I look across the road and there he is standing with his leg bent resting against the wall. He is on the phone, to who? I wonder.
He catches sight of me, raising his arm and waves at me so I can notice him. He snaps back his head laughing, I can hear his sweet laughter from across the road. He quickly ends the call and walks over to the traffic lights, waiting for me to cross.
I'm standing and waiting patiently next to another woman who also sees Jaxon from across the road. She smiles at him, clearly showing she has an attraction for him. I'm sure she thinks he's waiting for her. I don't blame her to be honest but I'm not the slightest bit impressed with the way she's gawking at him. She looks at him as if she could eat him for dinner, I hate that look and seeing her do it with my own eyes seriously pisses me off. As soon as the green man appears, I race over to him and grab him by his head, pulling him down to my level, kissing him passionately. He knows my game and he is more than happy to play along. He places his hands on my bum cheeks and gives a gentle squeeze for extra effect, I can feel him excited under his jeans.
"Down boy, Later." I whisper into his ear.
"You're in a good mood. I like it."
"I am in a good mood for a change. Shall we go in here?" Pointing to a pretty cafe. It was the cupcakes in the window display that made the decision for me.
He agrees opening the door out so I can walk in.
Taking in the quaint décor, I find a table at the back corner of the cafe. It looks private so we can talk without any disruptions. It is like a proper English tea room serving a selection of tea's in real white china pots. There is a glass-fronted counter with an array of cream cakes, cupcakes, and pastries, enough to make your mouth water. Jaxon orders us both a pot of tea and vanilla rainbow cupcakes then sits himself back down. "So, what would you like to talk about first?" Jaxon asks adding milk to the teas.
Jaxon winces but he knew it would be the top topic of conversation. "Okay. What do you want to know?"
I don't really know what I want to know to be honest, I just want to be reassured he won't be seduced by her ever again. "Why her though? She doesn't seem to be your type at all. I know she's your friend I just want to know if she's someone that I need to worry about I suppose."
He reaches for my hand and places it in his, his face changes into a guilty look and sighs before he answers. "I'm trying to find the right words to say to make you to understand where you belong in my life. Ade, I've been in love with you for eleven years. In that time, I've only had one girlfriend and that didn't last long. After that I didn't bother trying a relationship with anyone else. Jess and I... well... we were just passing time. She wanted more but I loved someone else. She wasn't the only person I was fucking so I have never been attached to her in anyway. No one will ever take away how I feel about you and I told her, from day one that one day I will end up marrying you."
I can't help but smile at him, blushing. "You want to marry me?
"Of course, I do. Do you seriously think after all this time wanting you, waiting for you and loving you, I would let you get away from me?"
Hearing all this makes me wish I never wasted so much time with Alex. I wish the opportunity with Jaxon presented itself sooner. "Well let's all prayer I get to live long enough to live that fairy tale." I laugh through my nose, trying to make a joke that wasn't funny.
"Why would you say something like that?" He asks.
"Well who knows what's going to happen. I'm in such a fucked-up situation. All these terrible things going on. Who knows if I will survive and there's obviously more to come." I reply.
"We will sort this out I promise. I will do anything to make you feel safe again. I want you to feel safe with me in our own place where I can truly hurt someone if they were to ever come near you again." He takes my hands away from my cake and rubs my wrist. He soon realises I have no bandages on. "Why have you taken off your bandages?"
I snatch my hand away from his and hide it under the table. "I wanted to see it. I wanted to see what I'll be stuck with for the rest of my life. Anyway, it feels better without it on. I can do so much more." I tell him.
"That's not the point. It's there to protect your wound from getting infected, it's still an open wound. When we get back to the flat I'm wrapping that back up. Now that I've seen it again I don't want to be reminded of how it happened." He put his hands over his eyes shaking off the memory of the blood spilt all over the kitchen floor.
"Okay." I tell him, taking his hands away from his eyes keeping my injured hand well hidden under the table.
We spoke about Gemma and how upset I am with her ghosting me. We discuss our parents trying to imagine what they will say when we come clean about our relationship. I know my parents adore Jaxon, they've been there for him when he's needed help. Bought him school uniform when he's needed it, so seeing him grow up into a fine young man that he is, makes them feel the little they did for him helped him become the man he is today.
"So, tell me what happened at work today?" He asks taking a bite of his cake.
"Richard, my boss, told me he is resigning to spend time with his family so a new CFO has been appointed and will be joining in a couple of months' time and I'll continue to be his Executive Assistant." I say feeling pleased with myself. "They gave me a ten thousand pound pay rise as an incentive and he's also given me the rest of the week off."
Jaxon raises his eyebrows and matches my excitement and enthusiasm. "Wow that's amazing! You sexy little thing, you." Clinking our tea cups together.
"Now that I'll be paid enough, I was thinking about maybe buying a house. I have some savings put away for a deposit and with the raise I'm sure I'll get a healthy mortgage." I announce, taking another bite of my cake.
Jaxon sits back in his chair, his eyes fixed on me, noticing the cogs working away in his brain. "I was going to ask you about that at some point," Shifting nervously in his chair again. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to buy a house with... me? It's okay if you don't and it's okay if you want to buy on your own, I won't be offended."
My perfect Jaxon only twenty-five and is already looking to build a life for himself. I can't help but find this seriously sexy. "Well if you plan on us getting married, wouldn't it be a tad strange buying two houses and living separately?" I say with a little giggle.
All this talk about buying houses makes me feel quite flushed, I stand from the table taking off my coat and I fold it over my chair. Jaxon looks me over, biting his bottom lip.
"You look... incredible. Is that what you normally wear to work? Tight fitted skirts?" He says flirtatiously.
"Well yeah. It's just a shirt and skirt." Shrugging my shoulders. It is my normal attire after all. He makes a signalling gesture for me to lean in closer and whispers into my ear. "Just a shirt and skirt?... If I were your boss I'd be fucking you on the chair, up against the window. I'd even have you bent over my desk." And pulls away to watch my reaction.
My clit pulsates at the thought of it. He could do whatever he wants to me over that desk any time. All I can muster is a little laugh through my nose as my body feels weak for him. Staring at each other intensely, this would be a different scenario if we weren't in public right now.
"What do you want to do tonight?" Jaxon asks trying to diffuse the sexual tension between us.
"I'm okay not to go out and it's not like we have any tickets for anything. It would be nice to not spend one New Years in a pretentious bar with pretentious pricks drinking pretentious champagne. I want to do something normal." I say, hoping I haven't destroyed any plans made that may include some of those listed above.
"I'm so glad you said that. I have never spent New Year's with a girlfriend before. So, what about we get some drinks in, get some party food from Tesco, play some games that may include taking off our clothes and then maybe if we are up for it later we could take a walk along the embankment and watch the fireworks?" He suggests with a smile.
"That sounds like the best idea. I have never seen the fireworks before."
"Done deal then." He says as he slaps his hand down on the table.
"I hope you brought warmer clothes this time." I say jokingly.
"Come on let's get out of here and get to Tesco before all the good stuff sells out." He says, standing from the table pulling out his wallet and leaving a ten-pound note for a tip.
Walking back to the flat hand in hand, we discuss which areas we should look into for buying a house. It's not long before we realise we are already standing in the car park of the flats.
"Let's take your car." Jaxon suggests. "It's not been driven in a few days, it could do with a run around."

In My Dreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن