Chapter Thirty-Five

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We spend most of the day unpacking boxes and moving furniture around until it looked right in room. How hard can it be to find a place for a sofa, it turns out very. Then we unpack our clothes and hang them in the massive built in wardrobes, but when you see all the hangers are all tangled up from being stuffed inside a bin liner all day the task soon becomes a chore.
I lay back on the bed noticing the new ceiling fan that Serena had installed before Jaxon bought the place. It comes with remote control which I find very impressive. Who knew how hard it would be hanging up all your clothes and fighting with tangled up hangers, the sweaty Betty feeling confirms it. It's one of those jobs that you wished you never started. I've pressed the buttons on the remote control, watching the blades kick in as they start moving, hoping it will cool me off. The blades are spinning, picking up speed as they go around and around, I am so involved that I don't even notice Jaxon laying next to me. "What are you thinking?" He whispers.
I say through a jaw breaking smile, "That I'm so happy. I feel like I can finally breathe."
"I'm happy that you're happy." He tells me kissing my hand. "It's been a long day, I'm going to jump in the shower. Care to join me?" He winks and turns on his side, his face seductive, imagining all the possible things he could do to me in the new shower.
"As if I could ever say no to that." I tell him.
He jumps up from the bed and starts taking off his clothes, throwing them to a heap on the floor. I watch him take off his T-shirt, flexing his back muscles. I'm biting my bottom lip just from the sight of him, I can feel my cheeks are flushing. He strolls off into the bathroom and then the sound of water starts pelting the shower floor. As I start taking off my clothes, I hear knocking coming from the back door of Jaxon's gallery. I rush over to the window to see who it is.
Oh for fuck sake. "What do you want Jess!?" I yell out to her.
She looks up and sees me leaning out the window. "Is Jaxon there?"
"He's in the shower. Can you come back another time? Preferably when I'm not here." I tell her then I  shut the window, cutting her off mid-sentence. I know it's only a matter of time before she starts knocking on the flat door.
"5...4...3...2...1." Her tiny fist starts pounding at the door, I could ignore her and shower with Jaxon and pretend she was never here but then Jaxon will find out and he will wonder why I never told him. This is a joke.
I stomp down the stairs, opening the fucking door that revealed her irritating fucking face. "There's these funny things called a phone; maybe use it next time rather than show up uninvited." I say trying to conceal my irritation. She's like a gnat that you keep swatting away with your hand but keeps coming back or more like a persistent rash.
"What would be the fun in that." She joked. "I thought you would be at work anyway but seeing that you are here too...." She pushes past me, making her way up the stairs to the flat.
"Please come in." I say sarcastically.
I'm now forced to tolerate her presence as I wait patiently for Jaxon to realise I sadly won't be joining him in the shower. I can see she is checking the place over inspecting the choice of furniture. My furniture. Thankfully Jaxon turns off the shower but we are still both standing in an unpleasant silence.
"Ada? You little tease. Where are you? I'm hard in here waiting for you." He shouts out. I splutter and Jess blushes, she shifts uncomfortably on her feet then takes a seat on my sofa.
"Err... Jax stop! Jess is here!" I yell out to him.
Ten long minutes later Jaxon appears fully clothed. "All ok?" He asks suspiciously.
Jess stands from the sofa and passes Jaxon a card. "My mum told me you and Ada are getting married, so she wrote you out a card for you both." She says.
I can see the dissatisfaction on her face. She stands awkwardly watching Jaxon open the card and eyeballing me at the same time. She puts both of her hands in her jean's pockets and that's when I realise for the first time since I've known the bitch that she's actually wearing layers.
Jaxon smiles and lays his arms over my shoulders. "I asked her to marry me again the gallery open night. Do you want to see her ring?" He says.
I hold out my hand enjoying the look on her face as she notices how beautiful the ring is.
"Wow... It's gorgeous." Jess admits. "Will you be having an engagement party?" she asks, tiptoeing back and forth on her heals.
"Not sure yet. If we do it will only be for close family and friends. Nothing too extravagant." Jaxon answers but we haven't discussed if we will celebrate our engagement but I guess that answers the question for me.
"Can I bring a plus one?" She announces beaming a massive smile across her bitchy face. "If you're invited that is." I joke.
"Of course, you will he invited." Jaxon corrected nudging me in the side warning me to play nice, I'm rolling my eyes but Jess sits herself back on the sofa obviously getting ready to tell us a long ass story that I probably won't give a rats ass about what so ever, I guess she won't be leaving anytime soon.
"I've met someone," She claims. I roll my eyes again, oh boy, here we go. Actually, I'm surprised, I don't know many men that would tolerate this mess. "His name is Christopher and he's amazing. I met him in Mayfair last week and we've been seeing each other ever since."
Jaxon smiles at her to be polite, pretending to be interested but I know he would rather die than listen to the garbage that comes out of her mouth.
"He's a little older than I am but oh my god he is so successful. He's going to be CFO at this insurance company or something like that." She continues.
Wait what? I'm suddenly interested.
"New CFO of an insurance company? Is his name Christopher Hayes by any chance?" I ask.
"Yeah that's right" she frowns, wondering. "How do you know him? Don't tell me he's another man your planning on stealing from me." She blurts out.
"I didn't steal anything from you, Jaxon was never yours to begin with." I corrected her. "I'm going to be his Executive Assistant when he starts."
My body goes stone cold. What are the fucking chances of this happening? She goes into London and meets a man who so happens to be my new boss. I mean there are so many questions that I avoid asking, all I can do is listen and take in all that bullshit she has to say.
"No fucking way" She exaggerates. "It's a small world don't you think?"
I haven't even met Christopher yet and there's me thinking finally she will fuck off now she has someone else to dig her claws into but it's not going to be like that is it? "Very." I tell her.
"He even gave me this yesterday." She flashes a bracelet on her wrist and dangles it in front of my face. As I take a closer look at her wrist, I notice something hauntingly familiar with this new bracelet. The wind feels like it's been knocked out of me. I can feel the blood draining from my face seeing that she's wearing the exact same bracelet that Alex gifted me a couple of years ago. Only he had it made for me and only me. I'm tracing my fingers along the silver band and then I turn her wrist over to find the same diamond charm hanging from the clasp, it's a small heart charm with her initials 'JP' engraved onto it.
This is impossible. Alex designed that bracelet for me which means no one in this whole entire world would have another. I can no longer breathe.

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