II. The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (Part 1) Post Apocalypse

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II. Possibility: Alone with Another Guy?! (Part 1)

Year 3010 A. D.

After the technological advancement of humanity and development of humanoids (human androids - capable of having human characteristics but needed human substance to live) a war between these races happened and created the world destruction…

Only one had survived…or it may seem…


“Grrr…great…just…great…I survived the bombing…and those frenzied zombies…but alone in this desolate world makes me craaaazy!” Xander Young thought while scanning the area hoping to find some survivor. He went to all the wrecked buildings but only decaying dead and flies can be seen.

Then he started remembering how this world had been once a very magnificent place. Prosperity showed as if it would never fade. It is the so-called golden age of the humans and humanoids but the greed of humanity started to make this place a living hell. Creating atomic bombs and progressive alchemistry; learning that leads to bringing the dead back to life. The dead coming back to life was called Sciemer (Science Emerger) known as Zombie. It was opposed by the humanoids that leads to human and humanoids war. Humanoids were annihilated. To this cause the zombies’ race rises and to stop them one human leader proposed to bomb them but miscalculation happened. This resulted to the total annihilation of earth.

He went back to reality when he heard something…



Xander was uplift. “A survivor! I wasn’t alone at all!” he mentally screamed. “A beautiful lady would change the mood…” he thought and hurriedly went to the site.

In his disappointment, he saw a feverish famished toad. The person was not a frog or even look like it. It was his impression to see a gorgeous guy who happened to be his co-cadet in the military academy many years ago and a fag.

The guy was Lander Hillstone.

“Nyam…nyam…more…I haven’t eaten for a week now!” Lander demanded for more food.

“You’re disgusting…at least made some poise…” Xander was irritated.

After thirty minutes,

“Since, you’re already full…I’ll be going now…” Xander said without looking back.

“What…are you going to leave me here…all alone? At least let me come with you!” Lander pleaded.

“It’s your problem and NO WAY!” Xander smug.

“Argh…why are you like that…I’m not going to hurt you…or…” Lander paused because Xander looked at him very pissed.

“Don’t tell it…or I’ll kill you!” Xander warned him.

“Nyah…nyah…as if you’re my type!” Lander said furiously.

Xander got his gun and made a warning shot. “Next time it will hit you…NOW BACK OFF!” he snarled.


Oh...please tell me if the plot is okay...so I'll post the next chap...

Cheerio! (^o^)/

The Possibility - All Alone with Another Guy?! (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now