"Poor bag, what did it ever do to you?" I looked back to find Jeremy, my old sparring partner when I was learning self defense back in Georgia. A huge smile took over my face as a huge frown took over Gray's. Ignoring him I ran straight to Jeremy and was engulfed into a big hug.

"Oh my gosh! Jer what are you doing here?!" He chuckled at my excitement and gave me a quick kiss on my head. He was about 20 years old, so he was like an older brother to me. "Remember how I took that scholarship a few years ago?" I nodded, remember when he received a boxing scholarship for an out of state college. "Well, turns out the college was here in Maine, so after I got settled in, I found this gym and decided to use is as my workout space." I nodded in understanding, giving him another hug. 

"I missed you! You didn't text or call or anything." I pouted at him, giving my best puppy dog eyes. I knew he was just busy and would've called if he had time, but I always loved teasing him. 

"I'm sorry Rose, I got so caught up with school and the team that I barely had any time for myself." He looked genuinely sorry and guilty, and I felt bad for teasing him. "No worries big bro I'm not mad. But if you proceed to never contact me again I'm going to have to call up Logan and have her fly out." I smirked evilly knowing he has a crush on my best friend. I laughed at his red face and continued talking. "Ya know. She is 18 now. So it's legal if y'all wanted to dateeeeeeee." I sung out, enjoying how his face became as red as a tomato. He started coughing awkwardly and looked at an invisible watch on his wrist. "U-um wow! Look at the time, I better...uh...get going!" I laughed as he gave me a quick hug and ran out of the gym. As he was running I called out to him  "COWARD!" Yeh I got a few stares after practically screaming that in the gym.

I turned around to continue abusing the poor bag when I ran smack into a chest. "Oomph." I looked up and met Gray's jealousy ridden eyes. I blinked, almost positive that I couldn't have seen jealousy, I mean we're just friends. There's no way he likes me like I like him. "Who was that?" I shook out of my thoughts and proceeded to answer Gray. "He's my old sparring partner from Georgia." I began laughing again. "He has the hugest crush on Logan since two years ago when they met and I've been trying to get them together since. He's such a coward. He's too terrified to ask her out." I rolled my eyes as I began chuckling again. Gray's face seemed to have relaxed after I told him who he was. "Oh." I quietly laughed again at his relieved expression and went back to the punching bag.


It's been about three hours since I left school with Gray. I turned off my phone so I never checked any of my notifications. After I finished my shower in the gym's bathrooms, I threw my school clothes back on and walked towards my car. Gray was in the passenger seat listening to some music. I powered my phone back on so I could get directions back home. As soon as it was fully on I received about fifty notifications from Nate, and a few from my parents that were checking up on me from Alaska.

I ignored Nate's messages, knowing that if I looked at them I would burst into tears again. I honestly didn't know if I was overreacting or not but I didn't feel like I was. From someone who couldn't stand to be mad at you, or make you sad, or do anything to hurt you, having someone like that completely ignore your existence hurt. I quickly replied to my parents texts, letting them know I was ok and school was going just fine. I pulled up my maps app and set up the directions to go home. I hesitated pressing the "go" button, since I wasn't sure if Nate was going to be there or not. I sighed before I swiped out of the maps app and opened my messages. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes before I even opened Nate's texts. I felt a comforting hand being place on mine and turned towards Gray. He gave me a small, encouraging smile and I sighed yet again as I looked at the messages Nate sent me.

😜Lil Bro😜- Sis! I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you!

😜Lil Bro😜- Please forgive me!

😜Lil Bro😜- I'm so sorry

😜Lil Bro😜- It kills me to see that I've hurt you

😜Lil Bro😜- Please let me explain

😜Lil Bro😜- I'm so very very very very sorry!!

😜Lil Bro😜- I love you and I never meant to hurt you!

😜Lil Bro😜- Please forgive me sis, hear me out in person?

😜Lil Bro😜- I will make you all the food in the world just for you to hear me out!

😜Lil Bro😜- No joke I will do it if I have to

😜Lil Bro😜- I swear I never meant to hurt you

😜Lil Bro😜- I was such a dick to ignore you like that

😜Lil Bro😜- I was scared you would hate me after I told you what I was hiding

😜Lil Bro😜- So I pulled away.

😜Lil Bro😜- I didn't even realize what I was doing until you yelled at me. It gave me a well needed wake up call. Please don't hate me, I'm so sorry. 

😜Lil Bro😜- Please forgive me 🥺

😜Lil Bro😜- Can we please talk?

😜Lil Bro😜- I will explain everything

😜Lil Bro😜- Please don't hate me 

😜Lil Bro😜- I'm so sorry. I love you sis, and I never ever wanted to hurt you like this.

The rest were pretty similar to those. Now I felt really bad for snapping at him like that, I felt the tears sprinkle down my cheeks and I began typing a response back.

Me- It's okay, I forgive you. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped at you when you were clearly stressed out about something. I should have been there for you.

His response came almost immediately after I sent my text.

😜Lil Bro😜- You have no reason to apologize, it was completely my fault. I shouldn't have been such a dick to you and ignored you for a week just because I was stressed.

Me- So, we'll talk when I get home?

😜Lil Bro😜- Yes :) What did I do to deserve such an amazing sister.

Me- *correction* OLDER sister :D

😜Lil Bro😜- fine. OLDER sister.

Me- 🎉🎉🎉

I shut off my phone and turned towards Gray and gave him one of the biggest hugs ever. "Thank you." I whispered softly. "What for? I didn't do anything." I just looked at him and said "Whether you realize it or not, you were there for me today and you helped me a lot. So thank you Gray, it really means a lot to me." He just smiled at me in response as I pulled away from him and started the car.



Alrighty y'all!!! I don't really know the importance or relevance of the gif above but I felt like it fit the chapter so here it is lmao

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Alrighty y'all!!! I don't really know the importance or relevance of the gif above but I felt like it fit the chapter so here it is lmao. Ok y'all we have a lot happening next chapter so buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!!! 

Hope y'all liked this chapter and thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting!!! I love hearing what you guys have to say about my story and I love that you guys like it enough to vote on it! So thank you all again and have a great day/night!

Peace out and eat lots of grape jelly! (cus why not? *shrugs*)

~Jay <3

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