Chapter 16

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Maxon's POV

Three months later America and Marlee lay in hospital beds side by side holding hands. I stand next to America and Carter stands next to Marlee. In the last three months Carter has been promoted to head guard and Marlee has been promoted to one of America's maids. America insisted Mary be her head maid since she is the only one left of her original maids.

"Are you ready my dear?" I ask America.

"Yes. What do you want Maxon?"

"America I will love either a boy or a girl equally. I want a girl so I can see her grow into a beautiful lady like her mother and I want a son so I can watch him grow into a great king. I want as many children as you want because I want to see the joy in your eyes as we grow old and watch the children grow."

"Maxon I love you."

"Alright ladies how are you today?" The doctor asked walking in.

"Excited doctor." Marlee answered for both of them.

"Well good. Today you will find out the gender of your babies. Marlee last month your opted to wait for America to hear the gender would you still like to find out today?"

"Yes" she answered looking at Carter with a smile. I've never seen the couple so happy.

"Alright. America today we will know the gender of your child. Do you wish to wait or would you like to know today?"

"Today" she replied. She looked at me and I fell in love with her smile again. Tonight we would be announcing the gender of the heir to the country, that and the fact that America was pregnant.

"Alright ladies who would like to go first?"

America's POV

Marlee was having twin boys!!! Oh I was so excited for her!! Carter was excited to learn he was going to have two little sons and Marlee was excited she was going to be a mom.

"Alright America your turn."

The doctor examined the screen closely as Maxon held my hand.

"Oh my," the doctor said. His eyes were wide and his mouth dropped open a bit.

"What" Maxon demanded "What's wrong."

"America you're having a son."

"Maxon did you hear that! Our little King. There will be three little boys running around the castle."

"America wait a minute," Maxon said "I- I don't think the doctor is done."

"America you're having a son and two little girls. You're having triplets."

My mouth dropped open a bit and I zoned out for a minute. The sound of Marlee's squeals brought me back. Triplets.... Maxon and I are having triplets!!!!!!

"Maxon we are having triplets!"

I stood up and hugged Maxon who was still in shock.

"Triplets" he whispered "three little kids, three little kids for my family. America we are gonna be parents. Parents to three wonderful beautiful amazing children!!!!"

He kissed me and spun me around the room. Marlee came up and we hugged carefully trying not to harm our little baby bumps.

"Come on Maxon," I called letting go of Marlee and sending her to Carter, "Let's go tell the country."

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