04| can you hear me now?

Start from the beginning

Opening her bag, Hanna started searching through it as she talked, "You know, I've had Alison's bracelet since the day we found it in the woods, and I don't want responsibility any more," She confessed. Hanna picked up the bracelet and held it out to Aria.

Aria shook her head, backing away. "I don't want it."

"Seriously, somebody take this." Hanna looked around at her friends, urging someone to take the bracelet from her hand.

Ivy didn't want it. She had just got rid of her own bracelet that Alison gave her, she didn't need another. She was done with the purple bracelets. So, like Aria, Ivy backed away from her sister, refusing to take it.

With a huff, Spencer snatched it out Hanna's hand. "Look at us. Bunch of babies." She lifted the bracelet up, staring at it as she continued, "There's nothing that 'A' can say or do to get us into trouble without making trouble for herself," Spencer boldly declared.

"Are you sure it's a her?" Hanna queried.

Spencer shrugged. "Him, her, doesn't make any difference." Reaching over into her bag, Spencer whipped out her laptop. She opened it up and started typing away.

With furrowed brows, Ivy turned to her and asked, "What are you doing?"

Still looking down at her computer, Spencer replied, "I'm going to block all messages from people that I don't know. IMs, texts, emails, everything. Screw 'A'." Clicking a few buttons, Spencer worked away, blocking the stalker from texting them. Once she was finished, Spencer then gazed up at her friends with a grin. "There. Who's next?"

Ivy immediately grabbed the computer from her hands, and plonked down on the bench where Spencer had sat. Like Spencer, Ivy clicked a few buttons, and let out a sigh when she had blocked any unknown senders.

Once she was finished, she passed the laptop to Emily, who was waiting patiently by her side.

She stood up from the bench with a spring in her step, excited that they had finally silenced 'A'. She felt lighter, free. 'A' would never bother them again.

Ivy joined Spencer's side, and together they gazed out at the town in awe. The sunny day meant that loads of families with young children were out grabbing ice cream or playing in the park, people were basking in the sun and celebrating the glorious day.

That's when Ivy noticed Mr Fitz riding past them on his bike. He was dressed in athletic wear, and Ivy guessed he had gone out for his own enjoyment. It reminded Ivy of a certain someone that she missed. He loved biking. Jason loved the outdoors and was always looking for an adventure or an opportunity to go out. Jason and Ivy had went out on their fair share of adventures. He seemed to be enjoying it these days which she had seen when she had stalked his facebook page. Jason had joined a lot of groups as part of his recovery, and tended to go out with college friends.

Having spotted exactly who Ivy had pointed out to her, Spencer announced, "I spy with my little eye something that begins with 'F'." She smirked.

Hanna had joined them as well, and she begun to wave to him, calling out to him, "Hey, Mr Fitz!"

Hearing his name being called, Mr Fitz glanced around and spotted the five girls standing by the park bench. He flashed them a kind smile, and waved back at them.

Ivy thought Mr Fitz was a lovely teacher. She hadn't spoke to him much, but from what she had observed and heard from other students, he seemed to be well liked. Although, Ivy thought it was probably because half the year fancied him. She couldn't argue with them though, he was gorgeous.

HIDDEN SECRETS - jason dilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now