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"Go down to the ocean, the crystal tide is raising, waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out, keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin', the moon controls the tide, it could cause you to drown"

"Go down to the ocean, the crystal tide is raising, waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out, keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin', the moon controls the tide, it could cause you to drown"

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"Mikasa?" Someone knocked on her door, "Come in Gabi." Mikasa sat down on her bed, finger-combing her hair as Gabi slowly opened her bedroom door to peep in. "Do you need anything?" She quietly asked as Gabi finally entered her room and gently closed the door. "Armin came by earlier and he's inviting you to go to the beach with him and the others, he said I can tag along with him!" The 15-year-old girl's eye sparkled. Mikasa smiled at the sight of Gabi being happy, "Yeah I'll come, and yes you can go but you and Falco have to keep an eye on Levi, okay?" A smile beamed across Gabi's face, "Sure thing!" Gabi started to approach the door to leave the room but Mikasa called her attention and signaled her to go to her. "I'll fix your hair, is that okay?" Mikasa shyly asked. She actually didn't really know how to fix her hair, she has always kept her hair short so she never really knew how to style it. The only person who would fix her hair was Sasha.

"You know Gabi, I've always kept my hair short so I actually don't know how to style hair." Mikasa mumbled the last part, causing Gabi to let out a little chuckle. "It's fine, I appreciate it though." She smiled. "You know, Sasha used to be the one to style my hair when it was kinda long." Mikasa smiled at the memory while gently brushing Gabi's hair. There was a moment of silence between them till Gabi spoke up.

"Do you forgive me?" This questioned caused Mikasa to somewhat tense up. She then let out a sigh and continued fixing Gabi's hair. "Of course I do. I also think Sasha would forgive you." She turned Gabi around to make her face her. She gave Gabi a reassuring smile then embraced her. "I've killed people too, do you think they forgive me?" Gabi didn't say anything.

"All done!" Mikasa turned Gabi around so that she could see her reflection in the mirror. "Waah! Mikasa this looks good!! Thank you so much!" The girl happily said, proceeding to hug her. "Sure thing Gabi." She said while patting her on the head. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, "Gabi you there?" It was none other than Falco Grice. Gabi's cheeks suddenly flushed, causing Mikasa to slyly smile at her. "Falco you can come in, I was just fixing Gabi's hair." Gabi glared at Mikasa then sighed in defeat. She mouthed the words "why" as Falco slowly turned the doorknob.

"Hi Mikasa, hi Gab-" Falco got cut off when he laid his eyes on Gabi. She was stunning. Falco's cheeks started to turn red making Gabi even more flustered. "How does she look, Falco?" Mikasa smirked at the sight of two flustered 15-year-olds. "S-She looks pretty." Falco mumbled and scratched the back of his neck. "A-Anyways, will we be going to the beach or will we stay behind to watch over Levi?" he asked, "No. All of us can come. You guys just need to keep an eye over Levi." She smiled as she escorted Falco and Gabi out of her room. "I'll prepare myself. While I'm preparing, tell Levi about our plans, okay?" Both of them nodded and headed downstairs.

Mikasa closed her door shut and sighed. "They're lucky." She says to herself as she engulfed herself once more in her little world of self-isolation.


The smell of saltwater in the air, the sound of waves crashing with each other. The feeling of the sand touching bare feet felt good. "Hi, Armin." Mikasa quietly said as the wind swayed her knee-length skirt. "Hey Mikasa, I see you brought the kids and the old man." Armin slyly smiled while seeking a peek at Levi who was also glaring at him. Mikasa looked around to see Connie, Jean, Annie, and Reiner. "Looking for someone?" Armin questioned, Mikasa, shook her head, "Where's Pieck?" she questioned. "Oh, she's sleeping in." Mikasa hummed in response.

"GABI WATCH OUT!!" Falco shouted as he proceeded to splash water at her, wetting her beautiful yellow dress. "Falco why!!" She said, splashing water at him in return. "Hey quit it! I didn't splash you that much!" He giggled as Gabi proceeded to tackle him, causing both of them to splash on the salty water.

Levi was watching from afar, a smile slowly crept on his face remembering the first time he went to the beach. When Hange was still alive. And Eren...and Sasha. "What's the matter?" Someone suddenly spoke, placing their hand on Levi's shoulder. Levi looked up to see a familiar face, "Hange?"

"What's with the face captain? Surprised to see me? Come on! Don't be sad and come to the water!" Hange cheered and ran towards the shore, splashing water, then, disappeared. A tear rolled down the crippled man's face, "Bastard." He clenched his fist till he felt another presence behind him. "You don't need to cry, we never died in vain." Levi didn't need to turn around to know who it was. He knew who it was. "Who said I was crying, Erwin." Levi emphasized his name. "You clearly are, Levi." Erwin chuckled at Levi who rubbed the temple of his nose.

"Why are you here?" The crippled man asked sternly. It was quiet but he still felt a presence behind him. "So that you could see them one last time." Erwin smiled while kneeling and whispered to Levi's ear, "Furlan and Isabel." Levi's eyes widened as the image of Falco and Gabi suddenly changed when Falco splashed water at Gabi, in sync, it suddenly changed into the figure of Furlan Church and Isabel Magnolia. "This is goodbye, Ackerman." Erwin walked in front of him, temporarily blocking his view. He placed his hand on his chest, saluting to him, "Devote your heart." He smiled and vanished alongside the wind. Levi saluted in return.

He turned his attention back to Furlan and Isabel messily splashing water at each other. Levi then realized that both of them never seen the beach. I guess this was their time to enjoy it before they finally go. As tears slowly and silently fell across his face, he sees Isabel turn her attention to him. "Aniki! Come on let's play!!" Furlan also turned his attention to him, waved at him, and mouthed the words, "Goodbye Levi." And one last splash and they both disappeared. It was Falco and Gabi again but they were looking at Levi. Gabi was on top of Falco, they were rowdily playing on the water till they saw Levi staring in the distance crying. Gabi stood up and helped Falco up and approached him, "Levi, are you alright? Why are you crying?" Gabi asked while trying to wipe Levi's tears using her thumb.

"Yes, yes I'm finally at ease."


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well that shit hurts, totally not in pain rn. chapter five will come out tomorrow which'll basically be the continuation of this beach chapter. anyways, thanks for the votes and reads! stay safe always and ily'all!

edit: i actually haven't proofread this yet but i'll be publishing it for now cuz i already wanna publish it UwU so don't mind the errors if there are, thanks!

another edit: okay I proofread this already and wtf it hurts :'>

Everything Stays ━ eren X mikasa, book 1Where stories live. Discover now