22. shanes karma part 1

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The rangers entered ninja obs tired. "Man I'm worked." They all nodded tired and looking like they haven't slept for days. "10 mile run, 2 fight simulations and an obstacle course." Hunter removed the glove from his mouth. "Don't forget 2 hours of hard meditation."

"That was the only part that wasn't tiring." Catty muttered. Dustin put his hand on Shane's shoulders. "Wven you look tired. Training finally getting to you."

Shane shook his head rubbing his eye. "I'm not getting a lot of sleep. Keep having this weird dream." Tori walked towards him. "You should pay attention to that. Sensei says your dreams can tell you a lot about yourself."

Cam looked around. "Speaking of dad. Where is he? Dad?" They walked towards the small house made for sensei. "Look."

Tori removed a small note that was stuck to the side. "Rangers. I have gone on a meditation retreat to reflect on and recharge my inner ninja. In my absence enjoy a well deserved day off."

They all cheered cause they got a day off o do whatever they want. "No way. Is that what it says?" Shane took the paper out of Toris hand. "Yeah."

"Well I'm thinking maybe the track then a movie or..." Dustin said looking at them. " a movie....then the track."

Catty chuckled at him shaking her head patting his shoulder. Tori turned around looking in thought. "Hey tor what's the matter? Come on don't tell me you can't deal with a day off."

"No a day off is great especially tomorrow. " She said. "I just thought sensei would be around for...you know..."

"What?" Shane put his hand on his head wide eyed. "Man are we stupid..?"

"Well not me but the rest of you..." catty said trailing off. They all glared at her making her smile. "Cause tomorrow..." He then sang. "It is your birthday."

"Oh!" They all smiled. "Then how about a beach party?" They all cheered. "Yeah."


"What do you say tor?" She smiled nodding. "Allright shore. Sounds great to me." Hunter nodded excited. "Allright meet at the beach first thing in the morning."

"Yeah." They high fived. Tori looked at Shane. "Just make sure you get enough sleep tonight. I think tomorrow might be something special after all."

In the morning they rode with Tori in her van except the three siblings who were already at the beach waiting for them and Shane who wasn't anywhere to be seen. She drive towards the beach and parked it. "Hey there's Catty, Blake and hunter."

Tori came out and Catty hugged her. "Happy birthday." She smiled. "Thank you!"

"Hey." Tori said. She looked around. "Has anybody seen Shane?" Blake nodded. "Yeah let's get this show on the road."

Dustin removed his surfboard. "Hey we can't leave without him. He's bringing the cake." Catty looked at him. "Seriously?" He nodded. "What flavor?"

Before he could answer Shane's voice came calling out to them. "Guys." They a turned to see him running towards them with a big box of cake. He handed it to her smiling. "Here Tori. Happy birthday."

She smiled taking the cake. Hunter looked at Shane's outfit. "Hey that doesn't look like beach wardrobe." He looked sorry. "Uh yeah about that..." He scratched his head. Tori looked at him. "Don't tell me your bailing."

"Okay look..." He started looking at the two girls.  "I had the same dream again last night. I think it's trying to tell me something."

"Like... how to ruin your friends birthday." Tori said. Catty pursed her lips. "Oh that's intense."

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