12. The samurais journey. part 1

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"Now watch closely, rangers" Sensei said. "Hiya!"

he breaks the wood infront in two halfs by himself.

They all gasp.

"See that?" shane said.

"That was radical!" Blake said.

"You were saying?" Tori asked hunter.

"I stand corrected, but how?" Hunter said shocked.

"The power comes not from the body but, from the mud." tori said.

"Correct, Tori." Sensei said.

"That is so deep man!" Catty said.

"Right. I'm up." Hunter said.

"You sure you wanna go there, bro?" Blake asked.

"Yeah don't let the body fool you." Catty said and looked at sensei. "No offence sensei."

"Non taken catty" He replied.

"If he can do it bro in going to give it my best shot." He said.

Shane put a block down. Hunter hit it but failed.

Shane, Dustin and tori laughed.

"Looks like Rodant 1 thunder ranger zip!" Shane said.

Catty shook her head. "Right because wind rangers have a million points." She said sarcastically.

"You think you can do it." Hunter asked.

One by one each ranger tried it but all of them failed.

"You have come far in your training but you still have a long way to go!" Sensei said.

"Yeah but your like a full on like super ninja master." Dustin said.

Suddenly they heard cam hit the block and it broke into two pieces.

"What?" Shane said shocked.

"Nice dude." Catty smiled at him.

"What?" Cam asked Shane.

"Alright how did you do that?" He asked.

"Seriously with his hands!" Catty said.

"No he used some laser beam thing right?" Shane said.

Catty shook her head disappointed that they didn't think cam to be capable.

"Or you switched the bricks I saw that once on a stunt show in a movie part." Dustin said.

"Just throw him a brick." Catty said.

Cam threw it to Dustin and he felt it heavy.

"Okay maybe not." Dustin said.

"It's gotta be a trick." Hunter said.

"Seriously bro?" Catty asked.

"What?" He sounded confused.

"You still don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"Just because someone isn't a ranger doesn't make them completely useless." Cam said. "I need some air."

He walks out.

Catty turned to the others. "You realize just because we have powers we are the strongest people ever."

Catty ran after Cam.


Cam and catty were throwing rocks in the lake when tori joined them.

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