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after Fred ran around trying to find whatever he was looking for, himself and George pushes us all towards the edge of the stairs, with their voices low and nearly whispering we stop as we look down the spiraling sort of staircase in which all we could see was the dark floor that stood far below us.

"What exactly are we doing?" I asked with a smile as I looked around, "glad you asked" George speaks with a cheeky grin as his eyes looked at everyone with enjoyment. George takes his hand and takes something out of his pocket, "is that an extendable ear" Ron said as he gulped and his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his brother, the twins both nodded as George slowly lowered the realistic-looking ear down the staircase and close enough so we could hear the meeting that was being placed below.

after we heard about thirty seconds of the meeting, it quickly ended as Hermione's cat 'Crookshanks' got the ear mistaken for a treat and was able to retrieve the ear, leaving Hermione to angry whisper "bad Crookshanks"

After that, we all headed downstairs after Mrs. Weasley informed us that the meeting was over and that dinner was served. Fred and George got a yelling at them as they spooked their mother and Harry was able to reunite with Sirius. Seeing them hug and finally feel each others embrace once more made a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach, I don't exactly know why but seeing them both smile as they hugged tightly made everything that we're fighting for worth it.


It was the 1st of September again, the four of us sat in our carriage and patiently sat through the long train ride. Harry didn't speak much, nor should I say he only spoke a few words, maybe two or three. For most of the train ride, he sat by the window, looking out into the cloudy sky and the green fields. His circle glasses reflecting against the window and his eyes scanning the outside. His eyebrows were usually furrowed forming faint lines to appear on his forehead and his jaw to be slightly clenched as he was away in his thoughts.

Hermione sat with her cat in her lap and the Daily Profit in her hands as she swiped to the next pages and Ron was able to scavenge some coins from his pockets and got himself some chocolate frogs and a licorice wand, he looked pretty pleased with his snack.

Harry had his hearing with the ministry not long ago, only a couple of weeks back but I could tell it was still playing on his mind, Harry told us that without Dumbledore there, he would of been expelled from Hogwarts but there was something different about Harry ever since the hearing, and I don't know if I liked it, all I could hope for was that he's okay. Sometimes the best support people need isn't being around them all the time, sometimes they need their space and for them to know that you are there if they need you.


"Harry, you coming?" I ask as I stood up from the carriage and headed towards the door, I looked back at him and he shook his head lightly like he was getting himself out of his own thoughts, he lightly smiled up at me as he stood up and we headed towards the exit of the train.

"I'm surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free potter. better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it" Malfoy walked beside us, his two goons trailing along behind him, he was wearing his all-black suit and his hair parted neatly like he combed it for an hour before he arrived. His words got to harry as he got too close to harry's face,

"Just stay away from me" Harry yelled, his voice louder than usual and his words made me startle a little, Ron held onto Harry's arm, holding him back, Harry's jaw was clenched hard as he watched Malfoy walk off into the distance.

Harry shrugged Ron off from his with a slight groan, Ron took a step back looking over at Hermione and they started talking quietly amongst themselves. I huff and I take a little hop to try and catch up to Harry, I could see harry's frustration through his darting eyes,

"harry" I spoke quietly as our legs continued walking at a fast pace, "what?" he spoke back quickly, and harsher than what I was expecting, "are you alright?" I asked, uncertainty in my voice, worried as to where this might lead, "I'm fine" he replied quickly once again, annoyance in his voice, he continued to look forward, he hadn't even looked at me yet, I walked by his side without saying another word, unsure of how to reply,

after a minute he huffed, and he looked over at me as we walked forwards, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-you know" he stumbled across his words, he looked back towards where he was walking and he let out another sigh, "it's just, a lot has happened in the last couple of months and I guess my mind is running circles around me and I can't keep up." his voice was going quieter and his words became slower as they came out of his mouth.

"I just want to do everything right, make it better" his voice became shakier as he continued, "Hey, this isn't a one-person team, ever since the first year where we battled through and defeated a mountain troll to where we are now, we did it together. Whatever this has in store for us this year, whatever happens to us, whatever we are faced with, we do it together. That's when we're at our strongest" I say wrapping my arm around harry as we walked along, he smiled at me with more warmth than last time, like he was saying thank you, his cheeks were slightly rosy and he wrapped his arm around my back as we walked towards the carriages.


"Hi guys" Neville stood beside me,

"Hey, Neville" we all said strangely at the same time as watched the carriage in front of us being pulled away from us and into the darkness, "what is it?" harry asked as he was facing the other way. We all turned around to face the same way as he was and saw the carriage sitting there by itself, "what's what?" Ron asked with confusion splattered on his face,

"That. Pulling the carriage" Harry pointed at the front of the carriage, "Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always" Hermione was quick to reply, a hint of concern in her voice as she looked over at Harry,

"you're not going mad, I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." Luna seated pleasantly in the carriage as the five of us try and squeeze into the seats, "everyone this is Loony Lovegood..." Hermione's eyes widened as she noticed what she said, "It's Luna Lovegood, not loony" I looked at Luna for approval, with a simple smile she nodded in my direction, Hermione was quick to clear her throat and move back into her seat.

"that's an interesting charm," I say pointing at the charm hanging around her neck, "it keeps away the nargles" she replied as she looked around at the rest of the group.

Most of the way to the castle Luna and I shared a pleasant conversation about what she got up to during the holidays and to me, it seemed very interesting, half the stuff she was saying was stuff I hadn't even heard of before but I enjoyed listening and chipping in when I could.

the girl who saved himOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant