☾ 37 ☽

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The next couple of days have dragged on to the point in class where I'm not listening, my mind has been running pages with thoughts and I just know I am ready to leave Hogwarts for the holidays to reset and take my mind off everything.

I love Hogwarts but right now it's not the place where I want to be, everything reminds me of Cedric, the halls where we walked, the great hall where we ate together, the gardens where we had picnics on a sunny day, every little thing would remind me of him and I couldn't quite take it anymore.

I've been hanging out with the group again and I loved being around them, they distracted me from everything else that's happening in my life.

The last couple of days we have been going back into our nightly routine of sitting by the fire in our pj's and talking about everything and laughing non stop.

Ron would pull out lollies from his pockets that he took from dessert at the great hall, Hermione and Harry would sit there just observing the red hair boy devour the sweets. A face of disgust and humour creeped on their face.

"I've missed this" I say allowing a big sigh to come out, a smile appeared on the three of their faces, "me too" Hermione spoke looking at me warmly, "do you think we will ever have a normal year at Hogwarts?" Ron spoke sarcastically while a chuckle spewed out, Harry shook his head slightly with a warm smile.

It always gave me a sense of comfort when Harry smiled, it's rare he does it with the sort of stuff he has to go through so when it happens it gives me such a warm feeling.

The next day we said goodbye to the girls of beauxbatons and the boys of Durmstrang as they headed back to their schools. The beauxbaton girls headed off in gold carriages up into the sky as the Durmstrang boys headed down back into the sea on their brown old boat. After that everyone went back in for dinner at the great hall for one last time, the room was buzzing once again with chatter and laughter amongst everyone. I still get the eyes staring at me but when I catch them they quickly look away as I'm eating, but I try and forget about it.

After that everyone headed back to their rooms and packed their bags ready for the next morning.

"You have to make sure you write to me every week" Hermione spoke quickly as we reached our rooms, I chuckle lightly as I opened the door "you know I'll try my best, even if I did write to you, you wouldn't be able to read it over my handwriting" I joke as I reached my bed and pulled out my suitcase,

~ Hermione and I always make fun of my handwriting compared to hers, her writing is always so neat and tidy, beautifully cursive and mine is quite the opposite ~

"that's true" hermione spilled rather quickly without realising what she said "hey hey, your not supposed to agree" we both laugh "I apologise dearly" she chuckled as she packed her suitcase.


"Stella wake up" I felt a hand shrug my shoulder as my head rested on the window of the train, my eyes open and took a couple seconds to adjust to the lighting and I realised we were home. "Harry and Hermione have already hopped out the train" Ron said standing by the door of our carriage, I smile up at him as I stand up and put my wand in my pocket.

We jumped off the train and landed on the platform, the steam from the train made the sky grey and filled with clouds of steam. Ron and I made our way over to Harry and Hermione. I could see they were talking and laughing,

"Have a good sleep?" Harry asked with a sarcastic tone in his voice and a cheeky smile spread across his face, I faked laughed "very funny. But yes it was rather good actually" I chuckled out in between my laughs, "sounded like it by your snoring" Ron quickly added bracing for what I might say, I gasp as I looked at him, and playfully walked his arm, "I did not snore, no" I shook my head,

Harry, Hermione and Ron all shared looks between each other, trying hard to hold back their laughs, "merlins beard, I'm so sorry" I placed my hand over my mouth, embarrassed.

Everyone laughed out loud, not a care in the people around us, my eyes looked around for my father and once I finally saw him my heart fluttered.

"my fathers here, I guess I'll see you guys when I see you guys" I pointed my head towards my dad, they all looked over at him and smiled, he mirrored a smile back, "and yes Hermione I will write to you" I playfully winked at her
"see you soon Stella"
"Bye stell"

I picked up my suitcase and headed towards my dad and was standing beside my brother with warm smiles, he greeted me with open arms and a big hug and we headed home.

the girl who saved himWhere stories live. Discover now