☾ 7 ☽

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"There she is" I hear Ron point over in my direction as I make my way down the great hall for some food,

Hermione, Ron and Harry had already started, patiently waiting for me to join them,

I sit next to Ron, with hermione and Harry on the opposite side of the table, "hey guys" I look at all three of them, their eyes pleading, "what was malfoy like?" I hear Harry ask, his arms crossed on the table, Ron and Hermione listen in,

"He'll be fine, it was only a bit of scratch, nothing more, what I'm concerned about is, will something happen to Hagrid or buk beak because of what happened?" I ask rhetorical question, knowing they don't really know,

"I didn't even think of that, Ron quietly says looking into the distance, trying to figure something out, "it's true-" Hermione adds, concern all over her face, "The Malfoy's have way too much money and they could use it against Hagrid or buk beak" she continued, Harry nods his head, I could see he was trying to contemplate an idea, a plan, anything.

"We can ask Hagrid tomorrow if anything's happened, and we will work it out from there" he suggests looking around at all three of us, we all mirror the same nod, each with worried face, but we slowly eat more off our plates.


The night came quickly that day, the four of us hung out by the fire once more, it was beginning to become a very regular thing, we shared stories again and laughed our way through the night, the fire blaring, feeling the warmth on our skin, the rain pattering down on the roof as we talked.

After we finished that we hurried off to bed, and here I was laying in my bed, hearing Hermione sniffling in her sleep, and shuffling around to find a better position in her bed from across the room,

I sit up, the red blanket hanging over my cold body, I see hermione on the other side of the room, peacefully sleeping,

I flip over the blanket so it's off of me and place my legs down on the cold floorboards, I stand up trying to be as quiet as possible, and I tip toe my way through the room, i grab my note book and I open the door, and it creeks open making an eery sound echo through the room,

"Lucy what are you doing?" I hear hermione whisper, her eyes half shut, trying to re adjust her vision, she yawns in the process.

"Sorry, I was sleep walking" it was the first thing that came to mind, so I just went with it, "you go back to sleep, I'll just be a second" I say, hushing her back to her bed, her head it's the pillow and she falls back to sleep within seconds.

I walk out the door and shut the door quietly, hoping I didn't wake anyone else up, it was way past curfew and if I was to get caught sneaking around, I knew I'd get about a months worth of detentions. Make it two if Snape catches me.

But I've done this a million times, even more, so I know little passage ways to the astronomy tower.

I go to the astronomy tower almost every night, it's kind of like a safe spot, a comfort spot.

That's why I still come here, I know she's watching, with me,

I used to always star gaze with my mom during the holidays when I'd come home, we would go out into the paddock, no city lights, and just lay there, sometimes we wouldn't even talk, we would just stare and fall in love with the stars.

Even when I was at hogwarts, I'd sit and watch the stars by the astronomy tower, knowing she'd be at home, watching as well, and it gave me a feeling of comfort, that I was looking at the same beautiful stars as my mom.

But now it's different, I still go up there almost every night, I sit there, watching the night go by, it made me feel like she's still star gazing with me, just she's way closer to the stars up there.

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