☾ 38 ☽

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My holidays felt different this year, they felt longer, draining away the time, the hours, and the joy. Most of my time I spent my holidays in my room, I hung out with my brother and my dad every now and then, usually chatting at the breakfast table or when we're all in the car to go food shopping. 

I told my father about Cedric, I didn't tell him everything, he didn't need to know, I didn't want him to know, it would only make him worry if I told him everything, about the Dark Lord returning and how he killed the boy I loved. 

He was really understanding about it all, I guess we share the same experience of losing someone we love. I could see it in his eyes when I told him about it, I could see he was sharing the same grief, still holding onto that pain and suffering. 

I didn't need to tell my brother, he already heard from Dumbledore and his speech in the great hall, but he still didn't quite understand how bad this all actually means, with the dark lord returning and the rumors spreading didn't exactly help him understand. The kids at school have taken over his thoughts and made him believe that Harry was making it all up, that Cedric died of his own accord, 

Whenever we got onto the topic of Cedric and how he doesn't believe in the dark lord returning I find my blood begins to boil, I try my best to stay calm and keep a reasonable conversation, try and show him how Harry isn't lying but for whatever reason, he still doesn't believe me.

I can't see how anyone would think that the dark lord is still in the darkness and that he is truly gone. I for one have always known he'd be back. 


I wrote back to Hermione a few times throughout the break. she'd always be the one to send the letter first. she always checked in on how I was going, she always asked about my family and how they're going and then would follow on about what we were talking about, which would usually be complaining about Ron and his obsession with eating or her struggles while trying to keep on top of her studies. 

Ron sent me a framed picture of him trying a new spell out, the picture was perfect for above our fireplace, it sat there as the picture moved to show Ron flick his wrist and his mouth mumble a word and a worried expression took over his face as the sparks flew in the air and after a big bright flash Ron had long hair almost touching the floor, it made me giggle every time I watch it.

I was so tempted to write to Harry during these longing holidays that seemed to drag on for eternity, but Dumbledore reached out to myself, Hermione, and Ron and told us with the most serious tone I've heard Dumbledore speak and he told us we couldn't write to Harry, at first I thought it weird and it made me question why, but I knew, in the end, Dumbledore will be doing this to keep Harry safe, so I followed his words.

It was the last couple of days before school started back up and I was excited. When I left Hogwarts for the holidays I was wanting to leave the school, I couldn't bare to walk the halls I had only just walked with Cedric, but after being away from my second home, I needed to be back, I know it'll remind me of him but I've started to look at things from a different perspective, look at Hogwarts for all the other things it's given me, like amazing friendships and memories I'll cherish until my lasting days. 

Mrs. Weasley sent me a beautiful letter a couple of days ago inviting me over but instead of giving me the address for which was for her beautiful house, she gave me an address which I didn't recognize at all.

I stood waiting outside of the address she told me yet I couldn't see anyone inside as I stood there, "just wait, Moody will come" I heard Fred speak behind me, scaring me and making me jump as I turn around to face him, his arms folded and looking up at the building, the moonlight was bright enough to just see his strong jawline and his orange hair flow in the wind, "Merlins beard Fred, you scared me" I playfully whacked his arm and he laughed and then George appeared to the left of me, I smile up at him, "Hey George, how are you? I've missed you, unlike your brother over here" I look at Fred with a grin, "I've missed you too, holidays treated you well?" he asked as his brows furrow, "you could say that. Felt like they dragged on and on and on though" Fred and George both laugh "seems a bit like that doesn't it" 

after a couple of minutes of talking, Moody showed and within a couple of seconds the building that stood in front of me was being split in half by moving bricks and another building appeared in the middle of it. I smiled as I walked in and found Hermione and Ron in the hallway, Hermione jumped into my arms, making me step back with impact as she held onto me, as she hugged me I looked over at Ron who gave me a warm smile and a nod. 

"it's been far too long without seeing you" she smiled as she let go of my hand, "anyone else felt like these holidays dragged on a bit too long" Ron spoke with a bit of a giggle in his sentence, I nodded my head, "I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts and all the food" as I mentioned the food I elbowed Ron playfully. 

after that, we all went up into a room to talk a bit more without the house-elf lurking around. 

"Harry should be here soon" Hermione grew impatient as she fiddled with her fingers, constantly looking at the door for the brown-haired boy to walk through, "speaking of" I whispered lightly as I spotted harry walk-in, 

"oh harry" Hermione flew into Harry's arms making him step back with the force of her jump, after a couple of seconds she let go, her eyes not breaking off from him, "are you alright? we overheard them talking about the dementor attack, you must tell us everything" 

"Let the man breathe Hermione" Ron huffed with a smile and his hands in his pockets, she glared at the Weasley before continuing speaking, "and this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous. I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair" 

"Yeah, there's a lot going around at the moment. So, what's this place?" he asked as he stepped further into the room, his eyes looking around the place, "its headquarters" Ron answered, Hermione, stepped in "of the order of the Pheonix" we all gathered around, Harry's facial expression showed he still wasn't convinced on what this place really is, "it's a secret society, Dumbledore formed it back when they fought you know who" I spoke a bit quieter this time at the mention of Dumbledore, knowing he was the one to inform us to not write to Harry. 

"Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? I've gone all summer without a scrap of news." he spoke quick and sharp looking at us three, "We wanted to write, mate. Really, we did. only..." 

"Only what?"

"Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything," Hermione added, her eyebrow furrowed with a look of worry as to how Harry might take this information, 

"Dumbledore said that? But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. I'm the one who saw Voldemort return... the one who fought him, who saw Cedric Diggory get killed" Harry's voice began to rise as the frustration built in his eyes but before Harry could continue, the twins hopped beside him out of nowhere.


Hey everyone, so this year is going to go by really quickly, which is really exciting! The next two chapters are just about the start of the year, and a few bits in there are really important and then I go straight from there to briefly what goes on about the year and will go on from there!

once again sorry for the wait but it's finally time to get into the real stuff! who's excited?

remember to keep up the votes and the comments, I love seeing all the comments and it helps me to keep writing xxxx see you soon

- A 

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