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"No way you did that?"

My mouth gasped with my hand, Hermione and Ron both laughing by my ear, Harry nods, "the Dursley's didn't know what to do" Harry laughed along with us, reminiscing on what had only happened not long ago.

It was just Harry, Ron, Hermione and I sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, everyone else had gone to bed, we were all huddled in close, our legs crossed and wearing our pj's.

The warmth from the fire was radiating around us, the fire providing the only light to the room, adding to the red theme, we could hear the burning embers in the background, as we laughed about how Harry stormed out of the house and threatened Mr Dursley with magic.

"I can't believe you did that" I say, my mouth still smiling, "it's what they bloody deserve" Ron says chuckling quietly, "well of course" a hint of sarcasm in my voice, "didn't they like keep you held hostage last year?" I ask, Harry simply nods with a smile,

"I can't believe they got away with that" I say, "they had bars on his windows" Ron adds in, Hermione shaking her head lightly, like she was annoyed with the Dursley's but a smile crept in when she heard everyone laughing.

This moment right here was so magical. Being there with the fire warming me up, my friends right by my side, everything felt good and I forgot about everything bad in my life,

it's like being at Hogwarts, being with my friends made everything disappear.

It's like this was my home.

We talked all the way till midnight, before we started to yawn every five minutes we all agreed to head to bed. Ron and Harry leaving to the boys dormitory and Hermione and me heading to the girls.


The next morning came quickly, the four of us already shovelled down breakfast in the great hall, crumbs from Ron's eggs was still left on his mouth, Hermione was telling furiously trying to show him where the crumbs were on his face, she was even showing an example on her face, yet Ron still missed every spot.

With the sun in full view in the sky, no chances of any rain, the four of us walk down the old rocky steps down towards Hagrid's hut, for his first class.

I was excited. Hagrid was like another father figure in my life, always humble, sweet and patient, he's one of the limited amount of people I've told about my mother.

"Now ancient runes, that's a fascinating subject" Hermione was bickering with Ron as we made our way down, Harry and I just listening in on the conversation, it was rather entertaining.

"Ancient runes?" Ron questions, "exactly how many classes are you taking this term" I but in, humour in my voice, I chuckle under my breath, with Harry by my side I see a smile appear on his face as I made that comment,

"A fair few" she replies without the humour in her voice. Rather more serious and not understanding I wasn't being serious.

"Ancient runes is on the same time as divinations, you'd have to be in two classes at once" he snickers back, the same smile grew wider with each bicker they said towards each other.

"Don't be silly Ronald, how could anyone be in two classes at once" she chuckled to herself, like an inside joke she shared with only herself. Ron, Harry and I just kept quiet until we made it to Hagirds hut.


"Right you lot, less chattering and form a group over there"

We walked along through the greenery, chatting the whole way, we were all buzzing with excitement.

"Now open your books to page 49" his husky voice banging through the crowds.

"Exactly how do we do that" I hear malfoy's words once more behind me as I kept walking forward.

"Just stroke the spine of course" Hagrid replied turning around and going back to whatever he was doing,

Malfoy stopped and his eyebrow peaked as he looked at the spine of the book, he rubs his two fingers along it and the book opens.

Unlike Neville, he was rather unlucky, his book was growling at him, basically trying to rip off his face. Nasty things.

The four of us made it over and put our bags down on the ground, "I think they're funny" Hermione puts in as she bangs her book down on the big rock standing between us.

"I-" I start to continue the conversation but once again was cut off by the blondes voice coming behind us, "oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty" his voice echoed through the group, we turn quickly at his sound, all our eyebrows were furrowed, giving a glare towards Malfoy.

"God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears that Dumbledores got this oaf teaching classes" he nods in Hagrid's direction, his goons standing close by the blonde,

I smirk appeared on malfoy's face as his words made Harry's blood boil, "shut up Malfoy" Harry speaks walking towards the middle of the group,

Malfoy was suprised by Harry's words, his eyebrow raised and his smirk grew bigger, he dropped his bag on his friend without any warning, and he turns back to Harry, he slowly moves forward, his arms hitting the Slytherin fabric,

I chuckle so lightly under my breath at the size comparison between the two, Draco stumbled over Harry, but before someone could step in,

"Dementor, dementor!" The blonde boy shouts looking up into the sky behind Harry, my heart starts immediately pounding even quicker, and so did Harry's everyone turned around quickly, to look where the dementor was, but there was nothing to look sat expect the green trees and the blue skies up above,

I roll my eyes, blinking hard as I clench my jaw, annoyed at the blonde, but more annoyed that I believed; along with everyone else.

The whole class eventually turned back around and our eyes adjusted and saw the blonde and his goons with their Slytherin hoods on their heads making an eery sound, interpreting a scary creature, Hermione steps forward in front of me and Ron and holds Harry's shoulders dragging him backwards away from the chaos,

They both reach back to me and Ron, "don't worry about em mate, they're just trying to get in your head" Ron tries his best to make Harry feel better,

All four of us try quickly to forget yet another encounter with the blonde as we start to quieten down to listen to Hagrid.

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