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I could tell Hagrid was nervous, he had every right to be, his first class teaching us, his hands were constantly moving a bit too much, over thinking, finding the right words to say, or not even knowing what to say.

As the group quietens down we hear Hagrid clear his throat,

"Da da dahhh" he introduced this bird like creature with a big gesture, his arms wide showing the beast, we all stood there, magically taking in what stood before us, a smile crept on Hermione and mines mouth, astonished about the creature,

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid huffed, pronouncing each word with such passion. He chucks some meat towards the beast and the creature lifts up and snatches the food, eagerly eating it with two gulps.

"Say hello to buk beak"

I was admiring the beast, I couldn't describe it, he was something so magical, you would only see it in movies, or read it in books, he stood there with his chest held high, power showing through his bones.

I couldn't stop staring,

"Hagrid-" and Ron gulps thickly, a concerned look on his face, "exactly what is that?" He asks, "that Ron is a hippogriff, first thing you want to know about hippogriffs, is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended" his voice became deeper, "you do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you'll ever do"

"Now-" he claps his hand once, with a great smile, "who'd like to say hello?" He turns around, making his back face the group and give his attention to buk beak for a few moments,

"Well done Harry and Lucy" I gulp, I didn't come forward, and by the looks of it, Harry didn't realise he did either, we both turn and see everyone stepped back, making it look like we did,

I wasn't complaining, I wanted to meet the creature but to do it without really learning much of it, made me nervous.

I've always loved animals, it didn't matter what they were, how big or small, I always cared for them, always will.

"I suppose we better go" I whisper to Harry, so only he could hear, he looks at me, mirrors my smile, "I suppose so" and he starts to walk slowly up the the creature, me following behind.

"You have to let him make the first move" Hagrid speaks, making my nerves build up even more, my heart racing and my cheeks turning rosy as I realise the whole class had their eyes on me and Harry.

"So step up, give him a nice bow, then you wait and see if he bows back, if he does, you can go and touch him, if not, well we'll get to that later" he avoids the circumstances that might happen if we don't approach the beast correctly,

I gulped thickly as I moved closer, Harry by my right we paused a couple metres away from the beast, I could hear Harry's hitched breathing beside me, equally as nervous.

"Make your bow, nice and low"

Me and Harry at the same time slowly bow down to the creature, both our left foot in front of our other, and leaning forward, our eyes still on buk beak,

Before I could do anything else or bow dow further, buk beak spreads it's wings, giving a nasty yelp,

"Back off, the pair of you" Hagrid says with caution, we both step back but my heart stops when Harry's foot causes as branch to snap, I hear the sound of the class behind us gasp quietly, anxiously watching.

We both stay bowing, silently.

And then we hear little mumbles coming from the magical creature and swiftly he moves a few steps forward, my heart racing, and he bows his head towards the both of us.

"Well done Harry and Lucy! Well done" Hagrid sounded proud as he threw buk beak another piece of meat.

Harry and I both lift our heads letting out a big sigh, trying to relax our breathing, "that was brilliant" Harry whispers towards me, a small smile plucked on his lips, "scary but brilliant" I say mirroring his smile,

"You can go and pat him now"

We both snap in Hagrid's direction.


"Don't be shy" he adds, gesturing his hands towards buk beak, implying for us to move forward, and shy I was.

Harry and I look back and forth between the buk beak and each other and we stepped forward carefully, our hands out as we approached the beast,

With our hearts beating fast, and our calm movements we were within reaches of the creature, he stood still and proud and he willingly let us touch his beak, it was such an amazing experience that I'll never forget, being so close to such a magical creature, will always stay in my heart, I wish my mother could see this, I wish I could tell her.

"Well will you look at that" Hagrid cries aloud, the class claps behind us, I wide grin took over my face, as I felt his head hard beak under my hands, "I think he might even let ya ride him"

"What?" Harry asks, quietly not sure if he heard Hagrid correctly, his eyebrows furrowed, he readjusted his circle glasses at he looked up at Hagrid with confusion,

I didn't say anything, I wanted to, I grew to really like the creature, I felt like I could trust it enough, but before Harry could deny anything Hagrid lifted him up and placed him on buk beaks back, and then lifted me up.

I landed on his strong back and placed my hands around Harry's waist to support me, as Harry had his arms around the creatures neck softly,

And before I knew it, the creature started galloping, his body movements making me and Harry move up and down, Hermione shouts out, "woohoo go Harry and Lucy" she cheers, I smile broadens out on my face as the creature flaps it's wings, preparing to fly, and rushes past the group of students, making them all quickly run backwards.

And within a couple seconds we were up in the air, my hands wrapped on Harry we were gliding through the sky, I could see Hogwarts and the quidditch field in the distance, and the tree's we were standing in only moments ago slowly get distance between us, our class slowly disappearing out of our eye reach

We go towards the lake that surrounded Hogwarts and we flowed through the air so peacefully, I could see Harry's grinning smile and that made me even happier,

The magical creature slowly moved downwards towards the lake, he placed his claw through the water lightly making it splash up into our faces, my grin grew bigger, I stood up spreading my arms and my hair was flowing through the hair, and Harry sees me standing up and so does he, we both spread our arms,

"Woohoooo" Harry yells, his voice echoed through the lake, his smile was the biggest I've ever seen.
"Woohooooooo" I shout afterwards, my voice louder then Harry's and my grin probably bigger then his as well,

We shared a loud laugh after our yelling, as we seated back down on buk beak. My smile as bigger then ever.

Gosh, how mum would love hearing about this, she always did loving hearing about my days at Hogwarts, and I always loved telling her, I wish I could talk to her once more, only for a minute, even a couple seconds, just to see her again.

I wish I could share this moment with her,
I wish I could tell her how much I miss her.

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