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The train was buzzing with noises and chatter from the other students, the feeling of hopping on the train every year always brings me such joy and warm feeling of comfort.

Hogwarts is a second home to me, I share this place with so many other magically talented students, and having such amazing friends around me makes it even better.

I start walking through the aisle, squeezing my way past students, the train was lightly rocking from side to side from the first year students running around, I could hear the lolly cart lady yelling in the distance, "no running in the train please darlin's" followed by laughter amongst the children.

I walk past compartments and I couldn't see any of my friends. maybe Harry and Ron were late again like last year; I wouldn't be surprised.

I get up to the last carriage of the train and see the last compartment, hoping my friends would be in there, I pull across the door and the rusty railings pull against the door making a loud clutter,

"Harry, Ron, Hermione" I say excitingly grabbing their attention, they stand up immediately and smiles appearing on their faces ever so quickly, Harry gives me a hug, hugging me tightly, then Ron and then Hermione, and they imply me to sit down.

I sit next to Hermione who was sitting by the window, Harry and Ron opposite me. As I make myself comfortable on the seat, Hermione opens up the daily profit and starts reading it.

"For a second I thought you guys missed the train again" I chuckle looking at the Ron and Harry, Hermione lightly rolling her eyes playfully. Harry and Ron look at each other, reminiscing on the time they were late and taking Ron's fathers flying car. The both smile and laugh, "I don't ever want to experience that again" Harry speaks, "I could say the same" Ron agreed looking out the window into the distance,

Hermione with quick movements placed the daily profit on her lap, "well if you were packed and used your time wisely you wouldn't of been late" she says with a serious voice but a hint of sarcasm rose over, and a smile creeped out, we all burst out laughing and continued to talk.


An hour went past and the weather outside turned into a dark mist, unable to see anything within 15 metres, all four of us were still talking and laughing the whole ride,

"So let me get this straight-" Ron speaks looking over at Harry who was sitting across for him, "Sirius black has escaped Azkaban to come after you?" His face turned to a concerned expression, hermione who was sitting by Ron and opposite me shared the same concerned expression when looking over at Harry,

Harry nods, "but they'll catch black won't they?" I hint of worry in her voice as she looked over at the Ron, he gulped, "I mean everyone's looking for him" I speak up trying to make the situation sound better,

"Sure-" Ron replies shuffling in his seat as he looks out the window, "except no ones ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a-" he slowed down his words, "a murderous, raving lunatic" he spoke softly,

Probably trying to make it sound less horrifying.

"Thanks Ron" Harry speaks with a sarcastic tone in his voice, implying that the words Ron spoke clearly didn't help him, at all.

"Make him more nervous will ya?" I chuckle under my breath as I sarcastically go with harry's joke, but before Ron could say anything the train made a sudden jolt, making us all jump into the air for a split second before landing back in our seats,

We shared the same confused and worried look, Ron looks around the compartment for any idea of what was happening,

I hear the train brakes screech against the rails, making the train slower and slower,

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asks, patting her cat a little too much, "we can't be there yet" I claim, Harry sits up from his seat and takes a few steps over my feet and slides open the door of our compartment, he looks to his right but before his eyes adjusted the train bumped again making Harry fall back into his seat,

"What's going on?!" A worried face plastered on Ron, Harry takes a breath after his fall and looks over at all three of us, "don't know, maybe we've broken down" he speaks,

As soon as the words left his mouth the lights turned off in the train, making the only visible light coming from the dark mist outside,

I make my way over to the window and Ron did as well placing his hand on the cold window, "there's somethings moving out there" he looked worried, I looked outside too but could only see a shadows moving, not a specific figure, "there is, I can't see what though" I back up Ron,

Once more the train was bumped, all four of us sat there, I could see my warm breath leave my lips and come into my eye sight,

It started to get really cold, even colder then before, it felt like all the happiness was drained out of the carriage so quickly, like the warmth inside my body was taken over by ice,

I look over at the window and noticed Ron's hand was still placed widely on there, ice particles were starting to form on each corner of the window slowly and eventually covering the whole face of it,

Then the train made another bump, making us all move back in our seats,

"Bloody hell, what's happening?" Ron's questions again,

I couldn't even explain to him what was happening, I had no idea, this was all so strange, nothing I've ever seen before nor experienced.

Then something in the corner of my eye caught my attention, we all turned to the door, all I could hear was everyone's hitched breathing, and this mysterious black like creature floated slowly across the aisle door,

It's bony hands lifted upwards and opening the sliding door to our compartment, we sat there confused, unable to move, I didn't know if it was the fear that took over or the fact we had no clue how to defeat this evil looking thing.

It had no face.

I looked at it thoroughly but couldn't identify a face, but as my mind wonders it comes closer into the compartment,

And even if I thought it couldn't get colder and creeper, it did. The glass window froze completely, I could hear it slightly cracking every second.

The black-like creature moves forward towards Harry. I could hear his heavy breathing from where I was,

Hermione's cat hissed at the creature, trying its best to scare it away but was unsuccessful, Ron's little rat ran inside his jacket hiding from the creature, if only I could hide away too,

Then I hear the creature, it sounded like it was breathing in something, sucking in something and I see Harry struggling to breath, it was like he was having a fit, his chest rising and deflating very noticeably.

This black-like creature was sucking Harry's soul it looked like, I couldn't believe I was seeing this, with my own eyes, me Ron and Hermione had no idea what to do.

Until the person that was also sitting in the carriage-
Who I hadn't realised was even there by his black cloak covering his face,

-he stands up and without even saying a word and light white flash appeared from his wand, blowing the creature away and out of the compartment.

hey everyone!
I hope your enjoying the story,
comment what you think should happen in this story so I can include them xx

also I'm away camping with my family at a campsite that doesn't have wifi and I don't have data so I can't publish any chapters so the start of this story may be slow but it'll be worth it!

- A

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