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I was sitting there few just over an hour, my head laying on the cold surface beneath me, my eyes open, only looking at the stars, my hair peacefully moving in the wind, and my notebook closed and right by my side.

But as I lay there, away in my thoughts, I hear something moving from the other direction, sounding like they were coming closer this way, i was snapped back into reality, I quickly grabbed a hold of my book and quill and rushed down the spiralling stair case, hoping, praying that I don't get caught.


The next morning, Hermione and me were both waken up around the same time, we briefly look at each other from our beds, mirroring the same warm smile, the sun beaming through the hogwarts windows, and we get ourselves ready.

"Hey boys" I say as hermione and myself walk towards them sitting down by the Gryffindor table in the great hall, "mornings wonderful isn't it?" Hermione asked a question, more to herself then to any of us, but we both sat down, Harry was next to Ron on one side of the table, me and hermione on the other.

I put some food on my plate, eyeing off all the possible things I'd try.

"It's comes and goes. Still... I consider myself lucky" we turn our heads to the Slytherin table, malfoy's back facing us, sitting next to Pansy.

"According to madam Pomfrey, another minute or two, and I could've lost my arm" his arm in a white sling, his head shaking as he thought of his arm in a cast, he really was an exaggerator.

"That little git, he really is laying it on thick isn't he?" Ron blinked hard, rolling his eyes at the same time, disgust in his voice as he talked about the blonde.

"At least Hagrid didn't get sacked" Harry adds in, trying to ease the tension, "yes, but I hear Draco's fathers furious, I don't think we've heard the end of this" hermione spoke, worry on her face,

"I'm sure we can do something to stop anything bad that the malfoy's put on Hagrid or buk beak" I say, everyone nodded their heads, "your right, we will figure something out, we always do" Harry says, we were all trying to stay positive but the worried expression our faces didn't help.

"He's been sighted!" Seamus shouts through the great hall, we quickly got up from our seats and walked over to Seamus, huddling up together by the daily prophet,

"Who?" I ask looking around for an answer,

But the photograph on the front page provides a chilling answer;

"Achintee?" Hermione whispers, my eyes widen at the name, "that's not far from here" my voice shaky with nerves, we all look around at each other, making quick eye contact with each other,

"You don't think he'd come to hogwarts would you?" Neville asks shyly, his voice only to be heard with the people close by, he was fidgeting with his hands,

"With the dementors at every entrance, he's already slipped by them once hasn't he? who's to say he won't do it again" lavender speaks from behind the crowd.

I gulp at her words, an uneasy feeling in my chest.

"That's right, black could be anywhere, it's like trying to catch smoke, like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands" I didn't really know this boy or heard him speak much but his words cut deep.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and me all looked at each other worried, having the same thought; he's getting closer to Harry.


After we shovelled down our food, amongst talking about black, Hagrid and other little events happening at hogwarts, we made our way to professor Lupins class.

Hermione said goodbye as we turned one of the corridors corners, we didn't understand why as she was in the same class with us for professor lupin, but well continued walking.

I was just shortly falling behind Ron and Harry as we walked to our class, they were stuck in a deep conversation, Harry just nodding away as Ron spoke to him with a look of passion as he talked, I was happy trotting along behind, I wasn't in a hurry, and didn't really mind.

With my hands wrapped around my books, my feet moving forward, my eyes looking downwards I hear the blonde boy laughing with his two goons waiting for everyone else to get in the classroom, I walk past them with my head down, and I whisper to myself ever so quietly, "haven't lost your arm yet?" I chuckle lightly, thinking only I could of heard it,

"What was that!?" Draco hisses, looking at me furrowed eye brows, I turn quickly to his direction, my eyebrows raised instead, hoping he hadn't heard, I didn't want him to hear, I didn't want to talk.

"What?" I ask, my eyes wondering, searching for anything to look at rather then his piercing grey eyes,

"You said something, under your breath, go on spit it out" he moves forward, his Slytherin robs on, "your hearing things" I say rolling my eyes, trying to avoid it completely, I turn my feet around getting ready to leave, "I am not!" His eyebrows furrowed even more,

By now it was just me and the blonde boy and his two other goons standing there in a corner. The three of them onto me, I still held my book tight, wanting to get out of this situation as soon as I could,

"You four, come join us" lupin says calmly, a small smile on his lips as he leant agains the door frame waiting for us to make our way into their direction.

"Whatever" the blonde fires back, telling his goons to come forward into the classroom.

I hated every minute of that.
I just don't like talking to people I don't know.
I'm comfortable with the my friends, Harry, Ron and hermione, my family and Hagrid, but other then that, my heart beat increases extremely when I have to socialise with anyone else, my hands turn to sweat, my knees go weak.

I walk in and place myself standing with Ron by my left and Harry by my right, but my heart gets shaken up when the tall brown wardrobe rattles violently at the front of the classroom,

"Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" Lupins asks the class, his hands behind his back, the wardrobe rattles again, startling everyone.

"That's a boggart, that is" Seamus calls out looking at the wardrobe with a big thick gulp, "very good mr Finnigan, can anyone tell us what a boggart looks like?" He fires another question at us,

"No one knows, it's different for every person" hermione says, making myself jump a little bit, as well as Ron, he turns to both of us,

"When she'd get here?" He looks confused, hermione rolls her eyes and continues to speak, "boggarts are shape shifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most" she finally finishes, but then starts again,

"That's what makes it so-" she was cut off by lupin as she paused, trying to find the right word, "terrifying, yes, luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart, let's practise it now, shall we?" Lupin speaks, his hands behind his back, "without wands please, after me, Riddikulus"

"Riddikulus" we all say after him,

"Good. You see, the incantation alone is not enough, what really finishes off a boggart of is, laughter" he smiled at his words, "you need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing" he looks around the room with his eyes, scanning the group in front of him,

"ah Neville-" he looks over at the brown haired boy, he gulps thickly, "come up here will you?" Neville eyes the wardrobe, worry hits his face, he walks up slowly and nervously.

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