☾ 11 ☽

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: Start of fourth year :

My holidays went by like a flash, I spent a lot of the time with my dad and my little brother, we would go up to the local park and play there for hours, we would push each other down the slides and play tag around the green paddock right by the park,

The park was the place we would visit everyday with our mom, it was one of her favourites places, she always loved the little things, the park was little but amazing for us, perfect for us even. She'd always love to take us there, ever since we were kids, so now during the holidays we always keep going for her, it's a way we all keep strong together, trying not to brake and fall.

My brothers first year was perfect for him, he really enjoyed it, he made a few really good friends, and they have also been hanging out during the holidays, I loved seeing him happy, he was so young, he doesn't deserve to be sad, he needs to live, live like a kid should.

If me, my dad and my brother weren't at the park we'd be at home, keeping warm by the toasty fire and staying up late eating dinner and roasting marshmallows, laughs were spread out all the time and every few nights we would sit by the dinner table, our hands connected and closed our eyes, simply saying a little message to mom, if we felt comfortable enough we could share our message out loud, if we didn't want to, we would sit there, as the person spoke to mom through their thoughts.

I loved doing it. Especially with my brother around, we've grown so close by the loss in our hearts.

Through out my holidays I've been spending so many days with the Weasley's, they're family are like second family to me, the twins always pull pranks on me, making me try they're lollies and falling over laughing at my reaction, molly was absolutely wonderful, ever so kind towards me and my family, Arthur well was Arthur, always asking about muggles and what they do with a rubber duck.

All four of us stayed at the Weasley's most nights actually, Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself would always stay up late sharing stories, just like we did at hogwarts, it's really becoming a tradition actually,

I've been beginning to talk to Ginny a bit more as I've been staying in her house more often now, she's really sweet, it took her a little bit to get her warmed up to me I guess but now sometimes she joins the four of us in our late night talks.


"Harry!" Hermione grabs his shoulder, shrugging it lightly, Harry was struggling in his sleep, he quickly opens his eyes, blinks a couple times to adjust to the light, "are you alright?" Hermione asks with concern,

"Yeah bad dream, when did you get here?" Harry asks sitting up, "just now, you?"

"Last night"

Hermione moves to Ron's bed, and shrugs his blanket as well, attempting to wake him up, "wake up, wake up Ronald" her voice becoming more stern,
"Bloody hell" he sits up desperately on his bed, covering himself with his blanket,

"Lucy! Wake up!" She nudges my shoulder as well, little bit lighter then she did with the boys, "honestly, the three of you need to get up and dressed, come on Ron, your mother says breakfast is ready" hermione looked stressed as she left the room suddenly,

The three of us look at each from across the room on our singular beds, we all try and hold back our laughs but we couldn't help it, we burst out laughing, "she's a lunatic I swear" Ron shakes his head, with a big grin plastered on his face.


"Where are we actually going?" Harry asks looking a head of us, Ron, Harry and me were both struggling to keep up with the group, "I have no idea, Ron?" I ask looking over at him, he was yawning, his eyes barely open, he looked half asleep still, "don't know either, hey dad! Where are we going?" He shouts in front of us to his dad, who was walking a quick pace,

"Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" He shouts back, not stopping his stride. And we all continue walking.

"Arthur! It's about time son" a voice was so loud it startled us all, Harry, Ron and myself managed to make our way to hermione, I walked by her side, as the boys were on the other side of hermione,

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start" Arthur looks back at us three, we smile apologetically, hermione just rolls her eyes with a small smile on her face,

"This is Amos diggory everyone, he works at the ministry with me" he gestures over to the middle aged man, but before we could say or do anything else, a boy comes jumping out of the tree above us, Arthur lowered his voice, "and this strapping young man must be Cedric am I right?"

"Yes sir"

Hermione, Ginny and myself give each other a cheeky look only is could understand.

Amos introduced himself to Harry, making him behind the pack as the rest of us kept walking,

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asks behind us, "that isn't just any old boot mate" Fred answers, and George finishes off the sentence, "that's a portkey"

We all lay down on the grass right by the boot, putting our hands on it, Harry was late to it but just squeezed his hand in before we went.

I couldn't even begin to explain the feeling, but my stomach felt like it was just thrown around in a washing machine and it made me feel a bit eery, but eventually we landed hard on the ground,

I look behind us and see Arthur, Amos and Cedric softly levitating down, without any scratch they make it to the ground, I was on the ground from the impact of the fall as I watched them, Cedric walked over to me, a warm smile on his face, he puts his hand out to me to help me up, I mirror his smile and take his hand, he effortlessly helps me up, "thank you" I say quietly, "it's no problem" he turns back to his father,

I catch my eye on hermione, she gives me a little wink, in which I gathered she was meaning about Cedric and I, I just rolled my eyes and scoffed sarcastically, taking my attention off from her.

Hey everyone! Hope your enjoying the story, I feel like I say that quiet a lot, but I mean it, I hope you are xx

I've returned home from camping with my family, and I wanted to say that it's going to be really hard for me to publish/write chapters as I have training 5 times a week, and year 12 studies coming up in a few weeks (I live in Australia) so I'll be very busy and stressed but I can't wait to really get into this story and see where it takes us! I hope you will all stick along for the ride, because it's going to be good!

That's all from me, please keep up with the comments as they really help me keep going with the story, otherwise I overthink and feel like people aren't enjoying it, which is toxic from me, ah I know :)

But feel free to suggest for what should happen with the story!

- A

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