☾ 16 ☽

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The night was cold, the breeze was harsh and making my skin cover in goosebumps as I sat by the astronomy tower, my legs crossed, my lungs filling in the crisp air, my chest rising and falling as my eyes wonder through the stars.

Once again I'm thinking of you mom,
thinking, dreaming, imaging you were still with me, still listening as I rant about Hogwarts, about what we get up to, the mischief we get into,
Thinking, dreaming, imagining you chasing me again in the paddocks, chasing me through the playground.
Thinking, dreaming, imaging you were with me one last time, just to talk, touch your soft hands again, feel your warm embrace as arms wrap around me.


If every time I thought of you, a star fell, the sky would be empty.

But I remember your up there, watching over me, so I'm trying my best for you, trying to stay positive.

For you.

As the ink wrote smoothly on my book, my eyes start to slowly fill with tears, I take a deep breath to calm myself, my breathing was rigid, and I wipe the tears off my cheek, and place my book beside me, I warp my arms around my legs and look up once more, I small smile creeps on my lips as I visioned my mother's face in my thoughts, I close my eyes peacefully, taking up the cold night.

With my eyes shut and the air filling my lungs, I hear once more someone coming towards me, I could hear they're footsteps along the cold floor, getting louder as they became closer to me, my heart began beating quicker and I quickly get up, grab my bag and my book and try and rush out so I don't get caught,

before I reached the stairs leading downwards, I turned around to see if I could see any face to the person, but all I could see was a flash of a green Slytherin robe, and nothing else, they walked past without seeing me. I shake my head with confusion and head downstairs quickly.

I quickly walk through the quiet, empty halls of Hogwarts, my hands holding my belongings, my feet quietly moving forward towards the Gryffindor common room.

A couple minutes past and I was tip toeing my way through the common room,

"Neville?" I ask softly as I spot the brown headed boy sitting by the couch next to the fire, his head hanging low, his gaze moved from the fire and met my eyes, his eyebrows raised when he saw it was me and he formed a little smile,
"Oh Lucy, hi" he shakes his head getting his thoughts of his mind, and he takes his off me moved back to his original position on the fire,
"What are you doing up?" I asked, as I moved slowly towards him, a small smile plastered on my lips hoping to get rid of the fact he saw me sneaking in the common room and this night,
"I could ask you the same thing?" He says nervously, "oh me? I was just um- I wanted to get some fresh air, had a nightmare" I said quickly, a little too fast and hesitation in my voice, Neville nods softly, I think I managed to get myself out of there, "is everything okay?" I ask quietly sitting down beside him,

the fire burning in front of us, the heat warming my body up, "yeah, just you know- thinking I guess" his hands fidgeting as he spoke, he was looking deeply into the fire, "does it have anything to do with the class we had with moody?" I ask nervously, hoping not to trigger anything, "oh that? No, no" he says rather quickly, hesitation in his voice just like mine was before, I knew not to push it, I placed my hand on his back and rubbed circular motions lightly, feeling his warm knitted jumper on my fingers, "well if you need to talk I'm here, or even if you just want someone to listen about everything you know about herbology" I chuckle trying to lift the mood,

A small smile appeared on his face, but his gaze not leaving the fire, I decide to leave it at that, not wanting to push it, not wanting ruin his peaceful night

"goodnight Neville"

"Goodnight Lucy"


The morning sun hit the curtains of our room, leaving a yellow trail through my bed, I open my eyes slowly, squinting as my eyes adjust to different change of brightness, I lift my head to look around the room, the other girls were still peacefully sleeping, I could hear their heavy breathing hitting the pillows as their bed sheets wrapped around them.

I sit myself up on the bed, the springs from the mattress underneath me making a few noises as I moved around, I take a deep breath, another morning at Hogwarts, and my heart felt at rest.

I put on my robes quietly, trying not to wake anyone up, my arms slide through the fabric and grabbed my wand off my bedside table and headed out the door.

This morning was quiet, a few other students had gotten up as well, I was walking through our common room, the sun beaming through the window providing light and making the deep red everywhere glow even brighter, a few students were sitting by the couch, or sitting by the table, waiting for their friends to get up, a few hushed voices filled the common room but the morning was calm, and still.

My feet moved along the ground of Hogwarts once again, a small smile appeared on my lips as I made my way down out of the castle, passing students along the way,

"Cmon get it" I hear a voice as I step outside into the courtyard, my eyes search around to see who else would be out here, my eyes caught onto the blonde boys hair, his arm in the hair holding a big bag and I notice a first year standing right by him, jumping and trying to reach the book, a smirk on malfoy's face as he could see the first year struggling, "give it back! I need that" the boy groans, still trying to jump for his book,

"Give what back? I don't have anything" the blonde sarcastically replies, pretending to look for what the first year is talking about, "malfoy!" I hear Goyle shout over at the blonde, "not now goyle, can't you see I'm busy" he hissed back, his eyebrows furrowed, "snape is coming" I could hear Goyle nerves in the voice,

Draco scoffed, he flicked his hair out of face and dropped the book on the floor right by his feet, "leave" he shouted as he looked down at the boy, the boy quickly grabbed his book, worry in his eyes and scattered off back into the castle as quickly as he could,

By this time I had stopped in my tracks, too focused on what was happening, I see Snape turn the corner and walk towards Malfoy and his three goons, his black clothes swishing through the air as he walked, his head held high, and his eyebrows furrowed as he stopped by the boys,

He paused as he looked at them, then he looked in the direction of where the little first year ran off, "I do not wish upon taking away points from Slytherin but some circumstances may change that" his voice slow and calm, Draco gulped, Snape must have somehow knew what Draco was getting up to, "yes professor" the blonde nodded, "I presume your classes will start soon, I'd advise you go get ready, all three of you" Snape crosses his arms looking down at the Slytherins that stood before him, Goyle and Crabbe just nod their heads with theyre eyes not able to stay on Snape for any more then a couple seconds,

Draco stood there for a second before nodding calmly and walked back into the castle, rather quickly for that matter. Snape looked at me as I stood there, his eyebrow peaked as he realised I was standing there, watching the whole time, he tilted his head ever so lightly to show he was confused in my sudden interest in to they're conversation but stopped and then he walked off quickly as well,

What's with Slytherins and walking quickly?

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