☾ 22 ☽

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I shook my head in disbelief after what I heard, I mean Ron not even telling his best friend that dragons were the first task, didn't even warn him, I mean yeah Ron is annoyed but we're talking about dragons here.

Hagrid, Harry and I both still stood there in silence as we watched the fire breathing dragon that stood in front of us, fight off people and bash the cage he's in, trying to get out.

"Right well you better put the cloak back on, don't want you getting caught out here at this hour" Hagrid took a deep breath as he looked at the both of us. Harry and I took one last look at the dragons behind us and we wrapped the cloak around ourselves and made our way back to hogwarts.

"I have to tell Cedric, I have to warn him" Harry spoke out of nowhere as we walked through the forest, he was concentrating hard, his thoughts running through his mind, "that's a good idea, we can tell him tomorrow?" I ask Harry to see if he's free tomorrow, Harry nods in agreement,

"I just don't know where to find him" Harry spoke shaking his head softly now as we continued to walk,

"I know where he usually hangs" I say quickly, maybe a bit too fast, Harry's head looks in my direction, "how would you know where he usually hangs?" Harry asks with his eyebrows furrowed at my words, I got startled and started hesitating,

I would tell Harry but Harry is going through so much right now and to be honest, I don't even know what's happening between Cedric and I.

"Oh I usually just see him hanging around the courtyard" I awkwardly laugh to stop the silence and Harry's intense eye contact but it takes the heat of everything.

After our long walk back filled with chatter we finally made our way back to our rooms and quietly went to sleep without bothering anyone.


The next morning came quickly again, the birds chirping outside my window made me practically wake up, the sun was slightly beaming in through the window and shining a light on the cold floor.

Breakfast was normal just like everyone else, Harry and myself sat together at the end of the table while we could see Hermione, Ron and even Ginny all sitting together at the other end of the red filled table.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Ron about you know... not warning you about the dragons" I say quietly keeping my head low to my shoulders, hoping to not catch any attention to myself and so other students and even professors hear anything about how we know the first task.

"No he was fast asleep when I got to bed last night and in the morning was up and dressed right before I even woke up" Harry's voice was serious and a tone that he was getting annoyed by everything that's happened.

"We can talk to him later, maybe after we see Cedric?" I say taking the last few mouthfuls of my breakfast. Harry nods as he cleans up his space, he reaches over to me, to grab my plate and starts to tidy them up,

"Speaking of, we should go look for Cedric" I say as I stood up, "yeah your right, have you seen him today?" Harry asks as he stood up as well "I haven't actually, but I'm sure he'll be with his friends in the courtyard" and we both started heading towards the exit.

With Harry by my side, we walked towards the outside courtyard and saw people everywhere. The green grass was bright and healthy, the sun was beaming and shining down on all the students and the birds chirping in the background really added to the atmosphere.

"Harry" I spoke out of no where, my eyebrows furrowed as I watched each student walk past me, my eyes couldn't take my sight off from the badge that nearly every student at hogwarts was wearing, it would looked like a badge on on their robes, which twisted and turned and would revel Harry's face with the words "potter stinks" sprawled out across it.

The people that walked past us would give us a glare our way, mostly on Harry but some people even shook they're head at me because apparently like I'm doing something wrong.

I hear Harry huff beside me at the words that were being spat at him, our walk was fast and felt like we were rushing. "He should be here somewhere, I say quietly as my eyes scan every student we walk past, badges placed on the robes showing Harry's face with the words "Harry stinks" my eyebrows furrowed and I shook my head lightly letting out frustration built within me.

"He's over there" I say pointing outwards into the sunny spot outside, Harry follows me as we tried to make our way through the door way, but two students block as they promptly showed Harry and I the badges, Harry huffs and pushes his way through making sure you got through safe as well.

We walk over and a small smile crept on my face as I saw the soft brown headed boy smiling with his friends, I stop in front of him and he sits up quickly looking straight at me with a surprised look, before I could get a word in his friend started to speak,

"Read the badge potter" the boy mimicked as he showed us the badge that we have already read about a hundred times, he smirked at his comment,

"Can we have a word" I say tilting my head in the direction to show I meant alone and away from his friends,

"Yeah sure" he hops up with a smile and we walk over and away from his friends, he looks back towards his friends chuckling under his breath, I try to ignore it and so did Harry,

"What did you want to talk about?" Cedric questioned as he crossed his arms and his eye contact looking straight at me, "well it's more Harry wanted to speak" I say shyly but with a smile as I look at Harry to speak,

"Dragons." Cedric's eyebrows furrowed at the word, "that's the first task" Harry continued, his voice was sharp and serious and his breathing was quicker then normal,
"Hagrid says they've got one for each of you" I say to the both of them, Cedric's face only showed confusion,

Cedric stutters trying to get a word out, "are you serious?" He asks, Harry and I both nod in response, my eyes caught onto the professor moody watching us closely from behind the wall of Hogwarts, he looked like he didn't want to be seen,

Cedrics friends shout out once more, talking about the stupid badges again, Harry rolls his eyes in response,

"Hey listen, about the badges, I've asked them not to wear them" Cedric said sweetly, with a smile he looked at Harry with an apologetic look, "don't worry about it" Harry responds and starts to walk away,

Cedric's eyes change from Harry walking off and landed on me, his concerned expression changed within a second as he looked at me, his cheeks turned a little rosy as we stood for a couple seconds, really just smiling at each other, "do you want to meet by the tree later?" He suggests, nervously waiting for my reply,

"Of course" I say stepping towards Harry, I would stay for longer but Harry's walking off and who knows what might happen with his temper,
"Great. Well, I -um will see you then" he spoke and he gave me one last sweet smile and headed back towards his friends with his hands in his pockets.

I couldn't wait.

Hi everyone xx
remember to keep the comments up, but I also wanted to get your input on something, I want to know if your getting bored of this story and you want me to go quicker into the half blood prince year and Lucy saving Draco or do you like all these chapters and going through the years so you understand what person Lucy is, how she copes with her trauma and grieving?

So let me know in the comments if you like it the way it is or you want me to hurry it up xxx

- A

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