☾ 17 ☽

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I move my feet forward and head towards a nice spot by some tree's, something was pulling me over to this specific tree, there was something about the tree that was dragging me in, the tree looked old and filled with beautifully green leaves covering it all, it stood tall and brushing in the wind,

I slowly take a seat by the tree, my legs facing forward as my back leant against the hard tree, the view was amazing, I could see Hogwarts from where I was, it looked so tall, and well magical,

I sat there for a few moments, my skin soaking up the warm morning sun, making my body feel contempt and warm, I could hear the sweet, innocent bird chirp in the distance, and the leaves flowing through the wind,

"Lucy right?"

I quickly turn my head to look behind me and my eyes are met with Cedric, he stood tall and walked slowly over to me, walking over leaves and taking bigger steps to walk over the roots of the tree I was sitting at. I take a big sigh of relief,

"merlins beard, you scared me" I say bringing my hand to my chest, I could feel my heart beating a little faster then normal, he lifted his hands in the air, surrendering,
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" he spoke softly and he placed his hands on the ground for support and then sat down beside me, equally a lot of space between us but not too far,

"It's okay, I thought I was alone down here" I chuckle lightly trying to ease the tension, his eyebrows raised and his eyes widen, "oh I can leave if you want" he pointed backwards the way he came,
"No no, don't be silly" I say and we both laugh under our breaths a bit, Cedric seemed like a very sweet person, his voice was always calm and soft, and the way he always had a smile on his face made him so much more welcoming,

"Just to clear it up, it is Lucy right?" He awkwardly laughs, cutting himself off before he began speaking again, "you didn't quite answer me before" he jokes, he looks over to me,

"And how would you have gathered that information" I say with a little smirk on my lips, fuelling that he may have asked who I was, his eyes moved off from me and he looked up at the castle, "I may or may not have asked a few people who you were" he spoke freely, the wind brushing through his hair,

"Well it's nice to meet you other then when you helped me up from the ground after I landed face first at the quidditch World Cup" I sarcastically joke, he laugh along with me, his legs flopped out in front of him, his Hufflepuff robes fitting him nicely, his smile grew as he laughed,

"I have to admit, it's funny how we first met" he looks up, his eyes going off into a wonder, probably thinking about the World Cup, his smile slowly disappears into more of confused expression as he looked into the distance in front of us,

"That night was a mess" his voice going a little deeper then normal, "yeah something I don't think I'll ever forget" I say also turning my attention forwards, overlooking the lake,

"Do you think he's back? Finally back?" He questioned, I could sense he was nervous for my answer, hoping I'd say something better then the truth, "I don't know what to think, but what I saw that night made me feel that everything is about to change" I say, the atmosphere turned a little darker and the mood which was bright and happy before turned into something a lot more eery.

Cedric shook his head lightly to get the thoughts he was having go away, "I'm sure everything will be okay, we're in safe hands in Hogwarts" he says smiling, trying to reassure me, but felt more like he was trying to calm himself,

"I should probably get going anyways, I'm sure Harry, Ron and Hermione are wondering where I am for breakfast" I say standing myself up, I pat down my robes, brushing off any dirt or bits of bark stuck to it, Cedric stands up as well, he stood tall, way taller then myself and he smiled, "I'll walk you there, I could use some food as well before my classes" he says gesturing his hands to the walk way leading up to Hogwarts. I nod my head with a warm smile and we start walking up.


"Well I'll see you around then?" Cedric asks as we stood in the middle of the great hall, I could see the others just a head of me on the Gryffindor table,
"Yeah, of course" I say nodding and he gives me a warm smile before we walked in a different direction both heading to our friends on our house table.

"Hey guys" I sat down slowly, not sure if they saw me walk in with the cute Hufflepuff, but what I did know were a few other people looking my way, especially a few Hufflepuff girls,

"Lucy, we thought you'd be down here already, figured as Hermione woke up without you in the room" Harry said flicking the newspaper to the next page, I figured not to tell them about Cedric just yet, I don't even know if it'll lead to anything but I know Hermione knows somethings up,

"I was on my way here but um-" I clear my throat, interrupting my words, "got stuck in a conversation with Olivia from Ravenclaw" I scratch my head, they just nodded in response, "you know the champions are getting selected tonight" Ron's voice was higher then normal, his breakfast still half in his mouth as he spoke,

Hermione rolled her eyes, and her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at Ron and his chewing, with disgust smeared along her face, "yeah I'd be so nervous if I put my name in, I mean did you hear how Dumbledore spoke about the events" I say, my mouth parted slightly,
"I think it's cool, eternal glory and all, why wouldn't anyone want that?" Ron asks shovelling down his food,

Harry, Hermione and me both looked at each other with the same thought and a smirk formed on our faces about how excited Ron was about all this.


The rest of the day went pretty quickly at Hogwarts, the four of us have all finished our classes and we were just sitting by the fire once again, this time not in our pj's, we still had to go to the great hall for champion selection tonight, but we sat by the fire, all huddled up, and talked and laughed and Ron kept eating lollies he had kept secret in his pocket.


"Ron you haven't stopped talking about it all day" I say laughing, looking over at him as the four of us make our way to the great hall, "starting to think you'd consider trying to use an ageing potion like your brothers and putting your name forward" Harry carries on, we share a laugh together and Hermione smiles as well. "Alright alright whatever, I'm just excited about it that's all" Ron spoke, taking offence to our comments, "clearly" Harry adds in as we walked into the hall. "

The hall was buzzing with noise, from people talking, to shouting, the professors talking at the front, first years running around and a cheerful music being played in the background, the four of us talked as we made our way to a free spot on the table.

"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection" Dumbledore roars, the mumble of the students slowly die down and students make their way to their seats.

I Hope your enjoying the story xxx remember to keep the commenting up as it really helps me to keep writing, if you have any suggestions on what should happen in the story, feel free to tell me xxx I'd love to hear your ideas :)

- A

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