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It took me a while to build up the courage to talk about what happened, I knew I was ready but my heart wanted me to stop, don't take it any further, my heart was pushing me away.

I took my head off from Cedric's shoulder and looked at him as we sat there for a few minutes in pure silence,

I hesitated, I didn't know how to start, how am I supposed to tell the boy that's sitting in front of me, about my mother who passed that no one really knows about,

Cedric's gaze lifted off from the stars and landed into my eyes, his soft eyes giving me a look of confusion as to why I sat there admiring every detail of him,

"Cedric" I spoke softly, my voice was only just heard, he raises his eyebrows in response for me to keep going,

"I don't really know where to start with what I'm about to say" I hesitate, my voice getting quieter as I spoke, he moved closer to me, his eyebrows now furrowed as he looked at me, his arms wrapped around me,

"Is everything okay Lucy?" He asks with worry in his voice as he trembled,

"Yes... well" I took a deep breath as I looked up at the stars, I need to do this. I need to do this for mom.

"I've only told a few people about what I'm about to tell you, I want you to understand this"

He nodded softly, his brown eyebrows furrowing as he looked at me, his eyes filled with worry as he listens deeply,

"The reason, I find it so hard to trust, so hard to open up to anyone, is that, sadly, I couple years ago, my mother tragically passed away-"

Cedric took a deep breath looking at me with warmth and concern,

"She was my best friend, someone that was with me through everything, someone that always had belief in me, someone who was patient enough to keep loving me" I could hear my voice start to tremble as I spoke, the visions of my mom in my mind, her warm fingertips hugging me tightly, her scent filling my sense and her smile brightening up the room,

"And sometimes, I feel guilty, guilty for always being like this. Sad. She told me to always live my life and to be happy, but I feel guilty that all I can ever do is crumble at the thought of her-

- She wants me to be happy, she wants one thing, but Cedric I can't even do that for her" I start to let myself go, the tears are building in my eyes, forming a barrier of water in my eyelids, my nose sniffling as I started to let go, my breathing was getting heavier as I spoke,

"Lucy, hold my hand, please for me" Cedric spoke softly in my ear, his face full of concern, I nod softly and place my hands in his, as he sat across from me,

"I want you to know that your mother would be extremely proud of the beautiful, kind and caring young adult you have become" his words were soft as he spoke, his eyes looking deeply into mine as he watched my every movement,

"You shouldn't feel guilty for being sad or thinking about her, she was your mother darling, she may have said for you live your life, but look at what your doing, your living, your breathing and your being yourself. She would be proud of how strong you have become, and you've managed to do that by yourself" he paused as he took a deep breath,

"But now Lucy, your not by yourself because I'll be with you to help you, I won't be going anywhere and I know that your mother was an extremely strong and beautiful woman because the most powerful girl is sitting right in front of me and it's all thanks to her"

He formed a small smile, he placed his hands along my back and pulled me in, as my body hugged him back, my body felt at ease, as our arms wrapped around each other the tears in my eyes break loss and fall softly upon my cheeks,

As our arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and my head laying in his neck, his hands were softly rubbing my back, "it's all going to be okay" he kept whispering in my ear, and slowly my heart beat slowed down and my cries turned to sniffles,

He takes my hands and pulls away from the silent hug, I take a deep breath, letting out all the air,

"Thank you Cedric" I whisper with a slight smile on my lips as I looked at him, he squeezed my hands and brought them up to his mouth and kissed them lightly,

"we can get through this together"

I nod as he lays down on the floor of the astronomy tower and bringing me down with him, my head laying on his chest as we both looked up at the stars.


The rest of the night was something that you could only dream about. We both sat there for most of the night, talking about everything my mother did through her short life, all the memories I got to share with her before everything.

But as it started to hit around two o'clock in the morning, We had to start heading off to our common rooms otherwise we were going to end up sleeping up there and missing Cedric's event tomorrow.

"Are you going to be alright?" Cedric asks letting go off my hand as we stood by the entrance of the Gryffindor common room, I nodded once "I'll be okay, will you?" I smile, he mirrors it as his cheeks turn rosy,

"if I get to see you tomorrow before my task, I will. Goodnight Lucy" he smiles softly once more as he starts to step back, not breaking eye contact,

"Sweet dreams Cedric" I whisper as I step into the common room.

I silently made my way through the common room without waking anyone up, I open the creaky door as I tried to step in my room without bothering Hermione.

I slip into my bed and dive under the blankets and drift softly into a sleep,

"Are you proud now mother? I trust him."

the girl who saved himWhere stories live. Discover now