Wake Up Call

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It had been a while since the Avengers formed. Battles have been won and lost. Alex felt like a member of the team. A family she had been looking for. Sure times were tough and the team had been through alot. But things were gonna get better....right? What could go worse?

          Vision was walking up the stairs holding a cell phone, Avenger Tower was quiet now a days. Himself, Wanda and Alex were the only ones at the tower. He chuckled to himself as he heard loud music playing in the corridor. Alex must have been awake, but knowing her she left her cell phone down in the kitchen. He cringed at the loud music playing as he grew closer and closer to a door at the end of the hall. He tapped lightly unsure of what to do. No answer, he could hear grunting and thudding inside the room. He knocked again more loudly and still no reply. He didn't want to intrude but he had no choice. He used his powers to glide right through the room. He was greeted by a large punching bag flying right past him and it crashed through leaving a hole in the wall. 

          "Sorry to intrude on your training Miss Stark, but your telephone was ringing downstairs...and might I say, the ringtone was getting very annoying." He announced as his eyes gazed up to a small girl. Her back was turned as she was unwrapping her hands. 

          "Just toss it on the bed Vis." Alex grunted as she brought her hand up to the chip on the back of her neck. Vision frowned at her reaction. 

          "Is the chip over reacting again?" Vision asked as he placed the device on the girls messy bed. She turned and rolled her eyes nodding. 

          "Yeah, ever since that mission it hasn't been acting right." Alex explained as she tossed the sweaty wrappings on her bed. She walked over to the wall and a mirror popped out.

           "Perhaps Mr Stark should take a look at it." Vision suggested as he watched her turn and use two mirrors to look at the chip. He was still astounded she didn't use the Friday technology her father had made. 

          "No, hes too busy of course. Doing the whole millionaire thing and also trying to patch things up with Pepper." Alex huffed as she turned again and went to grab her cell phone. Vision sighed as he watched the girls stubbornness continue to grow each and everyday. "Who called me?" She asked as she reached for the chip on her neck again as she cracked her neck trying to get the wiring back intact. 

          "Mr Rogers, apparently SHIELD needs your help with a mission. He would like you to return the call." Vision mentioned as he turned and left the room before the young girl asked any more questions. "By the way, you should ask Friday to repair that wall before your father sees it." He called back. Alex rolled her eyes and dialed Steve's number.

          "Steve Rogers." The mans voice came through the receiver.

          "Whats up Old Man? You rang?" Alex replied as she sat down and looked out at New York.

           "How many times do I have to ask you to stop calling me Old Man?" Steve asked her sounding stern. She chuckled and removed one of her runners. "Anyway, we will talk about it later. Fury needs me, you and Romanoff to come to SHIELD." Steve replied. Alex frowned and stood up. 

           "He asked for me? Last time I checked, my father told him to leave me out of missions. Why should I help him?" Alex asked sounding irritated. 

           "Look, do it for me. Were friends right? I promise you will be back in a jiffy." Steve stated. 

           "Okay fine! But if you use 'jiffy' ever again, I swear to god your going back on ice!" Alex cringed as she pressed a button and a box pulled up out of the wall. 

            "Excellent, see you at 0900 hours tomorrow." Steve replied sounding happy. She frowned again. 

            "Steve..." She glanced at the clock on her wall. Too late, he had hung up. She struggled to put her uniform on. Which her father hated. She wore black cargo pants with two belts hanging off of it and a sports bra. She reached for her vest and zipped it up and clicked the buckles in place. She tied her black hair back and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned.

            "Hey Friday...get me on a plane to Washington." 

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