Taehyung was confronting Hyunjin because of him. Jimin felt a strange mix of giddiness and butterflies in the pit of his stomach. Though well aware it wasn't the opportune time for such thoughts, he couldn't help it. Observing Taehyung's clenched fists, darkened eyes, and protective aura, Jimin shuddered.

He cherished how Taehyung cared for him, even after their recent awkward kitchen encounter. The looming question persisted: Why was Taehyung doing this? Out of care, or was there something more? Jimin had yet to unravel the mystery.

Despite Jungkook's deep-seated dislike for Hyunjin, he couldn't stand by and let Taehyung unleash violence upon him. So, he intervened, commanding, "Taehyung, go to your room." The beta reluctantly shifted his gaze towards his boyfriend, but his mental state seemed disconnected, standing rigidly and maintaining an intense glare at Hyunjin.

Urgently, Jungkook repeated, "Taehyung! I said go to your room! Right now! Jimin, please take him to the room."

Jungkook looked at Jimin, who nodded in agreement but visibly tensed at the sight of Taehyung's seething anger. Stepping forward, Jungkook seized Taehyung's arm, guiding him away with careful determination. He chose not to utter a word, wary of provoking further resentment. They had been avoiding each other since morning, and Jungkook aimed to prevent further escalation.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin directed a death glare at Taehyung's retreating figure as he made his way to his room. After casting a similar glare at Jungkook and the others, Hyunjin turned on his heels, distancing himself from the unfolding tension.


As Jimin and Taehyung stepped into the room, an enveloping silence accompanied them.

Jimin's patience wore thin. He yearned to understand Taehyung's actions-why he amplified an already complicated situation. Uncertainty clouded Jimin's mind about Jungkook's potential reaction upon learning that Taehyung, his boyfriend, was on the verge of kissing him. Taehyung's subsequent avoidance, coupled with the altercation with Hyunjin, intensified Jimin's bewilderment.

"What are you doing, Taehyung?" Jimin finally voiced his frustration. The question hung in the air, propelled by an earnest desire for a conversation. Jimin sought to unravel Taehyung's feelings and emotions, probing the depths of his mind.

He wanted answers to the myriad questions: What prompted the fight with Hyunjin? What significance did that nearly-kiss moment hold for Taehyung? Did he share Jimin's sensations of butterflies and anticipation? Did he harbor a similar longing for a kiss, akin to Jimin's unspoken desires in the kitchen? Every question begged for elucidation, yet the right words proved elusive.

Taehyung, in turn, met Jimin's gaze, standing in the confined space of the narrow hallway leading to the main bedroom. The corridor, though short, created an intimate setting, allowing them to lock eyes for an extended moment. It marked the second occasion Jimin found himself mirrored in Taehyung's eyes.

The silent exchange persisted for a full minute or two until Jimin, overwhelmed by an indescribable emotion, lowered his gaze. Taehyung's eyes, once dark and foreboding in Hyunjin's presence, now exuded a softer and undeniably beautiful aura.

"What are you doing, Jimin?" Taehyung questioned instead of offering an answer. Jimin raised his eyes again to meet Taehyung's intense gaze. A softness lingered in Taehyung's eyes, an emotion that eluded Jimin's understanding. Confused, Jimin found himself at a loss as to the meaning behind the question.

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