A Reapers Pain part 2

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Chapter 8

(A/N: Hey its KammyV360  I'm still writing exams and this chapter title has been laying here for a month and it has been bugging so I'm gonna update with my fried brain cells so mind me if there's any mistakes. Please feel free to vote, comment and share! 
Enjoy the chapter!

Honey hair, crystal eyes, women-like features and a cute button nose.
She was not like any women, he saw. In his eyes she was a Goddess.
"Um…Mister, is there something on my face? "
She asked shyly and a bit self conscious of herself.
"No… You're absolutely beautiful! "
Luca said unaware of what he was blurting out as he stood up and gestured his hand.
The girl chuckle lightly "Why, thank you, you're good looking yourself "
She said as she took the gesture and wake up.

He chuckled at the compliment.
"I'm Luca "
He introduced himself.
" I'm Luna"
She said with a gentle smile.
"Nice meeting you Luna "
Luke said returning the gentle smile.
"Likewise Luca "
She said back.

Seconds became minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days, days years.
As cliché as it sounds, the seasons changed but not the love between them. For both of them it was love at first sight.

Luna wondered about those gloves that Luca wore, even when he had them off he wouldn't even touch her.

"Luca? "
She called and he answered with a hum.
"Can I ask you something? "
She asked been very careful with her words as he stared at Luke who was reading a scroll on a table.

"Why do you ware those gloves? " she asked with all her courage and apart of her was telling her to run but her legs wouldn't listen.

He said nothing but walked towards her, with every step her heartbeat got faster and faster.

"Do you really want to know? " He asked calmly and nearly innocently.
This was not the reaction she expected, she expected him to scream and rampage the house if he wanted to because this question was personal.

She answered.
"Follow me "
He said as he grabbed her wrist and lightly pulled her.

Soon they were by a beautiful tree.
Luke said nothing but went to more closer to the tree, he took out his gloves and touched the tree.

In no time the tree died which made Luna gasp because the tree was lively and beautiful, it couldn't have died in no time at all.

"You're in love with a monster who only brings death "
He said looking down.
"You're no monster "
She said as she lifted up his head with her index finger to look him in the eye.

"Yes, I am "
He said as tear left his eye.
"Just because you're different from the rest of us, doesn't mean that you're monster "
Luna said softly.
"It does "
Luca replied.
"It doesn't, to me you're a wonderful person even if you're different Luca, you're still the same person I know and I love. If you think that way I see changes than you're dead wrong because I love you that much "
Luna said honestly which made Luke's heart turn.

"I don't deserve you "
He said.
"You do deserve me "
She said as she pulled him into embrace. She accepted him for what he was even if he had flaws, even if he was different because in the end some of us accept a person we love for what they are and not their appearance.

Words were silent that day but the actions told more.

Dawn broke into its colours of orange, yellow, red and violet.
Unknown to the couple, fate had a heartbreaking plan for them.

Luke didn't have his gloves on as he was changing for the day.
Luna who could not resit to hug him did so.

He smiled as he felt her arms around him. He unconsciously touched her and her body went limp.

It was too late when he realised his mistake. Luna's lifeless fell to the ground.
"Luca? What's going on? "
Luna asked in fear as she looked at herself and Luca's broken, devastated expression as he stared at her body.

"Luca! "
This time she screamed and he heard it.
He was just as confused as her until he was a reaper hovering behind.

"Your time's up Luna, you have to come with me "
The reaper said and Luna obeyed.

"Forgive yourself "
She said in a audible voice was she left.

Luke broke into tears, blaming himself.

It was a Reapers pain that he didn't want his little brother to feel.

He lost everything that day and that very day he became a reaper.

He always let souls say their last words because it offers the closure he didn't have.

He appear like a cold hearted person but he's just as broken as a broken glass.

The Prince of Trickery 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon