A Reapers Pain part 1

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Chapter 7

Trouble seems to loom around those who know a little too much.

Luke sighed heavily as he leaned against the black like walls of the cells.
Never in his years of living he though that he would end up in prison because of giving someone extra time.

He believed that some words are not better left unsaid because if you don't say what you need to say, you'll regret it.

He was there when Analisa told Louis what she had too. He'd be lying if he didn't feel heartbreak.

Ever since he met his half brother, he started to portray more feelings then ever but he was a soul reaper, he was supposed to have no fear, no pain.

Yet here he is with fear and pain.
The fear of been of his own demons coming out to play again.
The pain of failing time and time again to mask his feelings.

Guess he's more human than reaper.
Truth be told everyone he knows is more human than god-like or demon-like.

Well he's not the only one with that fear.
Louis, the seven sins and Zagarus have this fear, they have been through alot and give it more time and they all will say ' fuck this' and let their emotions get the best of them.

This is what troubles Luke because they are his family and he does not wish to see them suffer the way he did.

Now memories that he buried are resurfacing and mixed emotions are displayed on his face.

| Flashback |

Luke watched as other children played, feeling a bit sadden and envious. He knew that he doesn't belong amongst them.

"Look at that demon of a child"
He heard  a woman among ladies behind him say.
"Everything he touches dies "
Another one said.
"He shouldn't be here! "
Yet another woman said.

Luke who couldn't take anymore of their words, run as fast as his legs could take him to his house.

He panted heavily as he opened the door to his step-mother who had a smug look on her face as she stared at the boy from head to toe.

Luke who felt that something was off with his
Roman civilian clothes, ajusted it.

"You're here huh? "
She said bitterly as she grabbed the boy by his wrist, careful not to touch his hand.

"You're a waste of space and as for your mother is a useless god! All you ever do is bring death to everything around you"
The step-mother said as she dragged the boy to his room and throw him there.
" Stay in this room until your father returns from the army! "
She said bitterly before slamming the door on his face.

Luke broke in tears.
He called between sobs as he crouches himself, burying his face in his knees, hoping for his mother to come.

Suddenly he felt a hand stoke his hair.
His sobbing stop and he looked up to see his mother who had a gentle smile on her face.

He grabbed her into a hug, Macaria hugged his back.
" Mother why did you leave me here? "
He asked and Macaria broke the hug and she looked at Luke with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Luca but the underworld is too dangerous for you, if grandfather comes to know of you, he would not hesitate to kill you "
She said.

"When will I stay with you? "
He asked innocently.
"When you're big and strong"
Macaria said with a weak tone and smile.

"When I grow up I wanna brave and strong like mother!"
Luke said but Macaria smiled sadly because she knew that she wasn't brave or strong.

"I'm sorry Luca but I have to go "
Macaria said and Luke nodded in understandment.
Just with a blink of an eye, she was gone.


Luke got lost in his thoughts.
Yesterday he saw a person dressed in full black, taking away the neighbour that died yesterday.

He doesn't know why he saw that person and the person was full on scary.

"Son? "
A male voice said as they opened the door.
Luke broke out of his thoughts to see his father who had a gentle smile.

"Father!  "
The boy said happily.
"I have something for you Luca "
The father said as he pulled out leather gloves from a bag and handed them to Luke.
"What are these father? "
Luke asked.
"They are gloves son, you need to keep them on all the time "
The father stated as he the gloves on Luke's hands.
"But why? "
Luke asked innocently.
"In this way when you touch someone, they wouldn't pass on "
Father said in a gentle tone.

Luke happily hugged his father.
"Thank you father "
Luke said.
"Anything for you my son "
The father replied.

Soon it was dinner and the small family was sitting and eating.
"Luca, son take some more food "
The step mother said in a honey like tone which made Luke cringe because when the father is not at home, the step-mother would ill treat him and when the father's home, she all sweet and innocent.

Don't get tricked by her beauty because deep inside she's a demon and half.
Most of the scars on Luke's body is caused by her.

Years past and Luke grew immune to whatever people had to say about him, he ignored them.

Luke walked around aimlessly until he bumped into a girl.
"I'm so sorry! "
She said in a squeaky tone.
He stopped midway in sentence as he studied her properly.
She was beautiful.

To be continued......

Hey Heroes!
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! 
The expect up update will be after the 29th of April because I'm writing exams! 

See you until then Byee! 
Love peace kindness

Kajal Kimishka Dukaran (KammyV360) 

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