The Truth unfolds p1

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Chapter 11

" If you two want to figth please do it somewhere else "
Luke said as he dragged both Louis and Theà out of the café.

The duo didn't say anything as they confusingly watched Luke go back into the café.

Theà looked back at Luke with a unimpressed face.
"What? "
Louis asked as soon as he saw her unimpressed face.
"This is all your fault? "
Theà stated.

Louis raised a brow at her.
"How is this all my fault Theà Eros?"
He asked.

"Because it is! Everywhere you are, there's always disaster! "
Theà stated bitterly.
"The last time I remember, I'm not your reflection"
Louis said in a cold tone.

"Excuse me? "
Theà screeched.
"Jeez! Calm down woman! "
Louis stated.

"I hate you "
"Back at you! "
"I wish I never met you! "
"I wish I could say the same! "
Theà screamed in agony while Louis smirked.

'why does he have a comeback for everything? ' Theà thought.

" What a hate-love story " Cupid commented from inside the cafe as he watched his daughter and the prince of trickery interact.

"Indeed it is "
Aphrodite said as she sipped her coffee.

"The universe forbids their love, the world's against them because she's an angel fallen from heaven and he's a monster that crawled from hell. No matter what happens, no matter which tries to separate them, they still find themselves with each other"
Cupid said as he sipped his tea.

"Huh? Is that what's happening with Dalus and Theà ? "
Aphrodite said confused.
Cupid replied.

Aphrodite looked around the cafe and saw Luke talking to a girl, if she remembered clearly was Grace.

"What's spiraling here? "
Aphrodite asked.
" He has a very dark past and she's just very curious about him but as usual no one meets without fate having purpose for them. Secrets will unfold, hearts will be broken but can they survive it all?"
Cupid said and he looked towards the talking duo.

"Oooooooo. Now I'm interested in how this unfolds "
Aphrodite stated with enthusiasm and excitement.

"It's just Mentanoia"
Cupid replied.
"What's that? "
Aphrodite asked.
"It's the journey of changing one's mind,heart,self or way of life "
Cupid stated.

"But then again it's just my conspiracies mother "
Cupid stated making Aphrodite lose faith.
"This is unfair! It's injustice! You just mislead me ! "
Aphrodite stated.


Meanwhile Louis's and Theà's argument turned heated.
"The least person I want to be alone with is a murder! "
She stated bitterly.

"Oh sweetheart, do you even have proof about that? "
Louis asked with very word spitting vemon.

"No I don't but that's what your stories depicts of you "
Theà stated.
"Exactly depicts, it's not real "
Louis stated emotionlessly.

Theà kept quite after that and Louis chuckled bitterly.
"All they ever do is feed lies to people to fear another "
Louis stated then left, leaving Theà standing, lost in her thoughts.

Cupid took a sip of this tea.
"And so let the real love story began…" 

Theà sat alone by herself with thoughts.
Was wherever Louis said was true.

Were all those stories lies?
Was he really not the villain with no fear, no pain.
Was he not the trickster they all said he was.

She needed answers and as much she hated it, she needed them from Louis himself.


The next morning Theà woke up not feeling motivated.
She dragged herself to the bathroom and did her stuff.

She walked to Magic Shop because she knew that the raven haired brista had something to do with Louis.

She walked into the café and spotted Luke.
"Hey "
She greeted with a smile.
He greeted back.

"I need to know where Louis is "
She stated and Luke's stiffen.
"I think that's bad idea "
Luke stated.

"Why? "
Theà asked.
"Because it is Theà "
Luke scolded.

"You sound like a big brother scolding his little sister "
Theà stated and Luke gave her ' if you only knew ' look.

"Okay…But still I can't tell you where Louis and mostly why do you want to know?"
Luke asked.

"Yesterday he said something that has made me question things and I need answers and he has them"
Theà answered honestly.

"Fine, go to this address "
Luke said as he wrote down the address on a napkin.

After what seemed like forever, Theà found herself infront of a mansion.

She pressed the buzzer and was greeted by a feminine.
"Hello, how may I help you? "
Mae asked.
"Hello Ms, I'm here to see Louis "
Theà replied.
"Come in"
Mae replied and afterwards the gate opened.
Theà drove in.

She now found herself infront of the door.
She pressed the bell and soon after the door opened to reveal Mae.

"Hello there! I'm Mrs Song and I'm Louis's maid! Please come in "
Mae said with a smile as she lead Theà into the house.

She looked around and felt crappy about her apartment.
This mansion was huge and beautiful, everything in it seemed homey but it didn't feel homey for some reason.

"Please have a seat Ms, I'll call Louis " Mae said and then left Theà alone in the sitting room.

She wondered how Louis got this mansion but then again he's the prince of trickery, he can fool you any day.

" Theà Eros, it's a pleasure to see you "
Louis stated.
"Oh, hey Louis "
She replied back calmly.

There was something about her tone, it was not bitter or cold, it was calm and collective and it was a surprise to Louis.

"What do you want? "
Louis asked.
"I need some answers about yesterday's incident "
Theà explained.

To be continued…

Hey V's I'm back! 
Yes V's is the new name for my reader it's more suiting and it goes with a my user name! 

So I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! 


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