Love and Trickery(Final 🌌💗)

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Chapter 21

Do you know that feeling where you feel a sense of euphoria and your lips tug a goofy smile when you think of someone.
That was what Theà was feeling.

Aphrodite and Cupid thought they were dreaming.
Were the girl who hated love with a passion, really in love? That too with a cold hearted  villain who feels the same.

Whatever it was, it was surely calling for some tea.
As much as the gods of love and sexual intercourse, they both wanted these both to be together but the universe is denying them.

A demi-god and a trickster can never be in love, unless they want to be the next Romeo and Juliet.

The gods sighed.

Theà thought about the illusions and how he was with her all the way.
When she was scared and just wanted to give up, he was there even if she didn't expect it.

The anti-hero was actually the hero who used the fear of his powers to protect people.
Despite what he had been through, his true self always shines through.

She was going to tell him how she feels about him.

Louis was lost in thoughts, his thoughts of Theà.
They started off hating each other's guts then they come to an understanding.

She was different, which was a cliche but she's amazing.
Her smile is the most precious thing in the world.
Her scared expression was like the most fragile thing on earth.

He's going to protect it no matter what.

Today the day he's going to tell her how he feels about her.

"Grand, I'm going out "
Theà stated.
"Where to ?"
Aphrodite asked.
"To meet Louis"
Theà answered.

"Be careful with him, tricksters can't be trusted"  Aphrodite said in a tone that was not welcoming.
" I'm well aware of that " Theà answered bitterly before slamming the door.


Aphrodite screamed and her son came running downstairs.
"What's wrong ?"
He asked.

"Your daughter is about to make the mistake of her life !"
She stated.


The wind softly blows against their cheeks as they sit under a tree by a cliff, enjoying the sunset.

Theà is sitting between Louis's legs, her back is against his chest and his arms are wrapped around her waist.

"I need to tell you something"
Louis stated making Theà  get up ,turn around and look at him.

"When we first met each other, it really wasn't the best way to meet, every time we met we had a fight and that saga never seemed to end. Until one faithful day when I told you my story, you had a better understanding of me. When we were stuck in that illusion, honestly I don't know how I would have survived it, I would have have gave into my fears and let that demon eat me up because back then that was the only option I would have chose of you weren't there for me. You held my hand and stood by my side despite my fears, guilt and insecurities, you Theà Eros were there through it all. I love you so much, much isn't enough to describe how much I love you"
Louis confessed and Theà's heart was on a spree.

"Louis...This is so much more then what I was going to have said it all"
Theà said as tears brimmed down around her eyes.

"Just say those magically words"
Louis said.
"I love you"
She said.

A voice screamed making the couple look to see Cupid with a ' I'm so sorry' expression and Aphrodite with a missed off  expression.

"This is not allowed! A daughter of Cupid and a trickster can never be together, it's forbidden"
Aphrodite stated making the couple look at her with the most devastated looks.

By then the Goddesses, the King of the Underworld , Luke and the sins were here.

"What's going on ?"
Macaria asked.
"They are in love "
Aphrodite said bitterly.
Everyone's eyes widened.

"You know that's not allowed"
Lust said.
Everyone's started to blurt out random things and their hearts broke.

Was love really denied for a trickster and a demi-god ?

They looked at each other.
"Do you trust me ?"
Louis asked as he gestured his hand to her.
"More than anything else"
She replied.
"Then start running"
He said as he pulled her towards the cliff, she closed her eyes tightly.

When the others realised what they were doing it was too late, they were lost in the fog below the cliff.

Louis and Theà stopped falling, he opened her eyes and they were floating in a galaxy.
She looked around amazed as she held onto his hand.
"There are other worlds connected to us "
Louis stated as they slowly ascended down.

The figures on the cliff , tears streamed down their faces, as they have lost their loved ones and it's all their faults.


In their universe they have disappeared from existence but in this world they are alive...

Theà looked around the world she was in and it looked exactly the same as the world she came from but only thing it was kinda medieval.

She looked up to see a castle which amazed her.
They entered the castle and went straight into the thorne room.

Louis didn't even care to bow down to the royalties of this place because he knew that they knew who he was.

"Analine and Leo, it had been a long time my friends "
Louis stated with a smile.
"Sure, has been "
The platinum blonde stated with a smile.

"How can we help you, dear Prince ?"
The raven haired asked.
"Can we get a place to stay ?"
Louis asked.
Without hesitation the King of The Luna Moon Empire answered.
The king answered.

"Well, now that's abusing your power "  Theà said unimpressed to Louis who just gave a playful smirk.

Soon they were taken to a house.
It was prefect for them, it felt homey.
"This is prefect !"
Theà said happily.

"Glad you like it Princess Theà"
Analine answered.

Analine and Leo left the couple alone.

The couple later found themselves wrapped around a blanket and holding a cup of coffee.

They say that a trickster wasn't meant to have a a happy ending but there he was with the one he loved.

The Daughter of Cupid and The Prince of Trickery......

Love And Trickery.....
What a beautiful duo....

The end. 

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