Daughter of Cupid

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Chapter 1

The wind brushes slowly against her cheeks and the sun softly kisses against her skin as she walks through the crowded area.

She was a raven haired girl with forest green eyes, a sort of plumpy face that defined her women like features.
She was wearing ripped white jeans, a blue shirt and a white coat.

This is her first time out of her Homeland.
She made sure that she got her American accent rigth so she can fit in.

She slowly approached a cafe that was called Magic Shop. The cafe was a light purple colour and from the window that she was behind, she would see how cute the shop was inside.

Without further hesitation, she entered the cafe.
Her eyes scanned around the cafe, she loved how the different shapes of purple clashed so perfectly with the white interior.

She took a seat and a waiter came to her and handed her a menu.
"Hello Mam, how may I help you? "
The waiter asked calmly as she scanned the menu.
After she picked her choice, she looked up at the waiter and smiled.

"Hey, I will have an iced tea and a chocolate muffin "
She said with a smile and  internally thanking god that her accent didn't come out wrong.

"Sure, mam "
The waiter said smiling.
She couldn't help but notice how handsome the waiter was.
He had beautiful blue eyes, defined features and a bit of  muscled body that his white shirt and apron couldn't even hide.

"Not today"
She said softly as she brushed off her thoughts.
Soon the waiter came back with her order.

She thanked him and took her drink.
She took a sip and a series of different delicious flavours greeted her.

She wanted to scream out of happiness so badly but she couldn't.
She then looked up at the ceiling that was painted as the galaxy, she couldn't help but notice how small ligths acted as stars but nevertheless it made her feel calm but mostly amazed at the painting.

Soon her drink and muffin was finished, so she got up and went to the cashier where she paided.
"Please come back again! The Magic Shop is always your escape! "
The cashier said with alot enthusiasm and a warm smile.

" Sure, I will "
She said with a smile before she left.
She once more was in the crowded area.

She made her way to the side of the road where she called for a taxi that lead her to her apartment.

She paid the driver and entered the beginning of the building.
"Hello! "
She greeted the guard of the building who in return greeted her with a smile.

She finally made her way to the elevator.
She pressed the button and within no time, the door opened and she went inside.

Her apartment was on the last floor so she pressed the last floor number and waited.

She hummed to herself as she waited for her floor.
Finally the door opened and she went straight to her apartment that was on the end.


She opened her door and she was greeted by her pet cat.
"Hey Coco "
She greeted her brown munchkin and the cat meowed in response.

She picked up her cat and closed the door behind her.
Her apartment was a blue and white one, well nearly everything she owned was her favourite colours expect her cat.

She sat and and put on some TV.
Soon she heard Coco scratching and hissing at the front door.
Curiosity got the best of her, so she she walked up to her cat.
She picked Coco up and looked through the peaking hole of the door.

She saw a man in a black suit, who was trying to quite down a struggling man that's on the floor.
"Stop Struggling and you'll make things easier for the rest of the both of us! "
The man in the black suite said.

She put a hand over her mouth, to soften her gasp.
This man whoever he was, is kidnapping another man.

"Why must I go? "
The struggling man asked.
" It's your time, to leave this world and get punished for your sins"
The man in the black suite said.

The struggling man gave up and the man in the black suite gestured him a hand which the struggling man took.

The man in the black suite looked straight ahead and she swore that the man was staring straight into her eyes from behind that peeping hole.

He gave her a smirk and his blue eyes seemed to glimmer.
He snapped his fingers and within a second he was gone with the man.

The girl trembled in fear as she slowly reached the floor because of what she saw.
Maybe the tea had something in it or even the muffin.

Coco seemed to notice her discomfort and climbed on her.
Her cat meowed again while rubbing it's head against her face hoping to tear her up but it worked as she petted Coco back.

She yawned...
Maybe she was imagining things because she didn't have a good sleep in days.

She woke up and made her way to her room.
She jumped on her bed and within seconds, sleep greeted her.

" Maybe one day, just one Theà  when we meet again, we'll get married "

" You promise?"
She asked the boy as she wiped away her tears

The boy smiled.
" Yes, I promise "

Theà woke up from her sleep and she looked at her clock to see the time which was 2:39 pm.
She was asleep for a long time.
Theà realised that she was dreaming about Jason.

He promised to marry her one day but the day never came as he ended up in someone else's arms.

Theà's stomach suddenly growled and she decided that she's going to freshen up and have some food.
After having freshening up and having some food, Theà decided that she was going to read than get prepared for her job tomorrow.

She took out her book from a small shelf that she had for her books and started to read.

Suddenly her phone rang and without looking at the caller ID, she answered.

"Hello? "
She answered calmly.
Theà's grandma screamed from the other side of the phone which nearly made Theà dropp her phone.

"Gran, I'm in America "
Theà replied calmly.
" Does your father know you're not in Greece? "
Theà's grandma asked and Theà sighed heavily.

"No he's busy messing with people's love lives "
Theà stated and her grandma chuckled.
" Well been the daughter of Cupid is boring huh? "
Her grandma asked.
" Nope, been the daughter of Cupid sucks! "

Hey Heroes, I hope that you guys enjoyed the first chapter of the Prince of Trickery 2

I also really hope that this first chapter didn't disappoint you <3.

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The Prince of Trickery 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora