The Dark Soul Guide And Reaper

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Chapter 3

Contless thoughts roam around Theà's mind as she sits in the middle of the bed.

There's a strong feeling that she had saw something but she doesn't remember what!
However there's a strong feeling that it's linked to her neighbour's death that she supposedly forgot.

Theà looks at her whose sleeping peaceful on her lap.
"Coco, do you know what happened yesterday? "
She asked her cat as she petted Coco.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Underworld both step-brothers roam around boredly.
"So how come we didn't get jobs today? "
Louis asked as he plopped himself on the green grass of the gardens outside the castle.

"It's our day off "
Luke replied as he sat next to Louis.
"So tell me something bro"
Louis stated.

"Yeah go on "
Luke stated as he pulled the grass below boredly and watched it fly with the wind.

"I remember that Wrath told me something about you helping the sins find me, how was that possible "
Louis asked calmly.

"Well I'm a reaper, I go alot of places and strangely while reaping souls,I kinda indirectly meet people. I saw one day when I was reaping a soul by the name of Nathan. I sensed your auora. Your aurora was one of it's kind and I knew that you'll be helpful and you were but somehow you eneded up been my half brother "
Luke said chuckling a bit.

Louis replied before leaning back on the grass and looking up at the artificial clouds and sun that somehow supported vegetation.

Luke also lied back on the grass.
"I know that there's also a question in your head Louis and I'll give your answer since today is the only day we are free and mostly because we hardly even talk "
Luke sated which made Louis look at him suspiciously.


"Analisa Cole "
That name was enough to make Louis's heart stop.
"What...about...her? "
Louis asked hesitantly, afraid lf the answer that Luke give him.

"You can hate me after this, I can live it "
Luke said sadly making Louis raise a brow and wake up still looking at Luke.

Luke woke up with a sad expression.
"Remember when she told she was on borrowed time? I gave her that borrowed time to see you because she wanted to tell you something and I gave that time and it was against the rules to do so."
Luke said with sadness and guilt and his voice cracked towards the end of his statement as his tears had a mind of its own.

Louis would have been angry at his brother but Analisa was human and just like every human, she had to say goodbye to the world.

Luke broke into hard sobs.
" Luke, I'm not mad either am I going to hate you because it's our job to reap and deliver souls to heaven or hell and nothing can change our fates. Analisa had to die one day or another Luke, I'm glad that you told me the truth "
Louis explained honestly as he patted Luke's back.

"Are's...the...cause...of...their...loved...ones...death "
Luke stated bitterly between his sobs.

" In some cultures they believe that all of us have a story of our written down before we are even born and we are meant to follow whatever that God has written for us. Every single person is linked to a chapter of our book and when that chapter is over, they do what they are destined to do "
Louis said.

Luke wiped away his tears and controlled his breathing, it took a while before he spoke.
"But that doesn't mean that we all don't have the power to change our destiny "
Luke stated otherwise.

"We do but we can't stop death from happening either can we change the past "
Louis stated.

"I'm sorry for telling you this two years later "
Luke said as he felt as he wanted the ground to open up and sollow him whole.

"It's okay and from those tears, I can tell that you wanted to tell me from a long time but didn't get the opportunity "
Louis said honestly.

"Honestly, I don't deserve a little brother like you "
Luke said as he grabbed Louis for a huge which Louis stopped him in the process.

"No Homo bro! "
Louis stated.
Luke forgot about the hug which made the atmosphere between the brothers a bit too awkward.


Suddenly a foul like scent disturbed the silence.
"Are you serious? I thought it was out day off? "
Louis said suddenly giving up on everything.

"Well it looks like bad people don't have a better timing to die "
Luke said sarcastically.

"Well let's get dressed"
Louis said as he woke up from the ground.

Louis wore a white shirt under a black coat and some black pants with matching black shoes and tie.
Luke on the other hand wore all black.

Soon their were on the moral grounds.
The city ligths up the night and the smell of a urban side can be smelt as different sound of animals, cars and humans can be heard.

Thankfully they can't be seen by humans.
"What's this soul like? "
"Souls name was Sam and he's convicted for lust sin "
Luke replied as he read the souls information.
"Cause of death? "
Louis asked.

"Lung Cancer "
Luke replied.
"I see this person was a typical badboy type "
Louis replied as he read over Luke's broad shoulders.

"Yeah, well his badboy days are over "
Luke said with no enthusiasm at all.

"Hmmmmm, well let's get going then "
Louis said.

They entered the hospital and went straight to his ward.
"Well, it's the usual, let him tell his lasts words and then I reap him and you escort him to the sins okay? "
Luke stated.
"Okay "
Louis replied.

Little did they know that they were been watched by their parents.

"I'm glad that the boys are getting along "
Macaria said proudly as she leaned against Pride who smiled with so much of pride.

"I'm glad too "

Hey Heroes!
It's me after a long time!
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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Love ya lots

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