"we have temporarily lost a clown, but all is not gone. clown number two!"
seokjin stood up, knocking jungkook off his shoulders.
"go find clown number six. i would check the bear caves, he's probably trying to eat the bear's knee caps."

"clown number eight- i mean my wonderful boyfriend yes yes, please don't kill me
and continue cooking the demon clams please."
hayden glared at him angrily before stirring the clams aggressively.

after clearing his throat, he spoke again, "clown number three, work with clown number one to find vines and wood for the tree house."
yoongi groaned, "cant we just scuba dive for the sunken cruise boat pieces?"
letting out a long hum, indian lover man answered, "you do you ig."

"clown number seven. . . where is clown number seven?"
namjoon pointed to jungkook who was running at an inhuman speed into the woods. he was screaming about fresh shoulders and how his booty must sit amongst them.

"is clown number five alive?" he looked at jimin who was out cold, "i guess not."


after an hour of waiting, namjoon and yoongi appeared on the beach with what they needed to make the treehouse with.
"this is what we could salvage," namjoon started, dumping the items on the ground, "there is more down the beach so we might need to take trips."
indian lover man stood up to help and followed the two down the beach.

"hey," hoseok whispered.
"what?" hayden replied.
"is that what i think it is?"
they both looked under the rubble that namjoon and yoongi just brought. under it was a mat with a checkered pattern, conveniently there also happened to be chess pieces.

"ready to get your ass kicked?"


"indian lover man grab that piece of wood at least!" namjoon grabbed a piece of boat that would become the treehouse's wall.
indian lover man stared at the piece of wood before stomping his foot looking upset, "but it's too heavy!"
yoongi rolled his eyes, dragging the piece of boat for the third wall, "then why did you come?"

"i haven't yet."
they stared at eachother.
"fine!" indian lover man bent over (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) and tapped it (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😐).
he then rolled it over, "seems light," he mumbled.
"you called?" suddenly light from death note emerged from the forest.

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"uh yeah anyway," he lifted the wood and nearly fell over.
"so. . . damn. . heavy!"
the twenty pound wood chunk made his legs wobble, he struggled to move one foot forward as it sunk in the sand.

"i might not make it."
drenched in sweat, he took three more steps and then exhaled roughly, "hayden is so much lighter." he fell on the ground with the wood tugged close. opting to crawl instead, he started to roll it, "i can see the camp. it's so close!"
he face planted into the sand and groaned loudly.

"i bet those clams are trying to seduce hayden right now," indian lover man said, mindlessly.

his head shot up from the sand realising what he just said.
"those little bitches. oh ho ho, they really think they can take my boyfriend away from me? they've got another thing coming!" indian lover man yelled. he stood up and picked up the wood.

"you may be heavy, but my love is heavier!" he then naruto ran down the beach with the wood firm in his grip.
hayden soon came into view, putting popcorn chicken on a plate with some clam on the side.

"hayden! i got you a piece of wood!"
he looked up, "woohoo im so lucky."
"you are! now i can keep my love burning in your heart!"
he threw the wood in the fire watching the flames react aggressively.

"come eat your food, taehyung's bear is actually quite comfortable with cooking and whipped up some popcorn chicken. that, or he was bribed to do so or else his kneecaps would become the sacrifice."
indian lover man gasped, "i must meet this bear, he's my new idol."
"he's by seokjin who is squashed beneath jungkook."

after about fifteen minutes of talking with the bear, everyone sat in a circle to eat dinner.

"so, who won chess?" namjoon asked.
"me," both hayden and hoseok answered.
hayden looked offended, "i won."
"you cheated and took my pieces off the board without me knowing!"
"you didn't notice until i won! that can't be considered cheating!"
"whatever," hoseok mumbled.

"where is jimin?"
yoongi laughed as he held up a rope, "three.. two... one.."
he yanked the rope and jimin screamed falling from the tree and smacking against the ground.
hoseok looked shocked, "why..?"
"well he was still knocked out from earlier, he had to wake up at some point," he shrugged.

"okay, what should we do next?" asked namjoon.

indian lover man smirked..


was my cliffhanger intimidating enough?

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