The box of marbles & the end of the world

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"What happened then?" Spencer asked egarly, even though she already knew the outcome. "Well Hela, Hydra, and Ultron all ambused everywhere in the world at once. The avengers all split up and took on the army and while they were initially successful, it soon became too much for them.

They ended up retreating to the compound but not before Doctor Strange had a talk with Ultron and Hela." Janice said. "What did he say?" Spencer wondered. "Well he sat using the time stone looking at all possible outcomes while they approached him in the empty field..."

"You're the sorcerer supreme? You don't look like much of a threat?" Hela said approaching him. "I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to threaten you. Surrender." Strange said standing up from his trance. "How about you surernder and we'll consider sparing your offspring." Ultron joined the conversation.

"I've seen the future-" "And you saw us victorious." Hela boasted. Strange narrowed his eyes at her, annoyed by the interruption but he continued. "Yes. I saw you victorous." Hela and Ultron smirked smugly. "But not for long." They smiles dropped.

"You guys can't stop us." Ultron said. "Not without help. There will be a girl with powers strong enough to beat yours and with her help, we will beat you."  Strange informed them. "What girl? If its one of your children they'll die." Hela threatened. 

"Not one of ours, a mutant. And they will prevail."  Strange assured. "How will they be able to defeat me if you and your precious team is dead." Ultron said shooting an energy blast at him. He portaled to the compound before the beam could hit him.

When he got back to the compound it was already being attacked and crumbling. They were surrounded with no way out and gathered in the common room.

"Daddy, I'm scared." 5 year old Morgan Stark cried hugging her father with her mother right beside him. "Me too." The barton kids said huging their parents. "And me." 7 year old Cassie Lang whimpered. 

"It'll be okay." Natasha tried to assure. "Is there any way out of this?" Wanda asked pulling strange aside. He sighed and nodded. "I have a spell." He said. "Everyone in a circle!" He shouted to his friends and their familys scattered around the flaming, crumbling structure.

He started to mutter the spell but before he could complete it the building collapsed. 

"That day the world completely lost hope. The heros and their kids had died. There had initally been a rebellion of those with powers but Hela and Ultron quickly shut it down and had all mutants killed."  Alianna said sadly.

"Now Hydra agents patrol the streets and enforce Ultron and Hela's new laws all around the world with the help of Ultrons robot minions. They made their new HQ at Stark Towers as a symbol to anyone stupid enough to try and stop her."

"And they completely cleared out everyone in Wakanda and left that, what remained of the compound, the old Shield HQ, and the avengers old houses as a reminder of what happens when you try and cross them." Janice said.

"B-but what about the prophecy?" Spencer asked. "Nobody even knows if thats what really happened. Some people think that he told her of a prophecy and thats why she killed all the mutants. 

Some people think Ultrons energy beam hit him before he went through the portal. Some people don't think they talked at all. Some even think the avengers or their kids somehow managed to escape." Alianna told the girl. "But nobody will ever really know."

"And with that I think its time for bed missy." Janice picked up the girl and walked her to her bedroom and tucked her in. She gave her a kiss on her cheek and turned to leave. "Grandma." Spencer called.

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