Chapter 13: All of Nothing

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Crystal: Good thinking

Nya: Thanks.

Kai: All the tombs have been interconnected.

Cole: To make one massive underground fortress.

Jay: And all this time, right under our noses.

Zane: Or rather, feet.

Crystal: (Points to the main base) There, that's the most protected area. The Fangblades must be held there.

Wu: Then what are we waiting for? Nya, set the course.

Nya: Already on it. We'll be there by sunup.

(Time skip to the ninja at the underground fortress.)

Jay: (whispering) I thought you said this place would be heavily guarded, Zane.

Zane: (whispering) Forgive me. Even Nindroids make mistakes.

Cole: (Walks up to a wall with a carving of a ninja on it) Hey, check this out.

Jay: Pfft. That doesn't even look like me. 

Crystal: Or me. 

Styx: Wait is that supposed to be me?

Kai: Ugh, they're gonna pay for that.

Cole: I mean, at least give me a decent mustache. (He goes to rub it, but the wall opens, revealing a secret passageway.) Uh, I meant to do that. (They go inside and enter the inner sanctum where the Generals are.)

Crystal: There's too many to deal with at once. I say we travel by shadow so we don't get spotted.

Nya: Right behind you.

Wu: And I'll be right behind you.

(The ninja are surrounded by snakes.)

Nya: Lloyd, can you hear me? Ugh, I'm not getting anything.

Wu: Forget them. We need to fight back. Ninja, show them what you've learned.

Skalidor: (grips Cole) Always wanted to make you my main squeeze.

Cole: Must relax. Think loose. (He frees himself.)

Skalidor: What?

Cole: Haha! Triple tiger sashay!

Skales: You're surrounded, young fire starter. Perhaps you can now do our bidding. (He tries to hypnotize Kai.)

Kai: Ugh. Must not look. Ninja, go! (He uses spinjitsu on the Hypnobrai.) I wish I could see me now, because you all just got Kai'd.

Crystal: Really Kai?

Kai: Oh come on that was a good one!

Styx: Yea maybe for you.

(One of Fangtom's heads tries to bite Jay on his armor, but screams when he gets hurt.)

Jay: What's wrong? Don't like the taste of defeat? Well, get used to it.

Zane: (A Vemonari used his venom on him.) Switching to falcon Vision. (The Falcon flies around allowing Zane to fight.

Kai: Look, the Fangblades.

Cole: I'll let you have the honors.

Kai: Oh, no. After you.

Cole: (runs towards it, but his hand gets trapped) Aah! It's a trap! (They get trapped in a cage. Pythor arrives with the last Fangblade in hand.)

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