40 | Bridal Style

Start from the beginning

"Really?" I nod my head.

I flip us both, with my legs on opposite sides of him, "I feel like being in control this time." I place both my palms on his chest, rocking my hips back on forth, right under his hard erection that pokes the side of my inner thigh.

"You really enjoy being on top don't-fuck." Roman grips my ass, squeezing it as he groans, "Oh yeah." I lower myself onto him, brushing my lips over his bottom lip. I reach over to the nightstand, opening the drawer I take out a condom.

I stroke his shaft in my hand a few times, "Continue that and I'll be finished before you know it" He grunts, I smirk. I roll the condom down his cock seductively.

"Your gonna have to hold on then." I position his cock to my opening, feeling his tip tease my folds, "Shit baby..." Roman's grip around my ass tightens, an electric shot wave over me.

I lift myself, slowly I lower on to him, feeling him stretch me open, fill me inside. I hiss as pleasure ripples through my body. Again, I slowly remove him from inside me and back down again.

My head flies back, I bite down my lower lip. I need more. Roman moves his hands up to my breasts, cupping both in his hands, taunting my nipples with his thumb. "Fuckk...just like that baby." His words tighten my core.

I rock my hips back and forth, picking up th pace. The blissful friction between our bodies as they move together radiates throughout me. "Oh, shit." I dig my nails into his chest, hearing our sweaty bodies collide together.

His cock hits against my G-spot repeatedly. My eyes roll to the back of my head, "Fuck! Just like that Rome!" The sound of his cock slapping against me builds the orgasm inside of me, not yet, not yet.

"You're going to cum for me, Princess." He says in between our thrusts. I can feel his eyes on me, his hands roaming down my body, his grip around my waist tightening with every pump his cock made inside of me.

"Fuck. Yes, baby" My hips rock back and forth, my hands go up to my hair and back down, I run them the sides of my body. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum." I don't want to, I wanna hold on just a little bit longer, make this blissful feeling last longer.

I can't.

I drive myself closer to the edge, sweat builds on my forehead, I shut my eyes tight, seeing white spots cover the blackness. My walls clench around his cock, "Cum for me Princess..." I cry out his name as I let go of my release.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I mutter under my breath as I cum undone all over Roman. I continue to keep my quickened pace as I feel Roman release inside of me, his warm liquids coating me on the inside.

"You guys enjoying yourself in there!" I squeal from the familiar voice from the other side of the door, "Fuck off JJ!" Roman calls. I giggle and lay my head on Roman's chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat.

"Now...we can sleep," Roman chuckles, I stay atop of him while he pulls the duvet over our sweaty bodies. "I love you, Princess." I look up to him, kissing his forehead I say, "I love you too Rome."


"What are you guys still doing here?" I adjust the band of my sweatpants, "Aye! We can have a day off too you know." Roman pulls me by the waist and kisses my cheek.

Roman and I had about another four hours of sleep after our little...tiring ride. And when we walk out of the room, ready to have some food in our system These boys are still here!

"I think since we are all here we can discuss about Kai, now" JJ chugs his beer, "I am engaged! I don't this stress on me right now!" I flop on one of the stools at the island.

"I'm sorry baby, but we need to do this." I show Peter the finger, "Apparently, Kai hasn't given us much effort to go after him since he hasn't made a move which really surprises me." Valentino sits next to JJ.

"So what are we going to do?" Said Valentino, "Holy shit, I've just got a great idea!" Roman puts his hands on my shoulders, "We should do some sort of event. Create a great distraction for him."

"Like the fundraiser?" I look at him, "Exactly. A party, or another gathering with everybody, last time he couldn't come because he was in Mexico we were all keeping a track of him."

"Yeah, my guys told me the same thing, they said he wasn't in town." They all nodded, "So what are we going to do exactly?" Peter wanders over into the kitchen checking the cabinets, "I'm not sure yet, but we have to and I mean we really need to keep a lookout for him."

"We need to seriously blend in, have some guys watching over us but not too many to make it suspicious."

"But whenever he is ready he will come on, and hard." Valentino and I both snicker at Roman's words, we're too dirty-minded for our own good, "What's so funny?" Peter stuffs his face with chips, "Nothing." I rub the back of my neck.

He rolls his eyes at us and Roman continues to talk, "Do any of you have any ideas for what we are gonna do?" Roman moved his hands from my shoulder, gliding itself down to my waist, plastering my back against him.

I gasp as I feel his hard erection touch me, "Roman and our anniversary is coming up," I turn my head to look at him, but he has a sad expression, "Yes! That's a great idea! We should do-"

"No. We will not do that." Roman's grip around my waist tightens, slightly hurting me, "Why not? It's the perfect diversion and there isn't a better way to celebrate something."

"Plus, if he notices our engagement, something will tick him off"

"You want to announce it when there is a killer on-"

"Yeah Roman, it'll be fun too. And who knows we might actually catch him this time," They all laugh in unison, "I said no! End of story!" Roman walks away from us. He walks up the stairs and shuts the door, loudly.

I jump from the loud bang, "Who got his panties into a twist?" JJ and Peter laugh at Valentino's comment, "Don't be a dick. Actually... I want you all out of my house." I get up from the stool, pointing towards the door, "Wha-why?!" They all look at each other.

"Because I said so, you've all been here for long enough, it's time you go back to your own home." I lift them up by the arm, shooing them off like little kids, "Hazel, come on man." They all place their drinks down and start to walk towards the door.

"We'll sit in silence, we won't say anything while you both argue." I glare at Peter, "We weren't going to argue for your information. I just need my own space and for you all to get the hell out of my house!"

"What space. Look at this mansion!" Valentino motions throughout the house. He has a point but I need to talk to Roman and I can't have these dipshit's listening to our private conversations.

Just like the private session we were having not so long ago that they so happened to interrupt.

"Have you taken a look at all of you combined together? You become one giant monster." They stand outside the door, "But-" I slam the door in their faces.

I lean my head against the closed wooden door. Why did Roman get so mad at what I said?

I walk up the stairs, knocking on the door before going in, "Rome, You okay?" I look around the room to see he isn't in there. I walk out to the balcony to see him leaning over the balustrade and his head lowered, "Rome?" I walk over to him.

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